Society/Culture Hypocrisy of The Left - part 3

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I always find it weird how liberals don't care about the gender gap in education.
I always find it weird how people set up a straw man they can argue against, so they never have a real discussion.

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I always find it weird how people set up a straw man they can argue against, so they never have a real discussion.
I always find it weird how people pretend they don't understand that cancel culture exists despite being presented with a full explanation and dozens of examples.

Do you know anyone like that?
I always find it weird how people pretend they don't understand that cancel culture exists despite being presented with a full explanation and dozens of examples.

Do you know anyone like that?

You know about cancel culture as the victims of it tell you about it in their podcasts, newspaper columns and tv shows.

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You know about cancel culture as the victims of it tell you about it in their podcasts, newspaper columns and tv shows.
Sure. Does that mean cancel culture doesn't exist?

What do you think about the professor who was hounded out of a job because he showed the 1965 version of Othello?

It was reported, so I guess it's fine?

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I'm doing some research into critical literacy tonight (yep, on the internet), I came across this image and thought of you. Perhaps you could take some notes for future "discussions". This is the end of ours.

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Which part do you consider to be in breach? If it's evidence, you haven't asked for evidence of anything, you asked for a sample article that would be a good example of my ideas, however I already stated what those were, well enough that we even began talking about them. I thought our brief chat was amicable enough before you abruptly abandoned it for some reason. Surely leaving a discussion would be the breach.
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don't understand that cancel culture exists despite being presented with a full explanation and dozens of examples.
And this pretending there is no opposing argument thing. It sucks.

You have been presented with the opposing argument - that this is a situation as old as the hills, and is therefore not some new phenomenon to be labeled and laid at the feet of lefty activists.
It's them being the push for climate action, gay marriage, boycotting the Cup, etc. Conspicuously silent on this one to the point where you wonder if they even consider it a problem.
So the media is not “the left”? Just their mouthpiece? This is what you’re saying?
And this pretending there is no opposing argument thing. It sucks.
Who's pretending?

If there's an opposing argument, go ahead and make it.

You have been presented with the opposing argument - that this is a situation as old as the hills, and is therefore not some new phenomenon to be labeled and laid at the feet of lefty activists.
What's been presented to me?

I've acknowledged repeatedly that the impulse to "cancel" certains views, arguments or images isn't new. There are plenty of examples: Salman Rushie, Piss Christ, The Dixie Chicks.

The difference is that this impulse to "cancel" is no longer being deployed so much in defence of religious or conservative sensibilities. Rather, these illiberal tactics are being deployed in defence of new progressive orthodoxies, amplified by social media.

That's what's new.

Why do you pretend that your argument hasn't been rebutted countless times already?
Who's pretending?

If there's an opposing argument, go ahead and make it.

What's been presented to me?

I've acknowledged repeatedly that the impulse to "cancel" certains views, arguments or images isn't new. There are plenty of examples: Salman Rushie, Piss Christ, The Dixie Chicks.

The difference is that this impulse to "cancel" is no longer being deployed so much in defence of religious or conservative sensibilities. Rather, these illiberal tactics are being deployed in defence of new progressive orthodoxies, amplified by social media.

That's what's new.

Why do you pretend that your argument hasn't been rebutted countless times already?

What new progressive orthodoxies?

And try not to use the word woke.

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He resigned, which is what happens to professors when their position becomes untenable.

Do you approve of the backlash? Do you think it was justified?

Pointing to the fact "he resigned" is a fig leaf.
He didn’t resign.

A spokesman for the university, Kim Broekhuizen, confirmed that the incident had been referred to the university’s Office of Equity, Civil Rights and Title IX for investigation, but emphasized that Professor Sheng had stepped down from the class voluntarily, was still teaching individual studios, and was scheduled to teach next semester.

“We do not shy away from addressing racism or any other difficult topic with our students,” Ms. Broekhuizen said in an email to The Times. But “in this particular instance, the appropriate context or historical perspective was not provided and the professor has acknowledged that.”

From what I can see, the University and the industry had some ongoing discussions about the issue of blackface in opera. It’s a bit more complicated and it looks like everyone is trying to navigate a path through it.

It sounds a little over the top, but it also sounds like the University system the world over going through a conversion to a more commercial “the student is the customer” mindset.
I'm not sure. It may have been imprecise of me to say he resigned. I don't know that for a fact.

That doesn't mitigate the impulse to have him removed, which is the issue.

The point is that he was no longer willing/able to teach a class after showing the film because of the backlash.

Do you approve of that backlash? Do you think it was justified?

That's a very straightforward question.

The students felt he promoted outdated racial stereotypes.

He resigned from teaching that class but is still employed there.

Students have a right to voice their opinions. I think a better solution is an open dialogue but he chose to resign.

Another cancel culture story destroyed.

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Society/Culture Hypocrisy of The Left - part 3

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