USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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Part of what they wanted to do is independent districting and a national holiday for Presidential elections. Compulsory voting is a hard sell in the US, and preferential / ranked choice (which is used sparingly already e.g. Alaska congressional) would also face some internal divisions.

Popular vote for President sure. If we're aiming for our model, then Senators per capita is a deviation we don't even do (unless you're a territory). I think other reform would improve the quality of Senators.
perhaps the first order of work should be to clean-up the gerrymander.

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Same thing happened in 2020, with people suddenly shocked not all votes were counted on the day of the election, and that was proof of rigging.

This was people I know mind you who had gone down COVID rabbit holes and suddenly got into politics believing Trump was great. I explained to them that no votes are every fully counted in one day in elections here, US, UK etc they were genuinely surprised. I mentioned elections like US 2000 and here in Australia that weren't known the night of the election, and they were genuinely surprised. These people who had become super invested in Trump, didn't know any of this.

This is a trick he has been able to do, by his cult of personality he has been able to get politically disenganged people interested in politics, but often people who have zero understanding of things.
Haha yep, there was one luminary here in 2020 wondering why only the close states were still counting votes lol. Just didn't click that the states which could impact the result would be the only ones still getting airtime in reporting.

Same with the 1000s of affidavits nonsense too, vast majority of those were dismissed coz the people making them had no idea what they were talking about.
I want the dems to go hardcore if they get in, go for our electoral model - compulsory voting, independent Electoral Commission deciding borders for districts and preferential voting and elections to always be on a weekend.

Then throw in popular vote for the presidential election and different amount of senators depending on state size.

The Republicans would throw a complete hissy fit, but I think the majority of Americans would see their electoral system is broken and needs fixing.
Would be grand but no chance unfortunately, muh states rights.

I'd settle for just the election held on the weekend, would love to see the GOP argue against that one with a straight face. They know even doing just that would probably see them off for a generation.
Im still waiting for that chat about policy I said I would have with him, to discuss pro's and con's of what both parties have done and intend to do, and their benefit for average people.

Strangely silent. We know hes got nothing, just a troll.
I posted excerpts of Harris policys - crickets

I posted the Trump manifesto and even provided my own commentary on them - crickets

Speaking of frauds
Hardly torching. It was as you'd expect from DeSantis.

Misleading about Covid vaccine - Check

Anti Covid restrictions - Check

Lies about Minnesota's population declining over the last 3 years - Check

Ideological gender commentary - Check
Same thing happened in 2020, with people suddenly shocked not all votes were counted on the day of the election, and that was proof of rigging.

This was people I know mind you who had gone down COVID rabbit holes and suddenly got into politics believing Trump was great. I explained to them that no votes are every fully counted in one day in elections here, US, UK etc they were genuinely surprised. I mentioned elections like US 2000 and here in Australia that weren't known the night of the election, and they were genuinely surprised. These people who had become super invested in Trump, didn't know any of this.

This is a trick he has been able to do, by his cult of personality he has been able to get politically disenganged people interested in politics, but often people who have zero understanding of things.
Current rumblings about Ilhan Omar and how ZoMg! no votes counted at 9.22 and at 9.37 99% counted it must be fRaUd!

No context provided of course like how many districts and how many total votes - for al I know it was one Booth and it was easier to release the full count rather than piecemeal
Obviously he doesn’t want any fact checking
Not sure why a crowd is necessary for a debate that is being streamed to nation.

And kind of puzzling that he wants one, after the crickets he gets at speeches, followed by the awkward “hehe, I love you guys”

The guy has less charisma than E. coli.
A few Democrats had forgotten her capabilities - following a poor presidential run and a few years in the understated role of VP. Prior to that she had never lost an election. The wraps on her were not insignificant.

Upon Biden ceasing his run for re-election, her first job was to weld together a Democratic Party that had lost its confidence. The momentum is promising, she may well get the Democrat vote out.
The Dems could have easily self destructed through confusion and disunity, instead it's been done brilliantly, part of why I keep thinking it was the real plan A.
Part of what they wanted to do is independent districting and a national holiday for Presidential elections. Compulsory voting is a hard sell in the US, and preferential / ranked choice (which is used sparingly already e.g. Alaska congressional) would also face some internal divisions.

Popular vote for President sure. If we're aiming for our model, then Senators per capita is a deviation we don't even do (unless you're a territory). I think other reform would improve the quality of Senators.
Death is only thing that would improve some of those senators, I say that even though McConnell's experiment with it can't be called a complete success.

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I'm a fraud? Look at you guys. Kamala was mocked before she became the nominee and now you've all fawning over her like she's the greatest politician ever. You are all so easily manipulated and just fall into line and swallow what the MSM tell you do. It's faker than fake.

I ignore posts that say 'But Trump is a....' because I've read it all before, have replied to it all before and there is very little to be gained from replying to it again. It just leads to another but Trump rant.
She annoys me with her way of speaking but as a politician you have to respect her as a shrewd operator.

She jumped onto Biden very early on to secure VP, she then played his removal to perfection (anyone thinking the early debate then the timing of her elevation the second after Trump had peaked etc, wasn't planned to the second doesn't know politics).

She has a party machine behind her to create popular pre-election policy and has picked a VP with a charisma and likeability level through the roof who speaks to the voters she needs most in their own language.

How much of it is her and how much is her backroom people is irrelevant because having good people and taking correct advice is 90% of the game.

She's a very good politician .

You're just melty because its no longer a feeble geriatric Biden that feeble geriatric Trump has to run against.
How much of it is her and how much is her backroom people is irrelevant because having good people and taking correct advice is 90% of the game.
Woah woah woah - you want Presidential nominees to listen to the backroom boys - sheesh how can you trust someone who listens to people
She annoys me with her way of speaking but as a politician you have to respect her as a shrewd operator.

She jumped onto Biden very early on to secure VP, she then played his removal to perfection (anyone thinking the early debate then the timing of her elevation the second after Trump had peaked etc, wasn't planned to the second doesn't know politics).

She has a party machine behind her to create popular pre-election policy and has picked a VP with a charisma and likeability level through the roof who speaks to the voters she needs most in their own language.

How much of it is her and how much is her backroom people is irrelevant because having good people and taking correct advice is 90% of the game.

She's a very good politician .

You're just melty because its no longer a feeble geriatric Biden that feeble geriatric Trump has to run against.

the convicted tossers’ speech and mannerisms have that effect on me. but i can live with that, partly bc so many take the piss out of him. as you suggest it’s the content that matters.
I want the dems to go hardcore if they get in, go for our electoral model - compulsory voting, independent Electoral Commission deciding borders for districts and preferential voting and elections to always be on a weekend.

Then throw in popular vote for the presidential election and different amount of senators depending on state size.

The Republicans would throw a complete hissy fit, but I think the majority of Americans would see their electoral system is broken and needs fixing.
But haven’t you heard? They have the greatest democracy in the world!! Why would you change a system that is completely perfect in every way?
I'm a fraud? Look at you guys. Kamala was mocked before she became the nominee and now you've all fawning over her like she's the greatest politician ever. You are all so easily manipulated and just fall into line and swallow what the MSM tell you do. It's faker than fake.

I ignore posts that say 'But Trump is a....' because I've read it all before, have replied to it all before and there is very little to be gained from replying to it again. It just leads to another but Trump rant.
I don’t expect her to be the greatest pollie ever. I do expect her to be a significantly better option than trump. I also believe she gives the Democrats a better chance of competing with trump-an option that Biden wasn’t providing. ( and the polling is already suggesting this is the case).
So that gives me cause for hope so why wouldn’t I be happy? Can’t see how that is being manipulated.
Trump is a disaster, so if there’s a chance he can get rolled-celebrate, I say. Any sane person would feel the same.
Same thing happened in 2020, with people suddenly shocked not all votes were counted on the day of the election, and that was proof of rigging.

This was people I know mind you who had gone down COVID rabbit holes and suddenly got into politics believing Trump was great. I explained to them that no votes are every fully counted in one day in elections here, US, UK etc they were genuinely surprised. I mentioned elections like US 2000 and here in Australia that weren't known the night of the election, and they were genuinely surprised. These people who had become super invested in Trump, didn't know any of this.

This is a trick he has been able to do, by his cult of personality he has been able to get politically disenganged people interested in politics, but often people who have zero understanding of things.
Some states count the mail in ballots last no idea why,
This lead to conspiracy theories.

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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