Jim Stynes Herald Sun Victorian of the year.

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I'm not sure how they judge these awards, but he's as worthy as anybody else. Obviously, given his precarious health, it's probably the last chance to award it to him. So, why not?

Quite true. Jim getting the award doesn't hurt anyone else, so why all the fuss? People on here criticising are doing so under the pretence that there are others who deserve it more, but that's pure baloney. It's classic tall-poppy syndrome just because you can't stand to see Jim getting rewarded because his illness might have played a role. Well you might want to consider what sort of role-model and inspiration he has been to tens of thousands of cancer sufferers in Victoria. That alone qualifies him for consideration. Then when you add all the other stuff he's done like his foundation and saving his football club, it starts to make sense. Who else is more deserving?
Quite true. Jim getting the award doesn't hurt anyone else, so why all the fuss? People on here criticising are doing so under the pretence that there are others who deserve it more, but that's pure baloney. It's classic tall-poppy syndrome just because you can't stand to see Jim getting rewarded because his illness might have played a role. Well you might want to consider what sort of role-model and inspiration he has been to tens of thousands of cancer sufferers in Victoria. That alone qualifies him for consideration. Then when you add all the other stuff he's done like his foundation and saving his football club, it starts to make sense. Who else is more deserving?

In the public spotlight, no one. Outside of the public spotlight Id say there would be more worthy nominees who would gain more from receiving the award then a Brownlow medalist like Jim Stynes. The guys a legend without all this stuff. I dont think he needs more smoke blown up his ass thats all.

Im surprised you wouldnt want him to be rememberes as Jim Stynes the footballer as opposed to Jim Stynes, the football director and cancer victim. I dont really think Jim Stynes needs to be used to sell newspapers personally. All well and good to tell his story for inspiration but its been told. Let him live his life
Id say his athletic accomplishments are well and truly being taken into account here. Ive known people with asbestosis, who ran a charity organisation. Didnt see them handed a award before they passed...

Jim does more than run a charity organisation matey. He runs the state's, actually the country's, largest youth charity organisation. He's still working on the Federal Suicide Committee at the moment too.

And it isn't because he has cancer, its because of how open he's been with it, and how that has helped normalise an incredibly difficult experience for other cancer sufferers.

You're being contrarian for the sake of it here.

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Jim does more than run a charity organisation matey. He runs the state's, actually the country's, largest youth charity organisation. He's still working on the Federal Suicide Committee at the moment too.

And it isn't because he has cancer, its because of how open he's been with it, and how that has helped normalise an incredibly difficult experience for other cancer sufferers.

You're being contrarian for the sake of it here.

Being contrarian for the sake of it? Hardly. Not like people are flocking to my defense here :D

Think your completely taking my point out of context. When did I say he wasnt deserving or worthy? I just said it isnt right because a) hes primarily Irish and b) hes being used to sell newspapers.

Hard to argue against either of those cases really
Love the man, think he is phenomenal.

But when I think Victorian of the year, I genuinely would like to see the Herald Sun do some more research and find some volunteer that helps at soup kitchens, visits nursing homes and helps organise benefits for the needy. There are many Victorians that do it, this award obviously gives publicity to those who are great, and Jim Stynes doesn't require publicity, it's a shame the Herald Sun is tabloid junk.
Love the man, think he is phenomenal.

But when I think Victorian of the year, I genuinely would like to see the Herald Sun do some more research and find some volunteer that helps at soup kitchens, visits nursing homes and helps organise benefits for the needy. There are many Victorians that do it, this award obviously gives publicity to those who are great, and Jim Stynes doesn't require publicity, it's a shame the Herald Sun is tabloid junk.

Black and white picture on the front of the paper. Who else saw it and thought he'd died?

Agree with others too. Great guy, has done fantastic charity work but he's been doing that for years. As have many people. Victorian of the Year? No.
Love the man, think he is phenomenal.

But when I think Victorian of the year, I genuinely would like to see the Herald Sun do some more research and find some volunteer that helps at soup kitchens, visits nursing homes and helps organise benefits for the needy. There are many Victorians that do it, this award obviously gives publicity to those who are great, and Jim Stynes doesn't require publicity, it's a shame the Herald Sun is tabloid junk.

Obviously there are lots of worthy candidates. His nomination can only do good though. One can't deny his high profile and by making him VOTY, both his charity and cancer research get some more healthy awareness. One cannot satisfy everyone with these awards, as obviously thousands upon thousands of people are worthy candidates. Let's just celebrate a very heroic and worthy candidate. Next year someone else will get the nod.
Being contrarian for the sake of it? Hardly. Not like people are flocking to my defense here :D

Think your completely taking my point out of context. When did I say he wasnt deserving or worthy? I just said it isnt right because a) hes primarily Irish and b) hes being used to sell newspapers.

Hard to argue against either of those cases really

Quite simple to argue if you know what you're talking abut actually:

He's primarily Australian actually, he's lived here longer than he did in Dublin. And he raised his family here, AND most importantly, he's contributed a lot more to Australia than he has to Ireland.
Quite simple to argue if you know what you're talking abut actually:

He's primarily Australian actually, he's lived here longer than he did in Dublin. And he raised his family here, AND most importantly, he's contributed a lot more to Australia than he has to Ireland.

I know about his charity work. My wife works for a charity that has close links with his....

Who are we to decide that. Last time I checked his personal opinion was to classify himself as both. That is well and truly fair enough and based on the natural rule, when choosing the primary part of it all you go back to the place of origin.

I guess I view it as the same as Australians taking claim to Mel Gibson, Crowded House and the like. A little bit different with Gibson but Crowded House was born in New Zealand and belongs to them. Just the way it is im afraid. I didnt make that stupid rule up either. Im just enforcing it the way the very same the HUN and the like helped create it
Obviously there are lots of worthy candidates. His nomination can only do good though. One can't deny his high profile and by making him VOTY, both his charity and cancer research get some more healthy awareness. One cannot satisfy everyone with these awards, as obviously thousands upon thousands of people are worthy candidates. Let's just celebrate a very heroic and worthy candidate. Next year someone else will get the nod.

Only good can come from this and I certainly agree, but once again I think it would benefit our community more if lets say...Jim Stynes presented the award to a fellow Victorian who did some good, he's a worthy recipient, but it would be more of an honour to receive the recognition from him.

I guess what I'm saying is that there are other ways to pay respect to him, whilst recognising others in the community who are often unappreciated.
Obviously there are lots of worthy candidates. His nomination can only do good though. One can't deny his high profile and by making him VOTY, both his charity and cancer research get some more healthy awareness. One cannot satisfy everyone with these awards, as obviously thousands upon thousands of people are worthy candidates. Let's just celebrate a very heroic and worthy candidate. Next year someone else will get the nod.

But more good would come from it if it went to a lesser known person and or charity is the point thats being raised here. We dont need to be reminded that Jim Stynes is a legend. We already know that. Reporting some actual news we dont already know would be a start from the rag known as The HUN

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Only good can come from this and I certainly agree, but once again I think it would benefit our community more if lets say...Jim Stynes presented the award to a fellow Victorian who did some good, he's a worthy recipient, but it would be more of an honour to receive the recognition from him.

I guess what I'm saying is that there are other ways to pay respect to him, whilst recognising others in the community who are often unappreciated.

Very worthy opinion. We'll agree to disagree though, because as I saidm these awards can never satisfy everyone. Next year someone else will get the nod. Hopefully it's someone less known as I agree there are many unsung heroes in this great state let alone country.
But more good would come from it if it went to a lesser known person and or charity is the point thats being raised here. We dont need to be reminded that Jim Stynes is a legend. We already know that. Reporting some actual news we dont already know would be a start from the rag known as The HUN

I don't see how you can possibly come to this conclusion? What are you basing this on...your hatred of the hun? Get over it and yourself and just acknowledge that any worthy winner brings good. Would you rather no one won?

Enough squabbling. I'm gonna celebrate the great man.
I don't see how you can possibly come to this conclusion? What are you basing this on...your hatred of the hun? Get over it and yourself and just acknowledge that any worthy winner brings good. Would you rather no one won?

Enough squabbling. I'm gonna celebrate the great man.

The knowledge that alot of great charity work happens in Victoria that goes largely unrecognised. You even admitted it yourself.

Alot of reasons to celebrate Jim Stynes. The awarding of a Herald Sun award to sell papers isnt one of them
Racist? Its true. Last time I checked he is Irish. Did I miss something or what?

Whether anyone likes it or not as a athlete you only represent one country. Has been that way since the Olympic times. Its part of the process really and he represents Ireland doesnt he?


jim stynes represented australia in international rules. can you shut up now?
The knowledge that alot of great charity work happens in Victoria that goes largely unrecognised. You even admitted it yourself.

And? As I said, focus on another charity and someone else inevitably misses out. Too much anger from you mate. Not everyone can be in the spotlight. As long as we (the general public) keep giving to as many worthy charities as we can, more and more people will continued being helped. Every charity/ good cause will hopefully get their shot in the spotlight someday in someway. Don't hate on this worthy winner though because Victoria/ Australia take inspiration from his good work. And don't hate on the Hun for presenting the award...of course they're not a perfect publication, no media group is. As I said, would you rather they didn't present the award at all? Pack it in.
And? As I said, focus on another charity and someone else inevitably misses out. Too much anger from you mate. Not everyone can be in the spotlight. As long as we (the general public) keep giving to as many worthy charities as we can, more and more people will continued being helped. Every charity/ good cause will hopefully get their shot in the spotlight someday in someway. Don't hate on this worthy winner though because Victoria/ Australia take inspiration from his good work. And don't hate on the Hun for presenting the award...of course they're not a perfect publication, no media group is. As I said, would you rather they didn't present the award at all? Pack it in.

Anger? Your the one agreeing with my main point and attacking me about it. Ultimately the focus needs to be shared in a charitable sense. Even you agree with that in this very post.
Anger? Your the one agreeing with my main point and attacking me about it. Ultimately the focus needs to be shared in a charitable sense. Even you agree with that in this very post.

So what, award it to every good cause/ charity/ person in Victoria? It's not the beginning or end of the world m8, it's not a political statement or a defining moment in Australian charity work...it's one newspapers award celebrating a special individual every year. It doesn't detract from the great work others do or mean that they won't/don't eventually get more media attention. You've lost me with your argument...I really don't know where you're coming from or what your point really is. Let's just say...we'll agree to disagree.
Anger? Your the one agreeing with my main point and attacking me about it. Ultimately the focus needs to be shared in a charitable sense. Even you agree with that in this very post.
Just out of interest, what makes you think that giving it to someone else doing charitable work, will give a bigger benefit to the community than to Stynes. That seems to be your point. I'd like to know what you base it up or what measurements? Obviously, highlighting another person who works for another charity will give that charity some more recognition, how much I wouldn't know, but you must, and then I think you must know that from this the benefit is better for the community.
I agree, the HUN is just cashing in. But that doesn't mean it might not be the best for all. Unless there's good evidence for or against, I don't know how you can make the judgement.
So what, award it to every good cause/ charity/ person in Victoria? It's not the beginning or end of the world m8, it's not a political statement or a defining moment in Australian charity work...it's one newspapers award celebrating a special individual every year. It doesn't detract from the great work others do or mean that they won't/don't eventually get more media attention. You've lost me with your argument...I really don't know where you're coming from or what your point really is. Let's just say...we'll agree to disagree.

Its the exact same thing CNB said although not as cuddly. Its one example of a growing trend ultimately. If it was a one off it would be easy to ignore but its not really.

Guess im coming at it from a personal point of view. I know a ton of people in the charitable field who get no support whatsoever because theres the select few hogging the limelight. Isnt the charitys fault either. The media just shove the same ones down peoples throats for there own benefit.
Just out of interest, what makes you think that giving it to someone else doing charitable work, will give a bigger benefit to the community than to Stynes. That seems to be your point. I'd like to know what you base it up or what measurements? Obviously, highlighting another person who works for another charity will give that charity some more recognition, how much I wouldn't know, but you must, and then I think you must know that from this the benefit is better for the community.
I agree, the HUN is just cashing in. But that doesn't mean it might not be the best for all. Unless there's good evidence for or against, I don't know how you can make the judgement.

Based on people telling me and business relations so to speak. "We need more exposure in order to get more funding and resources, help us". My wife works for a charity and I spend a bit of time helping her. Ultimately the Flying Doctor is going underfunded so the charity spreads out with there extra resources to try and help them which im a part of.

I just think its a bit wrong that the Flying Doctor goes underfunded while others get pretty much overfunded. Its a problem that needs fixing and papers like the HUN arnt helping
Cole's from Perth, I think its still normal to be racist towards the Irish there. Most of Australia moved on about 100 years ago, but you know... it's Perth.

The Irish are a race.

Wow, Bigfooty is always teaching.

Personally, I think you're being racist towards the Perthians.

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Jim Stynes Herald Sun Victorian of the year.

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