Opinion International Geopolitics

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I like to stick to facts as much as possible when it comes to the war in Ukraine. Putin is responsible for the kidnapping of Ukrainians fact. Putin is guilty of war crimes fact. Putin is guilty of human rights abuses of not just Ukrainian people but his own citizens and minority groups which are being conscripted against their will to the front lines and sent in the meat waves to be slaughtered like lambs. Listening to intercepted phone calls of Russian soldiers complaining about the war really tells it like it is and also the paid mercenaries making videos. Can't beat listening to those with lived experience. I believe the Russian people's are mainly too scared to criticise Putin due to being arrested. I can confidently state that although the west has an agenda in the media etc that Russians suffer a lot more due to their leaders actions to invade a sovereign country under a dictatorship.

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What about his layover in Vietnam?
For Vietnam their reputation would suffer but because the west are looking for help from Vietnam, in regards to China’s threat, they’re probably not that worried about their reputation.

Vietnam (communist North) has had strong ties with the USSR (russia). Vietnam is worried that because of russia’s growing dependence on China, China could use this dependence to undermine Vietnamese interests in areas that are contested with China. This could also include stopping russian arms sales to Vietnam.
Vietnam has been neutral on russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Similar situation to russia and India.

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I mean that was basically the end of it. Trump will be president again. What a ****ing disaster.

Well if they don't get rid of Biden, Trump is a certainty to get in. But today's performance was so bad I'm not sure they can go to the election with him as their nominee.
Replacing him seems pretty unlikely and even if Biden agreed to step aside who would replace him?
2 term Californian Governor Gavin Newsom. He will get the financial backing of the tech billionaires in California. Has had them in his two state gubernatorial elections.

2 term Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is a party favourite, Michigan is a key state, War in Gaza has seen Biden fall way behind in the polls in the state as a large Palestinian diaspora lives there.

2 term Illinois Governor JB (Jay Robert) Pritzker is independently wealthy, is worth 2 or 3 billion from his finance and tech industry background, is a Chicago boy and the convention will be in Chicago.

They have run things as chief executives of their states, and have a record of achievement whereas as Kamala Harris hasn't done much, mainly running point for Biden on the pro abortion issues post Supreme Court striking down Roe v Wade.

US voters regularly favour Governors who have a record of running an administration - or a war - over senators at elections.

Heidi Heitkamp ex Democrat Senator from North Dakota a friend Biden on Planet America tonight, dumped on Biden and said he had to be replaced.

1968 Democrat convention was in Chicago in August.
LBJ said he wont run in March 1968, after RFK and Senator Eugene McCarthy ran anti Vietnam war campaigns, LBJ did poorly in the early primaries, RFK becomes front runner, then is assassinated in June, party in a bit of disarray, VP Hubert Humphrey who didn't nominate to run after LBJ pulled out, was effectively inserted by party power brokers as nominee at convention to displeasure of half the people at the convention.

Anti Vietnam War protesters came in from all over USA to protest outside the convention. Democrat Chicago Mayor Richard Daley called out the Chicago Police Department and the Illinois National Guard, they beat the shit out of protesters, the protesters started the famous - The whole world is watching chant - which didn't change things much, it was a disaster for the democrats and Nixon campaigned on restoring order and Bring Us Together and the rest is history.

2024 Democrat convention in Chicago wont be a carbon copy of 1968, but if they impose a candidate that half the party doesn't want, 1/3rd of the delegates are super delegates ie party power brokers, and you get big anti Gaza War protests at the convention, it could get very messy, just like in 1968.
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The debates are almost meaningless, Trump voters will vote for Trump, anti-Trumpers will vote against him it's not going to matter. It's not like no one has had any exposure to these guys, they know everything about them. The Democrats have decided running a corpse against Trump makes no difference, voters have already made their minds up.

The debate was simply a slanging match between an incoherent guy telling the truth and an inveterate liar, convicted felon and TV performer looking vaguely coherent.

There are 161 odd million registered voters in the US, not even a third of those watched the debate. And most that watched have already made up their minds.

What the Democrats need is another candidate like Bill Clinton from states they don't normally hold. When Clinton ran, they won states like Arkansas (Slick Willie's home), Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Louisiana. He didn't crack the red wall that runs down the spine but he won to the East. All those states voted red in 2020.

The republicans have a candidate most strongly associated with New York who will never win NY, so the Dems have a headstart there.

It's going to come down to a few battleground states again and it's basically a question of voting for or against hubris, sanity and morality. And only just, because Biden is hardly spotless, just Trump is worse and more publicised.

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Opinion International Geopolitics

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