Jw Howard-as Popular As Ever Among Aussies.

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Feb 9, 2006
AFL Club
It seems despite all the negative propaganda and lies spread about him by the left/far left,JWH remains as popular as ever among Australians.

There is no doubt that he has transformed Australia from a near 3rd world arse -end of the world dump which Labor left us in in 1996,to a world class happy prosperous strong nation in 2006.

Without a doubt our best leader since menzies,there is no doubt THE AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE HAVE MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE WHEN IT COMES TO PM FOR THE LAST DECADE.

Below from todays AGE:


A lasting impression
JOHN Howard has won some and lost some in the 10 years he has been prime minister. He has won Robert Hancock, 44, a father of two from Wangaratta who did not vote for him in 1996 but has become a convert.
"He’s a pretty solid PM — pretty honest," says Hancock. "The way he gets a handle on the economy is the best thing he does. You don’t have high inflation and rates going through the roof."

Ten years into his reign, he is seen by most Australians as providing strong leadership in uncertain times and as "bringing home the bacon" — a glowing 83 per cent of voters who rated the economy as the main issue believe he has managed the economy well or quite well.
[Do not quote an entire post. It is assumed that you are posting in reply to the most recent post anyway. Adrian]

How did the ALP leave australia as a dump, and what are the policies you beleive that Howard has brought about that has made you decide this?
galroo said:
It seems despite all the negative propaganda and lies spread about him by the left/far left,JWH remains as popular as ever among Australians.


[It is sufficient to quote only the first sentence or so, then delete the rest of the post. Adrian]

Oh for God's sake give it up, this is just a blatant puff piece. I dare you to add some substance to your comments of "near 3rd World". This is the most blatant deception and is not backed up by any evidence. Post some substance and then you might get some quality response.

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1jasonoz said:
How did the ALP leave australia as a dump, and what are the policies you beleive that Howard has brought about that has made you decide this?

ALP left us with record unemployment,sky rocketing interest rates,weak border protection etc etc...
galroo said:
ALP left us with record unemployment,sky rocketing interest rates,weak border protection etc etc...

Yep and Howard showed heroic Christian virtue when he turned back the TAMPA
Contra Mundum said:
Yep and Howard showed heroic Christian virtue when he turned back the TAMPA


Our PM has a duty to protect Australia from illegals,people smugglers and other undesirables.

His turning back of tapa was both honourable and the right thing to do.

He has saved thousands of people from drowning at the hands of people smugglers trying to invade our country0thus this also makes it the christian thing to do.
galroo said:
ALP left us with record unemployment,sky rocketing interest rates,weak border protection etc etc...

well done gumby;

1983 when the ALP got into power; Howard left the ALP

unemployment was more than 10%

interest rates had just come down from the highs of 21.39%

Inflation was above 10%

1996 when the ALP lost power to the Libs;

Inflation was at 3%

Interest rates where at around 7% and reducing;

Unemplyment was around 7-8% and reducing.

PS Stay away from border security with me, you will lose on the subject as most other right Whinger do.

Stick to your ignorant one liners.
galroo said:
Robert Hancock, 44, a father of two from Wangaratta who did not vote for him in 1996 but has become a convert.
"He’s a pretty solid PM — pretty honest," says Hancock. "The way he gets a handle on the economy is the best thing he does. You don’t have high inflation and rates going through the roof."

bold 1 - pretty honest --- ha ha ha.

bold 2 - Poor old costello - all his good work goes to the PM's approval rating!
galroo said:

Our PM has a duty to protect Australia from illegals,people smugglers and other undesirables.

His turning back of tapa was both honourable and the right thing to do.

He has saved thousands of people from drowning at the hands of people smugglers trying to invade our country0thus this also makes it the christian thing to do.

Scary, scary stuff.
galroo said:

Our PM has a duty to protect Australia from illegals,people smugglers and other undesirables.

His turning back of tapa was both honourable and the right thing to do.

He has saved thousands of people from drowning at the hands of people smugglers trying to invade our country0thus this also makes it the christian thing to do.

Tell me what do you think Christ meant when he said:

From Matthew 25:
That is when the King says to those from his right, 'Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom that was destined for you from the foundations of the universe.
35. " 'For I was hungry and you gave me to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me to drink. I was an outcast and you took me in.
36. " 'I was naked and you clothed me. I was ill and you visited me. I was in prison and you came to me. '
37. "Then the saintly will say to him, 'Our Lord, when did we see you hungry and we fed you, or you were thirsty and we gave you drink?
38. " 'And when did we see you an outcast and we took you in, or when were you naked and we clothed you?
39. " 'And when did we see you ill or in prison and we came to you?'
40. "And the King replied and told them, 'Amen, I am telling you, that whatever you do for one of these my little brethren, for me you have done that.'
41. "Then he will say also to those on his left, 'Go away from me you accursed to eternal fire, that is set for the Devil and his angels.
42. " 'For I was hungry and you did not give me to eat. I was thirsty and you did not give me to drink.
43. " 'I was an outcast and you did not take me in. And I was naked and you did not cloth me. And I was ill and in prison and you did not visit me.'
44. "Then they too shall reply and say, 'Our Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or an outcast or naked or ill or in prison, and we did not serve you?'
45. "Then he will reply and say to them, 'Amen, I am telling you, that whatever you did not do for one of these little ones, neither did you do it for me.'
46. "And they will go these to eternal* torment and the saintly to eternal life."

Funny - I can't see any reference to immigration status there!!!!!
galroo said:

Our PM has a duty to protect Australia from illegals,people smugglers and other undesirables.

His turning back of tapa was both honourable and the right thing to do.

He has saved thousands of people from drowning at the hands of people smugglers trying to invade our country0thus this also makes it the christian thing to do.

So much for that Brotherhood of man stuff.

Looks like you'll be in hell with IntheNet.
Contra Mundum said:
Tell me what do you think Christ meant when he said:

From Matthew 25:
That is when the King says to those from his right, 'Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom that was destined for you from the foundations of the universe.
35. " 'For I was hungry and you gave me to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me to drink. I was an outcast and you took me in.
36. " 'I was naked and you clothed me. I was ill and you visited me. I was in prison and you came to me. '
37. "Then the saintly will say to him, 'Our Lord, when did we see you hungry and we fed you, or you were thirsty and we gave you drink?
38. " 'And when did we see you an outcast and we took you in, or when were you naked and we clothed you?
39. " 'And when did we see you ill or in prison and we came to you?'
40. "And the King replied and told them, 'Amen, I am telling you, that whatever you do for one of these my little brethren, for me you have done that.'
41. "Then he will say also to those on his left, 'Go away from me you accursed to eternal fire, that is set for the Devil and his angels.
42. " 'For I was hungry and you did not give me to eat. I was thirsty and you did not give me to drink.
43. " 'I was an outcast and you did not take me in. And I was naked and you did not cloth me. And I was ill and in prison and you did not visit me.'
44. "Then they too shall reply and say, 'Our Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or an outcast or naked or ill or in prison, and we did not serve you?'
45. "Then he will reply and say to them, 'Amen, I am telling you, that whatever you did not do for one of these little ones, neither did you do it for me.'
46. "And they will go these to eternal* torment and the saintly to eternal life."

Funny - I can't see any reference to immigration status there!!!!!

Mate the scribes who wrote the Bible were clearly biased leftist liberals who wrote for the New Jerusalem times (And most probably secualr humanists. i.e. Jews).
Contra Mundum said:
Tell me what do you think Christ meant when he said:

From Matthew 25:
That is when the King says to those from his right, 'Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom that was destined for you from the foundations of the universe.
35. " 'For I was hungry and you gave me to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me to drink. I was an outcast and you took me in.
36. " 'I was naked and you clothed me. I was ill and you visited me. I was in prison and you came to me. '
37. "Then the saintly will say to him, 'Our Lord, when did we see you hungry and we fed you, or you were thirsty and we gave you drink?
38. " 'And when did we see you an outcast and we took you in, or when were you naked and we clothed you?
39. " 'And when did we see you ill or in prison and we came to you?'
40. "And the King replied and told them, 'Amen, I am telling you, that whatever you do for one of these my little brethren, for me you have done that.'
41. "Then he will say also to those on his left, 'Go away from me you accursed to eternal fire, that is set for the Devil and his angels.
42. " 'For I was hungry and you did not give me to eat. I was thirsty and you did not give me to drink.
43. " 'I was an outcast and you did not take me in. And I was naked and you did not cloth me. And I was ill and in prison and you did not visit me.'
44. "Then they too shall reply and say, 'Our Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or an outcast or naked or ill or in prison, and we did not serve you?'
45. "Then he will reply and say to them, 'Amen, I am telling you, that whatever you did not do for one of these little ones, neither did you do it for me.'
46. "And they will go these to eternal* torment and the saintly to eternal life."

Funny - I can't see any reference to immigration status there!!!!!

By stopping people smugglers,JWH has saved many people from drowning.

He also has protected Australians from undesirables-therefore from a chritian point of view his stance is correct.

BTW,Contra i thought you belived that one should not take their personal religious beliefs into account when making political decisions?

Or does that only count when it suits u?

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galroo said:
He also has protected Australians from undesirables-therefore from a chritian point of view his stance is correct.

Serioulsy how the ******** can you say this????

He didn;t say Blessed are those who keep undesirables out of our land!!!! He was out there with the undesirables!!! That was the freaking point!

And you call yourself a Christian!! The mind boggles.
galroo said:
By stopping people smugglers,JWH has saved many people from drowning.

He also has protected Australians from undesirables-therefore from a chritian point of view his stance is correct.

BTW,Contra i thought you belived that one should not take their personal religious beliefs into account when making political decisions?

Or does that only count when it suits u?

Yoour first point is "the end justifies the means" - for a Christian its all about means - what you are suggesting is utilitarian not Christian.

Does the Good Samaritan leave the guy because he is "undesireable"

I think every act must be informed by faith but you can't have it both ways - I suppose you think the "eye of a needle" is a dirty big gate as well.

I firmly believe it is about love not prescription and Howard is deeply unChristian

On the issue of abortion I would say we spend inordinate amounts of time on it where there are worse crimes being perpetrated against those who are unarguably alive and in the world
Funkyzeit mit Matt said:
And here I was thinking that jesus went around helping lepers.

Can we please get rid of this galroo, a Jesus-hating anti-Christian, from the board please Charlie?

Said like a true socialist/commie/greenie.

Ban someone from expressing free speech-the no.1 goal of narrow-minded socialists.

Just like your heroes pol pot and stalin hey funky?
galroo said:
Funkyzeit mit Matt said:
And here I was thinking that jesus went around helping lepers.

Can we please get rid of this galroo, a Jesus-hating anti-Christian, from the board please Charlie?[/quote]

Said like a true socialist/commie/greenie.

Ban someone from expressing free speech-the no.1 goal of narrow-minded socialists.

Just like your heroes pol pot and stalin hey funky?

You failed to sense the sarcasm. I was simply making the point that I was offended by someone making comments that were so flagrantly disrespectful to the teachings of Christ.
galroo said:

Our PM has a duty to protect Australia from illegals,people smugglers and other undesirables.

His turning back of tapa was both honourable and the right thing to do.

He has saved thousands of people from drowning at the hands of people smugglers trying to invade our country0thus this also makes it the christian thing to do.

Never mind the fact that most of those on board are either here or in NZ waiting to come here. All JH did was spend millions on a PR exercise.
afc9798 said:
Oh for God's sake give it up, this is just a blatant puff piece. I dare you to add some substance to your comments of "near 3rd World". This is the most blatant deception and is not backed up by any evidence. Post some substance and then you might get some quality response.

Parts of Australia are definitely third world, in fact, we're one of only a handful of countries that can be classified as fourth world.
rick James said:
Parts of Australia are definitely third world, in fact, we're one of only a handful of countries that can be classified as fourth world.

don't disagree, but that was not what the assertion was in regards to, it was applied to the country as a whole. Now if you consider that the overwhelming majority of us live in relative material wealth, in peaceful surroundings and unaffected by war in the main, then this makes the generalisation naive or stupid.

The point should also be made that those who you refer to living in "fourth world" conditions, have not improved their lot under many successive Govts. including the current.
galroo said:
It seems despite all the negative propaganda and lies spread about him by the left/far left,JWH remains as popular as ever among Australians.

There is no doubt that he has transformed Australia from a near 3rd world arse -end of the world dump which Labor left us in in 1996,to a world class happy prosperous strong nation in 2006.

Without a doubt our best leader since menzies,there is no doubt THE AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE HAVE MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE WHEN IT COMES TO PM FOR THE LAST DECADE.
What ever u rightists think about him,he is such a boring passionless excuse for a human being.
galroo said:

Our PM has a duty to protect Australia from illegals,people smugglers and other undesirables.

His turning back of tapa was both honourable and the right thing to do.

He has saved thousands of people from drowning at the hands of people smugglers trying to invade our country0thus this also makes it the christian thing to do.
Yeah and they wernt white either.

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Jw Howard-as Popular As Ever Among Aussies.

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