intro for west coast song

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New Eagles Chant (Mix Tape Side B)

We are the West
We are the West
We are the West Coast Eagles
F#%k the Vics
And Robert Walls
Eat some dicks
You know it all's
We're coming for you
Be afraid
Write us off
We'll win it again

We're the Eagles, the West Coast Eagles
And we’re here to show you why
We’re the big birds
Kings of the big game
We're the Eagles, we’re flying high
I’ve never seen a supporter base more obsessed with their rivals than they are with their own club.

Seriously, every time I go for a lurk on the Freo board all I see is WeT ToAsT ScUm

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Jealousy and Envy is an incurable disease.

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Like it a lot! Always thought we were the only club who lacked a bit of gusto and pride in singing the song. This group of players are obviously a very tight-knit group to start their own rendition that's different from the past 20 years.
I'm pleased they are having a crack and are adding something
and sure they can tweak it a bit more if it's not perfect.

I also noticed it was stand up and join the huddle before bounce .. we were no longer asked to lock arms with person next to us.
so they are tweaking stuff as they go.
New Eagles Chant (Mix Tape Side B)

We are the West
We are the West
We are the West Coast Eagles
F#%k the Vics
And Robert Walls
Eat some dicks
You know it all's
We're coming for you
Be afraid
Write us off
We'll win it again

We're the Eagles, the West Coast Eagles
And we’re here to show you why
We’re the big birds
Kings of the big game
We're the Eagles, we’re flying high

That's better!

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They should just chuck in
"so watch out all you know-it-alls...all you wise men from the'll get more than just a footy'll get a west coast eagles feast.."

thats the part that got the spine tingling back in the early to mid 90s

Early 90s?

Pfft. Cassette of that song came out in 86, maybe early 87. Still got it at home somewhere.
Jealousy and Envy is an incurable disease.

Tbf every time there's a freo thread on the main board it's full of WC fans being knobs too. We don't have envy but smugness isn't that much better of an emotion either
New Eagles Chant (Mix Tape Side B)

We are the West
We are the West
We are the West Coast Eagles
F#%k the Vics
And Robert Walls
Eat some dicks
You know it all's
We're coming for you
Be afraid
Write us off
We'll win it again

We're the Eagles, the West Coast Eagles
And we’re here to show you why
We’re the big birds
Kings of the big game
We're the Eagles, we’re flying high
Awesome haha, i vote for this version
Hanging around a Freo board obsessing about what they're saying about us isn't exactly something to be proud of.

I've got no problem admitting that our song wasn't among the best when it comes to a post-victory celebration by the team. This change improves it a lot for that purpose IMO. It's got much more spirit to it now.
I'm pleased they are having a crack and are adding something
and sure they can tweak it a bit more if it's not perfect.

I also noticed it was stand up and join the huddle before bounce .. we were no longer asked to lock arms with person next to us.
so they are tweaking stuff as they go.
When did they ever ask us to lock arms?

I went to 6 home games last season and I don't recall us ever being asked to lock arms
If they wanted a longer song then why didnt they just adopt the "For years they took the best of us" etc from the existing song?

Dunno how I feel about it. I dont like messing with tradition.

How about a mix of tradition and new:,

for years they took the best of us and that was f}#%in poo-ey

But now weve started nicking yours thanks for f#%^ shuey
The whole intro didn't seem very loud last night..

Even the GOAL thing on the scoreboard wasn't as loud as last year

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