they should do this, but you post this on the port board and you get torn a new one. it's actually the perfect solution, IMHO
The best thing for Port Adelaide is to keep it simple. Bring back the traditional Port Adelaide prison bars but introduce some teal or maybe light blue as was used on the very first Port Adelaide jumper. Enough light blue to keep Collingwood off their backs and to make the Port Adelaide jumper unique in the league. The back of the jumper looks very much like the jumper worn to the clubs first AFL premiership. Then for a Clash/Away jumper just swap the colours on the jumper around. Could introduce the black at the top of the jumper but with light blue at the bottom.
The simple thing is that the prison bar design is a Port Adelaide tradition and should be part of the clubs home jumper. However using the traditional black and white prison bar design would infrig on Collingwood's ownership of the black and white colours as an AFL club. Adding teal or light blue would create a differents in colours between the two clubs, and make the images of the 2004 Premiership mean more to club supporters with the jumper on that day looking like the Port Adelaide home jumper.