USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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Your search results = Fake news

So are you saying that the straight white male stuff is not mentioned on BF?
No I'm sure it is, its just not as big of a thing as you're saying it is. As noted in my previous posts you didn't respond to, I think that older white dudes probably cop it more on SRP simply because they tend to be over-represented among those with views and politics ranging from less progressive to flat out repulsive.

But anyway, your post said "that SWM is a thing" - sorry, I assumed you were talking about the acronym being bandied around (ala SJW for example) but understand now that was just your own shorthand for referring to that type of discussion, all good.

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I just searched 'SWM' on all BF forums and besides a company called Seven West Media the only results are the mentions we've just given it?

My apologies to you bourbons. You are absolutely correct. Straight, white male has never been a thing on BF, has never been mentioned and I am 100% incorrect. I must be mixed up with another forum. Sorry for the troubles.
No I'm sure it is, its just not as big of a thing as you're saying it is. As noted in my previous posts you didn't respond to, I think that older white dudes probably cop it more on SRP simply because they tend to be over-represented among those with views and politics ranging from less progressive to flat out repulsive.

But anyway, your post said "that SWM is a thing" - sorry, I assumed you were talking about the acronym being bandied around (ala SJW for example) but understand now that was just your own shorthand for referring to that type of discussion, all good.

No problems. I have issued my apology to you and all other posters that have had the unfortunate experience of reading my posts. I am wrong. And again I apologise for wasting thread space.
This guy is far too old to run, he should step aside for his more youthful and energetic couch f**king running mate


Is that David Lo Pan?

Before the nutters make stupid assumptions
I was the first of my whole family not to be born in northern Minnesota. I spent many summers there. That flag doesn't scream out Minnesota to me. Yeah lots of lakes and sky for the blues, but there are also lots of birch trees and conifers so there should be some green in there. Most of all, there should be the state bird, the mosquito. :)

Walz seems very Minnesotan, but without the accent. My family does, along with smattering of Norwegianisms. I'm less familiar with the Twin Cities, but the northern ones are not prone to hyperbole. The greatest compliment they can give is "not bad". They are quite polite and friendly, even on the roads. It can be a harsh place to live so I think it gives them prospective. They've elected Jesse Ventura and Al Franken to high office.
I was the first of my whole family not to be born in northern Minnesota. I spent many summers there. That flag doesn't scream out Minnesota to me. Yeah lots of lakes and sky for the blues, but there are also lots of birch trees and conifers so there should be some green in there. Most of all, there should be the state bird, the mosquito. :)

Walz seems very Minnesotan, but without the accent. My family does, along with smattering of Norwegianisms. I'm less familiar with the Twin Cities, but the northern ones are not prone to hyperbole. The greatest compliment they can give is "not bad". They are quite polite and friendly, even on the roads. It can be a harsh place to live so I think it gives them prospective. They've elected Jesse Ventura and Al Franken to high office.
Prairie Home Companion? That's my entire grounding in Minnesota.
My apologies to you bourbons. You are absolutely correct. Straight, white male has never been a thing on BF, has never been mentioned and I am 100% incorrect. I must be mixed up with another forum. Sorry for the troubles.
It would have been. But not in the way you're interpreting, at least not in the majority (and this goes to wider society).

Very few people refer to straight white male in a negative fashion, purely because someone is straight, white and male. Without any history or context.

It's mostly done so in the context of power structures and institutions in society where straight, white, males have had the run of things and this has often not been good for people who are not straight, white and male in various ways. Things are changing, but the dominance still exists in many places.

Why there's less of this sort of critique with Walz is fairly obvious, because he's the running mate of a black woman (and also that he stands with females and LTGBQ+ minorities, rather than against them). And if he was running mate to Biden, the critique wouldn't be because straight, white, male is inherently bad in isolation, it would be because it'd be yet another Presidential election (see any election before 2008) where it's the same 4 x straight, white, male representation.

Now, some might bring up merit instead of representation, but that would also assume we had a meritocracy up until straight, white, males stopped having 100% representation on Presidential tickets. Although we're yet to see any movement on the straight factor.
It would have been. But not in the way you're interpreting, at least not in the majority (and this goes to wider society).

Very few people refer to straight white male in a negative fashion, purely because someone is straight, white and male. Without any history or context.

It's mostly done so in the context of power structures and institutions in society where straight, white, males have had the run of things and this has often not been good for people who are not straight, white and male in various ways. Things are changing, but the dominance still exists in many places.

Why there's less of this sort of critique with Walz is fairly obvious, because he's the running mate of a black woman (and also that he stands with females and LTGBQ+ minorities, rather than against them). And if he was running mate to Biden, the critique wouldn't be because straight, white, male is inherently bad in isolation, it would be because it'd be yet another Presidential election (see any election before 2008) where it's the same 4 x straight, white, male representation.

Now, some might bring up merit instead of representation, but that would also assume we had a meritocracy up until straight, white, males stopped having 100% representation on Presidential tickets. Although we're yet to see any movement on the straight factor.

Thanks for the explanation.

Maybe I was holding on to the outlier posters and this clouded my judgment. Probably a result of being on this forum for too long. Using an outlier as the norm is not a position I like to take.

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My apologies to you bourbons. You are absolutely correct. Straight, white male has never been a thing on BF, has never been mentioned and I am 100% incorrect. I must be mixed up with another forum. Sorry for the troubles.
No problems. I have issued my apology to you and all other posters that have had the unfortunate experience of reading my posts. I am wrong. And again I apologise for wasting thread space.

Didn't you have a go at me for being patronising the other day?

And did you miss the first bit of my post or something?
No I'm sure it is

Never let the truth get in the way of a good persecution complex I suppose.
And what is wrong with woke?

Maybe you need to look up the definition.

Unless you're implying that woke equals irrational lefty, it doesn't.


Invariably, people (not just on BF) who throw about the label "woke" intending it as an insult, actually have no idea what it actually means.

A bit like "the left", which can mean anything... or nothing, depending on the context.
No one despises 60 yo white blokes because they are 60 yo white blokes.

If we do despise them it is because they are dickheads. Like Trump is a dickhead.

Trump's been a dickhead almost from birth though, he didn't suddenly acquire dickhead-edness when he turned 60.
(Can also substitute dickhead with racist, moron, grifter, rapist, sleazebag, failed 'businessman', etc and they'd all still apply to him from well before his 60th birthday.) 😄
Trump's been a dickhead almost from birth though, he didn't suddenly acquire dickhead-edness when he turned 60.
(Can also substitute dickhead with racist, moron, grifter, rapist, sleazebag, failed 'businessman', etc and they'd all still apply to him from well before his 60th birthday.) 😄
How ironic would it be to America if they vote this turd into office AGAIN.?

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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