Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym

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I live in Malaysia, hard to find a good gym here. There are the chain gyms like Fitness First which I avoid like the plague as I all need is a Squat rack, bar and weights.

So I found a government run gym at the local sports center. It costs 75 cents per entry, the equipment is about 30 years old. The first time I walked in there the "personal trainer" was sitting on the bench press smoking with his mates. There's at least 4 mangy cats living in there and one of them has just given birth. The police sometimes wander in and check it out and also sit around smoking.

The personal trainer is either

1) smoking with his mates
2) sleeping on a bench
3) not there at all

so half the time I just leave my money on the counter and walk out. Its awesome.

Besides that its an awesome gym and the guys that train seriously are really nice, not like a lot of the gyms back home where its a tough guy competition.
I live in Malaysia, hard to find a good gym here. There are the chain gyms like Fitness First which I avoid like the plague as I all need is a Squat rack, bar and weights.

So I found a government run gym at the local sports center. It costs 75 cents per entry, the equipment is about 30 years old. The first time I walked in there the "personal trainer" was sitting on the bench press smoking with his mates. There's at least 4 mangy cats living in there and one of them has just given birth. The police sometimes wander in and check it out and also sit around smoking.

The personal trainer is either

1) smoking with his mates
2) sleeping on a bench
3) not there at all

so half the time I just leave my money on the counter and walk out. Its awesome.

Besides that its an awesome gym and the guys that train seriously are really nice, not like a lot of the gyms back home where its a tough guy competition.

This is a complaints thread.

It really irritates me when people come to the gym and tell me how good another gym is.

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Agree about someone saying "X gym is so good".

Im sure it has already been mentioned. But people lifting too heavy weights and end up using back muscles, other muscles not related to exercise or momentum to make it look like they lift big. Really annoys me. I just reckon you get such a better result by reducing the weight so you focus on one or two muscles. Bicep curl is a good example of this.

On a side note, it would be interesting to know what people paid for gym memberships?

Personally i pay 49 a month, with no card fees or sign up fees.
I've got no time for people trying to pick up in the gym, shut up and train ffs

Yeah I have never understood that either myself.

I am sure its been covered on this one, but freaking stinky people!!
Ok, I understand that people may have their "off" days BO wise, but even if you cant smell yourself surely a token spray of deodorant before you begin isn't too much to ask.....

Theres one dude that goes to my gym that without fail stinks the place out every time he comes in - his BO is so bad that it literally leaves tears in your eyes!
Not to mention the fact that when he is lifting weights he sounds like he is giving birth to a baby hippo!!
He smells that bad that I had to change the days I bench because he started benching on the same day and the benches are right next to each other and I couldn't get through a set without nearly spewing from his "aroma".
I am sure its been covered on this one, but freaking stinky people!!
Ok, I understand that people may have their "off" days BO wise, but even if you cant smell yourself surely a token spray of deodorant before you begin isn't too much to ask.....
One guy at my gym reeks - he wears the same t shirt all week so by Friday the whole gym stinks.
The same guy that didn't know what "weird exercise" I was doing (they're called deadlifts buddy).
The same guy who does these weird shitty half bicep curls, first a few reps on the bottom half, a few on the top half, primary shifting the weight with his back.
The same guy who thinks a tricep pushdown is a whole body press.

Yeah, I think he's a **** wit who should stay out of my way.
One guy at my gym reeks - he wears the same t shirt all week so by Friday the whole gym stinks.
The same guy that didn't know what "weird exercise" I was doing (they're called deadlifts buddy).
The same guy who does these weird shitty half bicep curls, first a few reps on the bottom half, a few on the top half, primary shifting the weight with his back.
The same guy who thinks a tricep pushdown is a whole body press.

Yeah, I think he's a **** wit who should stay out of my way.

They are called 21's, 7 bottom half, 7 top half then 7 full reps.
They are actually a great bicep workout especially with the ez bar, - if you maintain proper technique which it sounds like that dude doesnt!!

And yeah, I love seeing people use bad technique on pushdowns just because they are trying to lift more weight than they can.
Then they look at me lifting less like I am not as good as them because I am not lifting as much but using proper form - thats why my arms are bigger than yours buddy(not saying they are huge, just bigger than this certain bloke)!!

I love the "sway back" hammer curls - yep I can curl as much as you mate, but I am looking for an arm workout when I curl, not a back workout :D

Ooh, just thought of another lol worthy one too - my Doherty's has a fair few super skinny kids training there that wear the lifters workout singlets - thats another WTF, showing off your skinny shoulders in the middle of winter.....
Overall gym thoughts on technique: "I look better when slamming out more weight, why do less weight properly?"

And you got to remember to slam those weights down as hard as possible with a grunt so everyone turns to see how much you are lifting:rolleyes:

I get to the point sometimes where I have to really restrain myself from going up to someone and saying "hey mate, just a pointer - perhaps if you drop your weight back a bit and focus on technique you might actually work your biceps instead of building killer lower back muscles.....":D
Yeah, I think he's a **** wit who should stay out of my way.

Mofra on his way for a legs sesh

I've got no time for people trying to pick up in the gym, shut up and train ffs

must agree.

i feel even stronger about patrons who try to pick up a gym instructor!!! been in spin classes where blokes would sit directly in front of female instructor and boast how this was all for pre season footy. then they'd elongate their stretches at sessions end, hang around just to talk to said instructor.

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I wear a footy guernsey to the gym. I have skinny arms.
Would some of you guys get mad at me?

Not if you were putting in some effort.

I've seen blokes at my gym who have been going for over 18 months and who are yet to develop any muscle on any part of their body. You only have to look at how they do they exercises to find out why.

They see it more as socialising think and don't put much effort into anything.

The most irritating thing I've found atm is a bunch of high schoolers who come in. Four or five at a time and instead of splitting up, they will all stick together and use the one machine/bench/cables and literally spend 20 minutes on each piece of equipment.
I wear a footy guernsey to the gym. I have skinny arms.
Would some of you guys get mad at me?

not me. but im sure someone here does.

do ppl feel compelled to wear sporting apparel to the gym?

The most irritating thing I've found atm is a bunch of high schoolers who come in. Four or five at a time and instead of splitting up, they will all stick together and use the one machine/bench/cables and literally spend 20 minutes on each piece of equipment.

they dont have a door?
Ive been going for about 10 months. Kicked out of footy last weekend; here are my lifts from tonight; whilst wearing a St Kilda guernsey.
Deadlift: 1RM 110
Press: 1RM 40

And what I am aiming for tomorrow:
Squat: 1RM 110 (maybe a bit ambitious; will defs get 100 though.
Bench: 1RM 75 (got 80 about 6 weeks ago but havent touched a bench since)

I am 5'11 and weigh 77kg. 22 years of age.

I wear my footy gear cos thats the sport I play and it is also good advertising for my club (I wear our training shirt sometimes). Actually got 2 guys to the club who were down the gym one day; they were in town for a month and came and had a couple games with us.

About to start the 5/3/1 program next week!!

On topic:
Seen this 13yo kid; looked like his first time in the gym; grab a 25kg BB (no stalking just I know what BB is which). Started curling. His lats and spinae got a great workout. He was there with what I presume to be his father, a guy bigger than me and I thought shit mate teach your son properly. But then he himself grabs some DBs, sits down on the only BB bench and starts doing curl, or should I say a rather peculiar lateral raise with a bend of the elbow!!!
I wear a footy guernsey to the gym. I have skinny arms.
Would some of you guys get mad at me?

I am talking about the bodybuilding singlets not simple sleeveless tops like footy jumpers and normal singlets.

I am talking about the ones that have the huge cutouts on the shoulders and around the front of the neck to allow everyone else to see how "massive" your shoulders and pecs are.
I really dont get them, even on huge guys, might as well train with your top off cause they hide very little!!

Speaking of which, that's another thing that stinky guy does that I forgot about - takes his top off about 5 times during his session.....
On topic:
Seen this 13yo kid; looked like his first time in the gym; grab a 25kg BB (no stalking just I know what BB is which). Started curling. His lats and spinae got a great workout. He was there with what I presume to be his father, a guy bigger than me and I thought shit mate teach your son properly. But then he himself grabs some DBs, sits down on the only BB bench and starts doing curl, or should I say a rather peculiar lateral raise with a bend of the elbow!!!

Lol, that's pretty bad!! All that seeks to do is show people how much you can incorrectly lift!! :D

I think really a lot of gym instructors should be more hands on and pull people up on bad technique.
I am a personal trainer myself, but even when I see people with bad technique in a gym its not my place to pull them up and correct their technique because its not my gym.

But I don't think I have seen a gym instructor yet that has assisted a client with technique yet without being asked.
Having army mates can suck when they ask you to do sessions with them...

Shoulder Press:
10 reps - 20 push ups
20 reps - 20 push ups
30 reps - 20 push ups
40 reps - 20 push ups
50 reps - 20 push ups

Repeat for bicep curls (never usually do these), bent over rows and triceps. It's only a light weight at 25kg, but I now hate push ups.

OK, lets go for a 4km run now......ok, prick. Oh and here *gives me 13kg light machine gun simulator to carry.
Especially when they camp on the equipment while they are gasbagging:mad:

Moreso when they talk to me.
I like to train with intensity and some guys just yap.
It's like this is their boys time and want to swap stories!!

Also I hate when people don't derack the weights after heavy lifts.

Or when people take base weights off certain weights (EZ bar, Olympic bar, bench bar etc)

I hate the radio station at my gym.

I hate that there is no air con.

I hate when inecperienced spotters take the weight too early when I clearly had it!

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Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym

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