NT Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

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Probably worth pointing out that western societies, especially democracies were not exactly a peaceful system in the early 20th century. There were a couple of World Wars which suggest the myth that Indigenous people were at war more than western societies who brought peace are a bit ill-conceived.
World war 2 was driven by authoritarian invasions caused by germany, russia and japan. Nothing to do with democracies.

World war 1 you have some point but the culture that drove support for war back then was very much driven by pre democratic values of serving your kings and honoring the nation over the individual.

what does any of this have to do with examining hunter gatherer cultures compared to modern cultures on violence rates? Most violence doesnt come from war.
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what the? Can you make me look silly with argument rather then name calling? Or at least attach an argument to back up the name calling?
In this context I have three choices, given what you're arguing.

I can :
  • threadban and infract your stupid arse for arguing that colonialism and invasion was good :drunk: for the colonised and invaded.
  • call you a name which reflects how silly/stupid/ignorant you're being.
  • both of the above.

You can see which option I went with.

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Saw price on the news last night- she is really full of it. Unpleasant to see it I must say.
At the moment the Libs and media affiliates are hyping her up big time, so she carries the water for some pretty wild statements.

Once the referendum is over and the Coalition squeeze the last bit of culture war juice that they can out of the fallout, all of the talk about future PMs, lower house seats and so on, will vanish.
At the moment the Libs and media affiliates are hyping her up big time, so she carries the water for some pretty wild statements.

Once the referendum is over and the Coalition squeeze the last bit of culture war juice that they can out of the fallout, all of the talk about future PMs, lower house seats and so on, will vanish.
Yep- completely agree.
Jacinta price is a useful pawn for the mining industry. Taking commissions for doing their bidding is her ceiling.

Anyone suggesting that she might be PM one day obviously has not stopped to consider that the Liberals have not even had a female leader yet, let alone an aboriginal one, and global conservatives collectively lost their minds when Obama was elected president.
Jacinta price is a useful pawn for the mining industry.
Useful pawn is robbing her of agency, she's wilfully complicit in what she does.

But you're right she'll never be PM the parliamentary Coalition are too sexist, racist and classist to ever support her as leader. A black women from the Territory? Not a chance in hell the Liberals would elect her as leader and even if they did the Nationals would throw a fit and she'd be gone to ensure the Coalition agreement.
Also she's a Senator... and she sits in the National party room... and Labor are historically stronger in the lower house in the NT... and if she moved interstate for political ambitions it would tarnish the only brand she has to sell.

Regardless of the referendum result, she'll never be more than a junior Minister at best.
**** Price. Once this utter shit show of a referendum is over and the racists get their way with a no vote, she'll never again reach the same profile. She's a one trick pony - the woman who 'looks' Aboriginal who's willing to be the face of the No case. The referendum will be over and her use-by date will have passed.

(The kind of person who is a racist is the kind of person who thinks you need to look a certain way to be Indigenous).
* Price. Once this utter s**t show of a referendum is over and the racists get their way with a no vote, she'll never again reach the same profile. She's a one trick pony - the woman who 'looks' Aboriginal who's willing to be the face of the No case. The referendum will be over and her use-by date will have passed.

(The kind of person who is a racist is the kind of person who thinks you need to look a certain way to be Indigenous).
You're stating that being Aboriginal is defined by beliefs and values rather than heritage. The insinuation being that Aboriginals can't have diversity of thought and belief, which I find racist.
You're stating that being Aboriginal is defined by beliefs and values rather than heritage. The insinuation being that Aboriginals can't have diversity of thought and belief, which I find racist.
It’s white people telling Aboriginal people what to think it’s like what these lefties are accusing conservatives of.
When Dutton goes down between the referendum and the next election, Price will lose her seat in the Ministry (she only got it because Leeser resigned because he understood the voice and has a conscience).

I feel sorry for Warren Mundine. The LNP will wheel out Price now instead of Mundine and she'll probably even get most of his slots on Sky News. (Here's your regular reminder that Jacinta Price's Mum's quoted on Warren Mundine's autobiography book jacket). It's not like they're two different indigenous people from different classes, they're family friends.

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At the moment the Libs and media affiliates are hyping her up big time, so she carries the water for some pretty wild statements.

Once the referendum is over and the Coalition squeeze the last bit of culture war juice that they can out of the fallout, all of the talk about future PMs, lower house seats and so on, will vanish.
She will vanish but if the NO vote wins, the damage has been done to Australia and the Indigenous population.
You're stating that being Aboriginal is defined by beliefs and values rather than heritage. The insinuation being that Aboriginals can't have diversity of thought and belief, which I find racist.
Price and all Aboriginal people are entitled to have diverse views. However, I strongly disagree with hers, and it's a shame that an initiative I think will benefit Indigenous people will be scuttled largely thanks to an Indigenous person.
What has become clear through this sad referendum is that the left only champion minorities and gender equality if they happen to think the same way as them.

The distasteful disrespect and blatant racism shown towards Jacinta Price is a blight on this country unfortunately.
Jacinta price is a useful pawn for the mining industry. Taking commissions for doing their bidding is her ceiling.

Anyone suggesting that she might be PM one day obviously has not stopped to consider that the Liberals have not even had a female leader yet, let alone an aboriginal one, and global conservatives collectively lost their minds when Obama was elected president.
Rishi Sunak is British PM. No conservatives really cared that a person of South Asian decent is in that position.
The British Conservatives have done a much better job at incorporating ethnic minorities into their party than their cousins in Australia or America have. Plus, Rishi's filthy rich and his wife is even richer, he fits in economically with them as well.
Rishi Sunak is British PM. No conservatives really cared that a person of South Asian decent is in that position.

Sunak was handed the poisoned chalice in October 2025 after losing a vote to Liz Truss before that. They're scape-goating him, not appointing him to be their glorious leader.

Not a good example.
The British Conservatives have done a much better job at incorporating ethnic minorities into their party than their cousins in Australia or America have. Plus, Rishi's filthy rich and his wife is even richer, he fits in economically with them as well.
If Britain, the most prolific colonialists of all time can have and accept a person from an ethinic minority as their leader, then I believe Australia can also.

Sunak was handed the poisoned chalice in October 2025 after losing a vote to Liz Truss before that. They're scape-goating him, not appointing him to be their glorious leader.

Not a good example.
You can attempt to explain it away all you like. The fact is the conservative party could have chosen another old white guy as their leader but didn't. British conservatives also had a female leader before labor did also.

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NT Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

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