Rumour Jack Steven Rumour

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This is some dumb **** right here.

There is an increasing body of work regarding mental illness and genetic predisposition.

If you have a history of depression in your family you are more than twice as likely to suffer it yourself.

There is often no defined trigger or "cause" in the people these studies look at, they simply have a history of it in their family and then begin suffering themselves.

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Initially thought the posts that describe depression as having "no cause" were trolls but clearly not.

Modern thought assumes every effect has a cause. Unless you are willing to do something funky like arguing that effects trigger causes and we perceive time the wrong way, then yeah 'depression' has a cause.

Your post literally implies genetics causes depression -> Biological determinism.

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Came here to delete my earlier posts but realised its been done for me. Upon reflection my posts were dumb, bitter and ill considered. i treated it as a rumour and joke thread which didnt take into account real thoughts and feelings about a serious topic. I crossed the line between banter and abuse. for that i apologise. Sorry to everyone i offended.
Came here to delete my earlier posts but realised its been done for me. Upon reflection my posts were dumb, bitter and ill considered. i treated it as a rumour and joke thread which didnt take into account real thoughts and feelings about a serious topic. I crossed the line between banter and abuse. for that i apologise. Sorry to everyone i offended.
I missed it. What did you say?
Exactly, "we all have our own problems" so don't be a dick and try call out someone for essentially faking it when you don't have the first idea about what they going through.
You Freo supporters, i swear you're just a bunch of ******* morons.

I wouldn't go so far as to say "all Freo supporters", but there a few here fitting the bill
Exactly, "we all have our own problems" so don't be a dick and try call out someone for essentially faking it when you don't have the first idea about what they going through.
You Freo supporters, i swear you're just a bunch of ******* morons.

Confirmation bias much? Most of us have been pretty supportive of Jack in this thread. Check out the Yarran/Bennell threads that have done the rounds on this board and see how certain Saints fans (well, one in particular) have conducted themselves. Every club has a few s**tstain fans, that's life.
Exactly, "we all have our own problems" so don't be a dick and try call out someone for essentially faking it when you don't have the first idea about what they going through.
You Freo supporters, i swear you're just a bunch of ******* morons.
thanks for lumping everyone in together mate - exactly what this thread needs. maybe you should have a look at some of the posts in the thread.
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