John Anthony

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Would have him at Melbourne. He's a young KPF, proven goal kicker, and at worst would be good depth.

He would be ideal for Melbourne. Right age bracket. The only way he'll end up at a Carlton or Fremantle is if he puts at least $400 K on his head IMV.
The Eagles should have a crack...but won't...

If we do it will mean retiring Hansen, paying out his contract and would mean salary cap headaches so I don't see it happening. Would love to see it happening though, would prefer him over Hansen and Lynch any day of the week.
Krakouer has replaced Medhurst (similar players)

Not even close, Medhurst played as an undersized full-forward/half forward flanker whilst Krakoeur is a run and carry midfielder with a touch of class. If Krakouer can replicate some of his WAFL form in the AFL next year you will have a better player then Medhurst though.
This is incorrect. Houli is still on Essendon's list and will remain there during the ND.

If Houli has nominated for the ND, that is redundant. Luke Ball was still on St. Kilda's list at this exact point last year, he nominated for the ND.
Krakouer has replaced Medhurst (similar players)

Tarks is hard to replace.

We have lost a young player (JA) and experienced player (fraser) but have gained experience (Tarrant) and gained a young player (Ceglar).

So not really....

Lockyer was replaced by the more physically capable Macaffer and the speedier Goldsack last season. Two players already in the 22, yes, but two players that play his role well nonetheless.

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So he couldn't have said something earlier while the club had the chance to get something in return for a trade??? Sh!t bloke.

Considering the Tarrant trade was last minute and pushed him further back in the pecking order, not really?

I don't understand all this bitterness. Good luck to the bloke, hope he doesn't end up at Shitmantle, because no one deserves that. :p
Krakouer has replaced Medhurst (similar players)

Tarks is hard to replace.

We have lost a young player (JA) and experienced player (fraser) but have gained experience (Tarrant) and gained a young player (Ceglar).

So not really....

Simon Buckley, Josh Thomas and Ben Sinclair will also come into the mix next year. By the end, the players who have left were no closer to senior games than the guys who'll get games next year, and that's why they've left or retired.
Couple of things

- Think Anthony must have a suitor if he only nominates for the PSD

- Can be a decent player if played as a defender. Doesnt have enough tricks as a forward.
He would be perfect at Melbourne.

If he goes into the PSD, I can't see Richmond or Melbourne passing up on him.

Would have him at Melbourne. He's a young KPF, proven goal kicker, and at worst would be good depth.

Essendon still have until Thursday to delist Houli.
Would like JA at the Dees.

No we wouldn't. He's a tosser who isn't all that great a footballer. I personally have nothing against him, but everyone in his junior football club disliked the guy. Would be shattered if the dee's picked him up!
I missed a lot of footy this year but what the hell happened to him and why are you saying he cant make it as a forward. I thought he was dangerous up forward.
In the few matches he played this year he stuck out like a sore thumb. Rarely got a touch and when he did he generally turned it over. Maybe that was the result of so much time in the VFL but frankly from what I saw he wouldn't have been in any side I was picking either.

Personally I'd have preferred he stay since he's still young and has time to improve but good luck to him. I hope he goes well wherever he winds up.
Didn't fit the Malthouse mould of the defensive forward.

Obviously has his one weapon - his accurate kick. But other than that, when the ball hits the deck or is in dispute, Jacks defensive efforts and chase are below par.

Good luck to him in the future.
good fit at saints


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