Player Watch JHF - Jason Horne-Francis

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That may be the case however we very rarely have best 22 players request to leave or have players want to ‘return home’. Again this year, no players wanted to leave the club in any form to ensure this trade went through.

This points to a strong team, bond and leadership from within the club as a whole.
I think most of us are aware that Boak isn’t the captain anymore but, for me, it still feels like he is and maybe it’s because he should’ve retired as such like Selwood. You couldn’t have asked for a better player and beautiful poster boy for your club. I’d take him over Robbie Gray and Warren Tredrea every day of the week.
Admittedly I don't think about Port Adelaide that much but when I do their strong leadership and strong culture isn't the first thing that comes to mind. To be honest without looking it up I am not entirely sure who Port's captain is.
Travis Boak is the only quality leadership they have had. Without him keeping that Koch head of the club under control they would have folded.

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Mr I wanted to get into a stable environment after five minutes at a club.

Forces the club who invested in him into gifting him to another club

Why should the best player in the country for his age have to go to a lowly club that lacks resources?
That's not a reward for talent.
North should have taken the deals last year and set their club up for years, he was never going to stay.
There should be a draft lottery and the lowly clubs can get first pick of mature aged players .
What or who is a Ben Jacobs?

He's the guy who we picked as a first-round pick. Left at the end of 2012 after 2 years and North offered pick 38 which we refused thinking we could get him to re-sign but he went to the draft. Averaged the same 16.5 disposals JHF did in his first year but from memory he had concussion issues and his career was cut short at around the 100-game mark. Just another one of those do as we say not as we do moments. Like poaching Greenwood from a bottom team. Like targeting Hunter Clark in contract. Like offering a big contract to Polec and throwing around 1mil dollar deals to whoever was the new 'best thing' in town. But don't touch our Jason, that would be unfair.
He's the guy who we picked as a first-round pick. Left at the end of 2012 after 2 years and North offered pick 38 which we refused thinking we could get him to re-sign but he went to the draft. Averaged the same 16.5 disposals JHF did in his first year but from memory he had concussion issues and his career was cut short at around the 100-game mark. Just another one of those do as we say not as we do moments. Like poaching Greenwood from a bottom team. Like targeting Hunter Clark in contract. Like offering a big contract to Polec and throwing around 1mil dollar deals to whoever was the new 'best thing' in town. But don't touch our Jason, that would be unfair.
Nice melt.

If Jason had the pills to see out his contract and then ask for a trade then the reaction would be a lot different.

We took Jacobs in the draft with the pick Port turned down. Shows where his value was and again, he saw out his contract.

Greenwood was ****ing delisted and we were the bottom team!

Hunter Clark was offered around by his club and North showed an interest. Now St Kilda want to back out of it but the player is very pissed off.

Think it is fair to say you more than won the Polec trade. Not sure why you are complaining about that. You guys were more than happy to ship the mercenary off.
At least he gave it a shot.

North were an utter shambles this year and we still don't even know if their newly appointed coach will remain.

Vic Metro boys font even try, they just make it widely known they won't leave and don't even get done for draft tampering, because the AFL actually can't enforce it.

Looking forward to a raft of WA/SA boys in the future pulling the same card and the Vic media losing their s**t over it, yet applauding the Vic Metro boys for being 'honest' as it benefits Melbourne clubs.

This vic bias chip on the shoulder thing is out of control. Always the victims. Grow a backbone
So when Port start 0-5 again next year, who does he want to play with in 2024?
Heck, depending on his longevity, he could get around to all the clubs potentially.

I think Port are more likely to start 5 - 0 then shit the bed and miss finals.

Terrible thread, he's a 19 year old kid ffs

19 year olds arent "kids". They have legally been adults for at least a year.

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