Werewolf Jmoo & Eth-diggity-dog present John Hughes presenting The Breakfast Club Vs Ferris Bueller Werewolf

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The Breakfast Club

John Bender (Godfather) – a criminal who is in Saturday detention for setting off the fire alarm. immune to everything but lynching and seering; seers other players; seers as a villager.

Andrew Clark (intimidator) – an athlete who is in Saturday detention for taping another student's butt cheeks together. instructs one player each phase who to vote for during the day phase; cannot choose the same player on consecutive nights.

Claire Standish (roleblocker) – a princess who is in Saturday detention for skipping school. blocks one player’s action each evening may not choose the same player on consecutive nights.

Allison Reynolds (goon)– a basket case who was not in Saturday detention but goes anyway, assists with kills

Win condition: end Ferris Bueller’s day off (wolves) players, the Wet Bandits (Serial Killer), and equal or outnumber the Citizens of Illinois

Ferris Bueller’s Team (Wolves)

Ferris Bueller (Alpha) – a popular high school senior and righteous dude who decides to have a day off with his pals. Immune from everything but lynching and seering; seers other players; seers as a villager

Cameron Frye (beta)– Ferris’ best friend. becomes the Alpha if the Alpha dies

Sloane Peterson (cub) – Ferris’ girlfriend, if she dies, the wolves receive two (2) kills the following combined phase phase

Jeanie Bueller (wolf)– Ferris’ sister assists with kills, doesn’t work overtime

Win condition: eliminate all The Breakfast Club (Mafia), the Wet Bandits (Serial Killer), and equal or outnumber the citizens of Illinois


Harry Lime
(Serial Killer) – One half of the infamous Wet Bandits who terrorised Chicago during the early 90s

Immune from everything but lynching and seering; seers as citizen of Illinois; kills one player each night

Win condition: Make it to the final five players


Kriss Kringle / Beethoven (Seer
) –chooses one player each night phase to discover their role; will not be told whether they are the real seer or the fake seer

Kriss Kringle / Beethoven (Fake seer) –- chooses one player each night phase to discover their role but is told incorrect information; will not be told whether they are the real seer or the fake seer

Kevin McCallister (vigilante) – Has the power to kill anyone each night, often in hilarious ways. chooses one player each phase to kill

Uncle Buck (Doctor) –. chooses one player to protect from all non-lynching actions; may not choose the same player on consecutive night phases. Will seer as Doctor.

The Griswolds (Flogs) – three players who know each other’s role and share a PM, get one seer, one kill

Clark Griswold, the Griswold family patriarch

Ellen Griswold, Clark's wife

Russell "Rusty" Griswold, the child

All other players are Citizens of Illinois with no special abilities, aside from their intelligence and rat-cunning

Win condition: eliminate all evil and Neutral

The Flubber – Amulet

Holding The Flubber protects from all night and day actions, will be randomly handed out at the start and must be passed on by the end of the next day phase or will vanish. The Flubberwill explode randomly and vanish during the game, killing whoever holds it at the time.
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rules and roles
BASIC RULES: please read, or dont - I'm not your mother


Please don't talk about the game anywhere but in here and the dead PM, not in private, not on any other media or in private or public, until the game is over. Respect the game and do the right thing.

You cannot post any screenshots, quote PMs or post mods PMs.

You cannot delete or edit your posts in the game at any time.

Modkills at mods discretion with common sense taken into account, but I do love a good modkill

When you have been killed you CANNOT post anymore in the game or in ANY PMs you are in. You may have a goodbye post like ‘thanks for the game’ or ‘Good luck village’ but nothing that affects the game...

In short, don't be a dick and show some class on the way out.

If you disregard this rule, you won’t be added to the DEAD PM.

*All votes and change of votes must be bolded and tag me please, If your vote is not bolded and tagged it will not be counted.

*You don't need a reason to vote, but feel free to put one in, I don't care.


PLEASE NOTE IN THE EVENT OF A TIED VOTE.... we will multi-lynch - Oh Yeah!

Roles will be up and sent out in due with the game commencing with a a night phase at a time that is conveniently to me, maybe 7PM

Night Phase 9:00pm - 9:00am Normal Time
Day Phase 9:00am - 9:00pm Normal Time
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People involved in the game
Player list
1. DemurePrincess - Clarke Griswold (flog) - killed N4
2. BEaston - Sloane Peterson (cub) - lynched D2
3. Gralin - Ferris Bueller (Alpha) - lynched D7

4. DERO - Cameron Fry (beta wolf) lynched D1
5. ZergMinion - citizen of Illinois - dies N3
6. Nothing - Rusty griswold (flog) - killed N2
7. jannissary - Claire Standish (roleblocker) - lynched D3

8. Raz
9. myblueroan
10. dank420_ - Kriss Kringle (fake Seer0 - killed night 7
11. ClarkeM - Kevin McCallister (vigilante) - dies N1
12. MarcMaverick - Kriss Kringle / Beethoven (Seer/fake seer) - dies N1
13. dogs105 - citizen of Illinois - dies N3
14, Wickzki Allison Reynolds (goon) dies N3
15. Dingster - Andrew Cclarke (intimidator) - lynched D6
16. Chipmunk - citizen of Illinois - dies N3
17. I bleed Blue Citizen of Illinois - killed N2

18. Kurve
19. Cursing Fijian
20. Pie 4 LIfe
21. Boncer - Jeanie Bueller (wolf) - dies N1
22. Thewizardmelon - Uncle Buck (doctor) flubbered on Day 6

23. Ocha905 - Harry Lime (SK) - WINNER
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Werewolf Jmoo & Eth-diggity-dog present John Hughes presenting The Breakfast Club Vs Ferris Bueller Werewolf

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