Jetta's goal

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the only defenses in jetta's favour is the 'yeah, nah' defense, or the 'was a great spectacle thoo' defence. no other.

why was it a spectacle? because the man was allowed too much distance between bounces to get up to a very high speed. it is a required skill (well it was anyway) to be able competently bounce the ball, or fluidly bend over and touch it on the ground every 15m whilst in stride to enable a good run. the chasing player last night was fighting an uphill battle of trying to run down a fast opponent who was operating outside of the rules. the umpires were (too) slack.

so the spectacle (speed & distance) was building because of the act of breaking the rule (cheating). the spectacle may or may not have existed if the player was 'remaining in Possession and Bouncing the football' legally, every 15m, as he is required to do.

so should the umpire be officiating by spectacle now? the more favourable the crowd and commentator reaction will be, the further the players should be able to operate outside of the rules?

we will never know if jetta could have beaten the chaser on that run if he was doing it without cheating, which in my mind would have been an even closer run thing, and an even bigger spectacle.

Only defence? Hmm.

What is always forgotten in these running goals is one simple fact. Whenever a player bounces the ball they can cover up to 3-4 meters, depending on speed and the size of the bounce. Therefore, you can run up to 18-19 meters per bounce. If you are going to pull someone up for running over a meter or two, (would be 20-21 meters) when precise measurements are not actually taken would make it a ridiculous adjudication.
Great goal but does anyone else think he ran too far with the footy? His second last bounce was outside 50 and he only bounced once inside 50 and kicked the goal from the top of the square. He has carried the footy 80-90 metres in total but only bounced it three times. There could have easily been a free kick paid.

Rule 15.2.2 (b)
I think you've got the maths wrong, mate.

Jetta received a handpass and then ran his full 15 metres
He took his 1st bounce and ran another 15 metres (15m + 15m = 30m)
He took a 2nd bounce, crossed the 50 line and ran another 15 metres (30m + 15m = 45m)
He took a 3rd and final bounce, ran another 15m and kicked the ball from 12m out. (45m + 15m + 12m = 72m)

While running at top pace, Jetta probably covers at least 3 metres in the act of bouncing the footy. i.e. from when the ball leaves his hand, bounces on the grass and then back up into his hands. (3 x 3 metres = 9 metres.)

Total distance = 72m + 9m = 81 metres.

According to Wiki, the length of Stadium Australia oval is 170m
Subtract at least 5 metres of space behind each goal, from the goal line to the fence
Length from goal to goal = 160m (approx) maybe less.

Jetta received the ball about 10m behind centre (about 90 metres from goal)

Summary: in carrying the ball half the ground, taking 3 bounces and kicking one of the goals of the year, he cribbed about 9 metres tops. The umpire would need to be a real nazi to call him on that.

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He ran a long way, he bounced it a number of times, that's all the umpires a looking for. So what if on one occasion between bounces he ran a meter or two too far, he still bounced it a lot. Which is enough.

Great goal,

but the question really needs to be asked why there wasn't a single Collingwood player in a full half of a footy field. He only ran that far because there was no one in front of him. At least Michael Long had to swerve around a couple of players and kick it over the heads of a couple more.
Aussie rules? What rules? Of course he ran too far, bounced it only 3 times and ran at least 70-80 metres, you do the math, he needed to bounce it at least 5 times for it to be a legitimate goal, but it looked great so who cares? When was the last time anyone got called for dribbling in the NBA?
Aussie rules? What rules? Of course he ran too far, bounced it only 3 times and ran at least 70-80 metres, you do the math, he needed to bounce it at least 5 times for it to be a legitimate goal, but it looked great so who cares? When was the last time anyone got called for dribbling in the NBA?
More people should get called for dribbling on BF
The distance the ball travels while going from his hand to ground and back to his hand is irrelevant. The ball must be bounced every 15 metres.

Tbh the rule jeeds an overhaul, we are seeing major inconsistencies with both it and the 15m kicks that are sometimes being paid marks and sometimes not.
Not a great goal IMO, just a good run. In the end, anyone could have slotted it. Got a ball out the back, with no one in front of him and a fullback trying to chase him down. In the end he ran so far because he was too scared to have a shot from a distance. Reckon LRT's last quarter goal was heaps better.
The distance the ball travels while going from his hand to ground and back to his hand is irrelevant. The ball must be bounced every 15 metres.

Tbh the rule jeeds an overhaul, we are seeing major inconsistencies with both it and the 15m kicks that are sometimes being paid marks and sometimes not.

This is WHY you lost the match.

Jetta needed two more bounces!
The distance the ball travels while going from his hand to ground and back to his hand is irrelevant. The ball must be bounced every 15 metres.

Eh? The distance the ball travels while going from his hand to ground and back to his hand potentially provides another 5-6m over a three bounce run, which can't be discounted. So really, a three bounce run should allow about 66m distance between taking and disposing of the ball.

Now ANZ Stadium dimensions are 160m in length and a 50m long centre square. Jetta took it at approximately 1/4 of the way into the square (12m) and kicked it from about 12m out from goal. So that makes it roughly 37m through the square, plus 5m between the square and 50m arc + 38m to the point he kicked it - so about an 80m run. So you're looking at around 3m too far per bounce on average.

The bulk of this though clearly came between the first and second bounce. Probably took a good 3-4 steps too far. Sure it could have called, maybe even should have been called, but there's not really much in it and I'm happy to see it deemed play on for the spirit of the game.

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I think you've got the maths wrong, mate.

Jetta received a handpass and then ran his full 15 metres
He took his 1st bounce and ran another 15 metres (15m + 15m = 30m)
He took a 2nd bounce, crossed the 50 line and ran another 15 metres (30m + 15m = 45m)
He took a 3rd and final bounce, ran another 15m and kicked the ball from 12m out. (45m + 15m + 12m = 72m)

While running at top pace, Jetta probably covers at least 3 metres in the act of bouncing the footy. i.e. from when the ball leaves his hand, bounces on the grass and then back up into his hands. (3 x 3 metres = 9 metres.)

Total distance = 72m + 9m = 81 metres.

According to Wiki, the length of Stadium Australia oval is 170m
Subtract at least 5 metres of space behind each goal, from the goal line to the fence
Length from goal to goal = 160m (approx) maybe less.

Jetta received the ball about 10m behind centre (about 90 metres from goal)

Summary: in carrying the ball half the ground, taking 3 bounces and kicking one of the goals of the year, he cribbed about 9 metres tops. The umpire would need to be a real nazi to call him on that.

That is such a stretch - the whole lot of it. He cribbed about 30-40 metres.

I still don't think they should pay the free kick though, running too far is definitely a rule the umpires simply "feel". They get bagged all the time for not having a feel for the game, yet when they do - they get bagged.

It's no different to driving your knee into someone's back in a mark, or collecting someone with your elbow/knee when you take a mark. Techincally it is a free kick - but I think we all prefer it to be let play on.

I do think Jetta pushed it right to the extreme though
Running too far without bouncing happens every week when guys are running fast, it isn't like the umpires were being inconsistent with how this rule is interpreted normally. I think the main thing is the time taken in between bounces. If it doesn't seem that long, then the thought isn't going to pop into the umpire's head to blow the whistle. Technically he ran too far, but no problem with letting it go. Game needs that excitement.
Running too far without bouncing happens every week when guys are running fast, it isn't like the umpires were being inconsistent with how this rule is interpreted normally. I think the main thing is the time taken in between bounces. If it doesn't seem that long, then the thought isn't going to pop into the umpire's head to blow the whistle. Technically he ran too far, but no problem with letting it go. Game needs that excitement.

Agreed, he has long strides, so difficult to judge how far he ran between bounces. It looked fine as he did it, but it is only when you see a replay that the distance between his first and second bounce seems a long way. Nothing wrong with letting that go.
Eh? The distance the ball travels while going from his hand to ground and back to his hand potentially provides another 5-6m over a three bounce run, which can't be discounted. So really, a three bounce run should allow about 66m distance between taking and disposing of the ball.
Doesn't matter. If the ball goes say 3 metres after he boucnes it and before it comes back into his hand, he then must bounce it in the next 12 metres. He is still in possession of the ball.
Is this actually a serious thread?

Has everyone had an eye shut when watching Leon Davis, Yarran, the Shaws, Dangerfield, Wojinski, etc...... over the years.

I've never seen an umpire pull out a measuring tape for these guys.

Tim Lane is going on about it too as though Jetta is the only player ever to do such a thing. How dare Jetta looks flashy in a red & white uniform.
Tim Lane is a jealous toss bag that can't stand anything to do with the Sydney Swans because we have consistently made his 'expert opinions' look like lies & guesses!

He just doesn't get that we have a special culture up there. Something he could only wish to have at his Carlton.

I've tired of this type of commentator. Taylor is another one. Walls used to be on channell 10 but he has grown to appreciate what we have done with our club. That's OK!

But Lane & Taylor are stubborn fools too wrapped up in perception.
That is such a stretch - the whole lot of it. He cribbed about 30-40 metres.

I still don't think they should pay the free kick though, running too far is definitely a rule the umpires simply "feel". They get bagged all the time for not having a feel for the game, yet when they do - they get bagged.

It's no different to driving your knee into someone's back in a mark, or collecting someone with your elbow/knee when you take a mark. Techincally it is a free kick - but I think we all prefer it to be let play on.

I do think Jetta pushed it right to the extreme though

Mate, I just itemised it for you. I watched it on replay a few times. I broke down the entire play and used logic to determine that it wasn't a major blunder by umpires, maybe only a few metres.

Please read it again and tell me exactly which part you disagreed with and don't give me your hunches about how far he ran
Not a great goal IMO, just a good run. In the end, anyone could have slotted it. Got a ball out the back, with no one in front of him and a fullback trying to chase him down. In the end he ran so far because he was too scared to have a shot from a distance. Reckon LRT's last quarter goal was heaps better.
It was better than Chris Yarran's goal from earlier this year because Jetta's opponent gave a genuine chase unlike the half-hearted effort from Dustin Martin that made Yarran look good.

Stupid to say he was "too scared" to have a shot from distance. Why would he risk missing a long range shot when he can put his skates on, run to the goal square and make a certainty of it.

A great goal doesn't need to be an especially difficult kick. Two Goals of the Year from the past decade: Matthew Lloyd's back-heel effort at the MCG and Cyril Rioli turning 3 Essendon players inside out.

You take everything into consideration.

"....just a good run" :D

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Jetta's goal

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