So crime is down in Victoria. Don't think it'll stop the Herald Sun and Libs running a crime-is-rampant campaign.Also from that article
Despite the alarming figures, the Crime Statistics Agency stressed that population growth played a role in skewing the results. Relax Henny, the sky is not falling and we are still doing better than Qld and NSW
The number of police proceedings recorded in 2022–23 were:Recorded Crime - Offenders, 2022-23 financial year
Statistics about offenders proceeded against by police, including demographic, most serious offence, and family and domestic violence
208,359 in New South Wales
150,563 in Queensland
103,863 in Victoria
38,704 in South Australia
13,591 in the Northern Territory
13,071 in Tasmania
3,564 in the Australian Capital Territory
The numbers of proceedings increased in all published states and territories except New South Wales (down 13% or 30,075 proceedings) and Victoria (down 6% or 7,057 proceedings).
23/24 stats will be available in March
And since facts don't matter to a lot of people or the media as much as feelings now, it'll get some traction.