Current Julian Assange arrested. * IS FREE

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Here, U.N appointed special Rapporteur Nils Melzer, will give you all the nitty gritty behind the original Swedish allegations, what led to them & the time-lines & the politics therein.

It's been one ginormous cluster-**** of a cobbled-together shit-show from go to whoa.

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It's doing the rounds again. Not a real lot of action on twitter for such a big day though.

The powers that be have put the clamps on social-media today....RT is the only You tube site currently up & functioning that has it's focus squarely on this issue.
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is guilty of “ordinary criminality” with a mass leak of classified cables that put sources and informants at risk of torture or death, the US government argued today at the start of his extradition battle.

“This is ordinary criminal charges and any person – a journalist or source who hacks or attempted to gain unauthorised access to secure computer systems, or aids and abets others to do so, is guilty of computer misuse”, he said. “Reporting or journalism is no excuse for criminality.”

Mr Lewis started his submissions this morning with an attack on reporting by Assange supporters, saying they wanted to paint him as “the embodiment of free expression”.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is guilty of “ordinary criminality” with a mass leak of classified cables that put sources and informants at risk of torture or death, the US government argued today at the start of his extradition battle.

“This is ordinary criminal charges and any person – a journalist or source who hacks or attempted to gain unauthorised access to secure computer systems, or aids and abets others to do so, is guilty of computer misuse”, he said. “Reporting or journalism is no excuse for criminality.”

Mr Lewis started his submissions this morning with an attack on reporting by Assange supporters, saying they wanted to paint him as “the embodiment of free expression”.

Rigggght….'Ordinary criminal charges'.....A year in A full maximum security prison in solitary confinement for 'ordinary charges'.....'Very ordinary indeed'.

Dude can't even lie properly straight up.

My first cross-examine question to this nong.....Define 'ordinary' for us in this context.
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Still going for him.

WASHINGTON (AP) — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange sought to recruit hackers at conferences in Europe and Asia who could provide his anti-secrecy website with classified information, and conspired with members of hacking organizations, according to a new Justice Department indictment announced Wednesday.

The superseding indictment does not contain additional charges beyond the 18 counts the Justice Department unsealed last year. But prosecutors say it underscores Assange’s efforts to procure and release classified information, allegations that form the basis of criminal charges he already faces.

Of course they're still going after him, because they're still frightened of him exposing them.

any half-decent constitutional lawyer would have those charges turfed out of court in 15 minutes......They've quite simply got no leg to stand on.

You can't say he doesn't get the usual rights of a U.S citizen while simultaneously trying to convict him of espionage….Morons...Sums up Pompeo & Trump to a tee.
Would it be safe to assume he has some sort of insurance if for example he died in there? If there's anything left for him to expose would it then be let go?

His principal danger to the establishment, is that he gives whistle-blowers a safe, trusted & guaranteed conduit, by which to expose their corrupt bosses & corporations they work for; Through his organisation that has a 100% full proof reputation.

This latest 'anonymous hackers' bollocks is yet more of the same shifting of the goal-posts by the corrupt powers that be, as they know they haven't got a legal or constitutional leg to stand on.....They tried pilling the same 'conspiring' angle with Chelsea Manning, by putting her back in jail & torturing her for a confession, after she had already been pardoned & released.....But she refused to lie or flip on Julian…..You can bet your life these so-called 'anonymous hackers' he supposedly 'conspired with' are merely 2 of their own intel fit-ups.....Pretty shady & desperate by the criminal scum-bag elites.

The entire case has been a fit-up from go-to whoa, starting with the fictitious Swedish charges, that have since melted away, under which he was originally wanted & jailed for to begin with.

It also amuses me no end, how no blow-torch has been applied by the press to the role the British government has played in this farce by their complicity....The only 'conspiring' that's been going on here, for almost a decade now, is between both the U.S & British governments, by their combined attempts at silencing a truth-teller, for exposing both their criminal alliances & activities.

Our governments & our authorities have exposed themselves as the hypocritical criminals, by their treatment of Assange, in spitting in the face of their own constitutions & Democracies.
damn it, bring him home
...he would be one of our finest assets if put to work for the government of AU


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Glenn Greenwald cuts thru the U.S Trump Justice Dept equivocations & duplicitous BS, behind their 'new' charges against Assange.

He also exposes the Liberal left, in their hypocrisy towards press freedom, Democracy & by extension - Assange himself.

You know if he wasn't such a narc, it would have been a lot easier for him.
He's compromised....Doesn't have half the integrity or courage of Julian.

This is homespun stuff but here goes .. my mother has said to me more than once 'You're very brave but you need to learn the bloody difference between courageous and reckless!' She might have a word with Julian.
This is homespun stuff but here goes .. my mother has said to me more than once 'You're very brave but you need to learn the bloody difference between courageous and reckless!' She might have a word with Julian.

It's not Julian's fault our governments are captured & run by criminals.
He pushed it too far you know he did, even if I personally am really disappointed particularly in that our own press turned their backs on him.

Not at all....all he did was to do the job a real journalist is supposed to, under the auspices of our Democratic rights & freedoms: a foundational principle & protector of which is freedom of the press, freedom of information & the First amendment act.

all the rest is BS spin & poppy-****, as any one comprehending the basis of our constitutional law knows full -well.

Cease & desist from defending criminal behaviour on the part of our Western governments.
Not at all....all he did was to do the job a real journalist is supposed to, under the auspices of our Democratic rights & freedoms: a foundational principle & protector of which is freedom of the press, freedom of information & the First amendment act.

all the rest is BS spin & poppy-****, as any one comprehending the basis of our constitutional law knows full -well.

Cease & desist from defending criminal behaviour on the part of our Western governments.

Why are posting in the flavor of an American citizen?

Cease and desist? Big fat LOL.

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