USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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I can only assume that you only follow FOX and RW media because yes Trump, yes in a speech did say he would be Dictator on day one. He also said he would deport millions of immigrants.

You can ignore and deny all the stuff that comes out of his mouth and rewrite history all you like, just as he does, but facts are facts. .
And, please, don’t insult thinking folks by pretending that you’re actually in the real world.

Anyway let’s talk …say… policy.
I mean apparently Trump and Vance have been out there stating their policies.

Tell me what is the Trump/ Vance family policy?

Then we can compare it to Harris/ Walz policy in that area.

Let’s see how they stack up.
That’s a starting point.
Lol. If anyone other than Trump had said that you would realise it was a tongue in cheek comment but he has totally warped all your brains. It really only highlights your foolishness.

Also, I get my media from many sources. I ike to see how an issue is reported by both sides. I'm guessing you don'y do the same and only read a viewpoint you agree with. Would explain your spouting talking points in every post.

And if you want to talk families. There is only one party that is anti-family and sees abortion as the issue that will get them elected. I have no time listening to how the Dems are for families when their no. 1 issue above the ecomony, above immigtarion, above inflation and the cost of living is how to prevent families.
Did someone say there isnt any policy?

- $25,000 Subsidy for First-Time Homebuyers: A federal subsidy of $25,000 for more than 1 million first-time homebuyers to assist with down payments.-

$6,000 Child Tax Credit: A $6,000 Child Tax Credit for the first year of a baby’s life, in addition to restoring the Biden administration’s Child Tax Credit that expired in 2021, which provided $3,000 per child (up from $2,000).-

Elimination of Medical Debt: Proposing to cancel medical debt for millions of Americans by using federal funds to buy and forgive outstanding medical debt from healthcare providers.-

Ban on Price Gouging for Groceries and Food:Introducing the "first-ever" ban on price gouging for groceries and food, including authorizing the Federal Trade Commission to impose fines on grocery stores that engage in excessive price hikes.-

Cap on Prescription Drug Costs: Expanding on provisions from the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, Harris proposes capping out-of-pocket spending on prescription drugs at $2,000 annually for all Americans, extending beyond just Medicare beneficiaries.-

Earned Income Tax Credit Expansion: Expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit for lower-wage workers by up to $1,500.
The first policy is absolutely stupid. Terrible for the housing market (it boosts prices not lowers them) and its completely unjust because its not universally applied in that only 1 million people can get it.

The second and third policies are decent policies.

The fourth policy sounds like a Richard Nixon policy. Shows a complete lack of economic understanding and will lead to food shortages just as NIXONS policies did.

The fifth policy is also just dumb. A lot needs to be done to bring down drugs prices in america but this is completely the wrong way to do it.

But at least she doesnt have not so secret plans to bring down democracy, dramatically increase inflation through universal tariffs on all goods, abandon NATO and allow russia to take over half of europe and deport a million ciitizens. So i guess her policies are still dramatically better then her opponents.
And if you want to talk families. There is only one party that is anti-family and sees abortion as the issue that will get them elected. I have no time listening to how the Dems are for families when their no. 1 issue above the ecomony, above immigtarion, above inflation and the cost of living is how to prevent families.
Didn't realise we were operating at such a simplistic level on the issue. There are many reasons why people get abortions. Even ignoring health reasons. Many who have abortions go on to have families at some point, many already have them. In fact, in the US, about 60% of abortions are for people who have already had children. About 35% have had two or more.

You also assume that all people are going to magically have a "family", if they have a child.

The reason why it's a big issue, is because of conservative, often religious, ideology interfering in the political process to restrict and control reproductive rights in an often extreme manner, and thus the people who would exercise them.

If Republicans were reasonable on the issue, then it would cease to have such importance.

Republicans, who often when faced with a choice to support already existing families, around tax credits, education and healthcare, fall short of the Democrats.

So spare us the indignation.
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The first policy is absolutely stupid. Terrible for the housing market (it boosts prices not lowers them) and its completely unjust because its not universally applied in that only 1 million people can get it.
You might be right but the 1st homeowners scheme here in the 80s helped a lot of people get a loan when banks were very patriarchal and looked down their noses at most people applying for a loan

Plus I think or hope the price gouging comes into play but I dont think so

On balance I think a 1st homeowners grant is better than nothing
The fifth policy is also just dumb. A lot needs to be done to bring down drugs prices in america but this is completely the wrong way to do it.
How would you do it? This has been fleshed out a bit to indicate Insulin for example will be capped at $35

I would go after Big Pharma but this is one way
Didn't realise we were operating at such a simplistic level on the issue. There are many reasons why people get abortions. Even ignoring health reasons. Many who have abortions go on to have families at some point, many already have them. In fact, in the US, about 60% of abortions are for people who have already had children. About 35% have had two or more.

You also assume that all people are going to magically have a "family", if they have a child.

The reason why it's a big issue, is because of conservative, often religious, ideology interfering in the political process to restrict and control reproductive rights in an often extreme manner, and thus the people who would exercise them.

If Republicans were reasonable on the issue, then it would cease to have such importance.

Republicans, who often when faced with a choice to support already existing families, around tax credits, education and healthcare, fall short of the Democrats.

So spare us the indignation.
You really should ignore that guy - he doesn't know the difference between a foetus and a baby.
Didn't realise we were operating at such a simplistic level on the issue. There are many reasons why people get abortions. Even ignoring health reasons. Many who have abortions go on to have families at some point, many already have them. In fact, in the US, about 60% of abortions are for people who have already had children. About 35% have had two or more.

You also assume that all people are going to magically have a "family", if they have a child.

The reason why it's a big issue, is because of conservative, often religious, ideology interfering in the political process to restrict and control reproductive rights in an often extreme manner, and thus the people who would exercise them.

If Republicans were reasonable on the issue, then it would cease to have such importance.

Republicans, who often when faced with a choice to support already existing families, around tax credits, education and healthcare, fall short of the Democrats.

So spare us the indignation.
To be fair Stokey has addressed his position on abortion plenty of times

I dont agree with it but its his 1 consistent theme
Didn't realise we were operating at such a simplistic level on the issue. There are many reasons why people get abortions. Even ignoring health reasons. Many who have abortions go on to have families at some point, many already have them. In fact, in the US, about 60% of abortions are for people who have already had children. About 35% have had two or more.

You also assume that all people are going to magically have a "family", if they have a child.

The reason why it's a big issue, is because of conservative ideology interfering in the political process to restrict and control reproductive rights.

If Republicans were reasonable on the issue, then it would cease to have such importance.

Republicans, who often when faced with a choice to support already existing families, around tax credits, education and healthcare, fall short of the Democrats.

So spare us the indignation.
Continue to blame it all on the evil conservatives. The left have always been anti the family unit. It'sthere policies that have led to black families having the highest rate of marriage retention half a century ago to being majority single parent families now. I don't need to be indignant about it it is just fact.

Even the way Vance talks about the family unit he's made to seem weird when the family unit should be celebrated. The Democrats would rather import a ready made workforce than have to build one of their own through childbirth and building a family. Children mean healthcare, childcare, schools etc. Easier to bypass those expenses and just import a ready to work population.

My brother had my niece in San Fran and they looked for new mothers groups to join and they didn't exist because most mothers went back to work within 6 weeks. What an awesome utopia the left have built.
You really should ignore that guy - he doesn't know the difference between a foetus and a baby.
Except in extreme circumstances there should be no difference.

Pregnancy has been turned into a 60 day no questions asked refund. A human life reduced to a consumer good.
Continue to blame it all on the evil conservatives. The left have always been anti the family unit. It'sthere policies that have led to black families having the highest rate of marriage retention half a century ago to being majority single parent families now. I don't need to be indignant about it it is just fact.

Even the way Vance talks about the family unit he's made to seem weird when the family unit should be celebrated. The Democrats would rather import a ready made workforce than have to build one of their own through childbirth and building a family. Children mean healthcare, childcare, schools etc. Easier to bypass those expenses and just import a ready to work population.

My brother had my niece in San Fran and they looked for new mothers groups to join and they didn't exist because most mothers went back to work within 6 weeks. What an awesome utopia the left have built.
Love a good anecdote.

You may want to read what I wrote and respond in good faith.

Where did I blame it all on evil conservatives? I explained why abortion is such a big issue, not the whole of family policy, though Republicans fall short.

The difference is I'd like to create a society where people have the means to have and raise children if they wish. Republicans seem not to care as much about this, but are happy to just force births on people.
Continue to blame it all on the evil conservatives. The left have always been anti the family unit. It'sthere policies that have led to black families having the highest rate of marriage retention half a century ago to being majority single parent families now. I don't need to be indignant about it it is just fact.
Which policies? I cant get my head around how a policy is black exclusive - but I await your response
Even the way Vance talks about the family unit he's made to seem weird when the family unit should be celebrated.
The few who discussed it were supportive of his ideas over the family unit but its a pipe dream. Im glad your brother in San Fran is able to afford to stay home or have a 1 income family but most dont. There has been a gradual shift - as I have experienced - from 1 income to double and the stressors that places on families

What Vance was criticised for was his dismissal of the economic factors

Yor brother? Does he have family support there? Why did he need to find a mothers club ? I know when we moved away from the family unit my ex and I struggled and partly why we are exes. Circumstances are different for everyone
The Democrats would rather import a ready made workforce than have to build one of their own through childbirth and building a family. Children mean healthcare, childcare, schools etc. Easier to bypass those expenses and just import a ready to work population.
I'm confused. Republicans want children for the workforce but you then say these are expenses ( I assume) the family cant afford. Are you advocating a child workforce and skip the whole education and child care angle?

And lets be honest the NRA takes care of those pesky children anyway
My brother had my niece in San Fran and they looked for new mothers groups to join and they didn't exist because most mothers went back to work within 6 weeks. What an awesome utopia the left have built.
Cool story bro but everybody has built this but keep blaming tHe lEfT
Also, I get my media from many sources.
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Lol. If anyone other than Trump had said that you would realise it was a tongue in cheek comment but he has totally warped all your brains. It really only highlights your foolishness.
Which part is tongue in cheek I wonder? The dictator for 1 day, or the deporting millions of people? :think:

And if you want to talk families. There is only one party that is anti-family and sees abortion as the issue that will get them elected. I have no time listening to how the Dems are for families when their no. 1 issue above the ecomony, above immigtarion, above inflation and the cost of living is how to prevent families.
Oh yes, the GOP are all about families - right up until they are born. After that, not so much - which is where Democrat policies generally come in.
Dude, you've made over 450 posts about Trump in the last two years.

Stokey is committed to running protection for the notorious moron and practising scam artist.

Stokey has confidence in a guy who believes windmills cause cancer.

Stokey has confidence in a guy who believes we should inject bleach to cure covid.

Stokey has confidence in a guy who believes electric boat motors will lead to shark attacks.

and we haven’t even got to him being a rapist; convicted felon; congenital liar who called the insurrectionists (the insurrection he incited) “very fine people”. someone who obstructed justice (the mueller investigation being but one); attempted to subvert justice regarding the 2020 election; squibbed military service; claims economic know-how but has been bankrupt 6 times; there’s more, by refusing to sign the covid relief bill caused immense loss of life and screwed the economy in the process; falsely claimed he won a nobel prize; made america a laughing stock worldwide. and is in cognitive decline and is grossly incompetent - to mention a few more.

oh Stokey, Stokey, Stokey
The Democrats would rather import a ready made workforce than have to build one of their own through childbirth and building a family. Children mean healthcare, childcare, schools etc. Easier to bypass those expenses and just import a ready to work population.
Ahh yes, healthcare childcare and schools - absolute bedrocks of GOP policy and focus there :tearsofjoy:

My brother had my niece in San Fran and they looked for new mothers groups to join and they didn't exist because most mothers went back to work within 6 weeks. What an awesome utopia the left have built.
Wait wait.... wait. You're blaming the left for lack of parental leave in the US?

You can't be real, you just can't be :tearsofjoy:
Stokey is committed to running protection for the notorious moron and practising scam artist.

Stokey has confidence in a guy who believes windmills cause cancer.

Stokey has confidence in a guy who believes we should inject bleach to cure covid.

Stokey has confidence in a guy who believes electric boat motors will lead to shark attacks.

and we haven’t even got to him being a rapist; convicted felon; congenital liar who called the insurrectionists (the insurrection he incited) “very fine people”. someone who obstructed justice (the mueller investigation being but one); attempted to subvert justice regarding the 2020 election; squibbed military service; claims economic know-how but has been bankrupt 6 times; there’s more, by refusing to sign the covid relief bill caused immense loss of life and screwed the economy in the process; falsely claimed he won a nobel prize; made america a laughing stock worldwide. and is in cognitive decline and is grossly incompetent - to mention a few more.

oh Stokey, Stokey, Stokey
Lol. I'm running protection for no-one. But nice you think I have that much influence.

The rest is the same Trump rant I've read a dozen times already today. I'm guessing numerous timesfrom just you but as I said it all just melts into one.
It would depend on who. Haley probably would have a chance I reckon to rally the GOP as she at least has a following, although she is proven dishonest.
I would be disappointed if whoever succeeded him promised to pardon him of his crimes and law suits though because it means there is no justice when such a criminal walks free, unscathed, after all the damage he has wreaked on his country.

My concern is that there is a massive machine behind Project 25 and how much would she support it. Awful for Americans if it comes to fruition.
Not sure who else though. And it would depend on her stance on abortion rights etc as I think that is a rallying cry for women. They don’t want to return to a time where they have less rights, and no privacy or rights over their own bodies.
Anyone who trollishly or childishly pooh-poohs what the GOP are capable of need to sincerely take a look at what has been going on in Georgia. Seriously, should be able to see it. It's out in the open.
Hint: look at their new Board of Elections and who's on it.

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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