USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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Didn't realise we were operating at such a simplistic level on the issue. There are many reasons why people get abortions. Even ignoring health reasons. Many who have abortions go on to have families at some point, many already have them. In fact, in the US, about 60% of abortions are for people who have already had children. About 35% have had two or more.

You also assume that all people are going to magically have a "family", if they have a child.

The reason why it's a big issue, is because of conservative, often religious, ideology interfering in the political process to restrict and control reproductive rights in an often extreme manner, and thus the people who would exercise them.

If Republicans were reasonable on the issue, then it would cease to have such importance.

Republicans, who often when faced with a choice to support already existing families, around tax credits, education and healthcare, fall short of the Democrats.

So spare us the indignation.
If the GOP wants to go full criminalization on anyone remotely connected to an aborted pregnancy, then I think they should include large corporations and their subsidiaries who dump pollutants and toxins into environments and cause miscarriages and fatal complications in new borns.
The fact that they want to go after contraceptives or spout post-birth abortion conspiracies shows just how messed up these people are.
Lol. I'm running protection for no-one. But nice you think I have that much influence.

The rest is the same Trump rant I've read a dozen times already today. I'm guessing numerous timesfrom just you but as I said it all just melts into one.

no one expects you to comprehend Stokey. it was for those with a full set of working neurons.

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....And if you want to talk families. There is only one party that is anti-family and sees abortion as the issue that will get them elected. I have no time listening to how the Dems are for families when their no. 1 issue above the ecomony, above immigtarion, above inflation and the cost of living is how to prevent families.
Stokey, that really is pushing GOP propaganda.
Why are the Dems anti-family?
Being pro choice doesn't mean your anti-family at all. It simply means women have a choice. Forcing women to have unwanted children is a disaster and banning abortions and forcing women into 'back yard abortions' is terrible. I lived through it and saw some of the terrible problems it caused. You are just doing the same rubbish the GOP do - conflating support for abortion somehow makes you anti-family. Absolute rubbish. Abortion is always a bad solution, it's just sometimes the least worst option.
I also suspect the Dems have a lot more policies supporting families than the GOP. Not providing a universal health care system is perhaps the most anti-family thing I can think of and the GOP always oppose that.

Same with guns, somehow supporting gun control makes you anti freedom - again absolute tosh. The freedoms lost by filling your society with guns without controls causes people the loss of many more freedoms, especially that big one - your very life. They loose the freedom to go to school safely, walk the streets or even campaign safely. Conflating 'freedum' with ownership of guns is simplistic and utterly stupid.

Got any more dumb slogans?
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no one expects you to comprehend Stokey. it was for those with a full set of working neurons.
For some reason when I think of Stokey this is who I see.
Deliverance Dueling Banjos GIF
Lol. If anyone other than Trump had said that you would realise it was a tongue in cheek comment but he has totally warped all your brains. It really only highlights your foolishness.

Also, I get my media from many sources. I ike to see how an issue is reported by both sides. I'm guessing you don'y do the same and only read a viewpoint you agree with. Would explain your spouting talking points in every post.

And if you want to talk families. There is only one party that is anti-family and sees abortion as the issue that will get them elected. I have no time listening to how the Dems are for families when their no. 1 issue above the ecomony, above immigtarion, above inflation and the cost of living is how to prevent families.
You have absolutely NFI. Rubbish, you don’t read on both sides at all.

As for Vance Project 25 etc…you mentioned anti abortion as their policy stance.

So..their whole family policy is basically joining the woman in her gynaecologist room and making health decisions for that woman.

So much for being the freedom party of small government, hey…
… taking away women’s privacy and rights.
It’s all about control.

But then, once the government has forced the woman to carry the pregnancy,
Once the babies are born….

What do they do then?


Here’s their family policy….

Women will be forced to stay with abusive husbands, no matter what.
Children continually exposed to abuse, emotional, physical.
No free lunches or child tax credits to help children thrive.
Destroy education.
Once born, children killed by guns is just something patents will need to get over and move on from?
That is the Trump Vance ticket.
Where is caring for the family in this?

NO WONDER Harris is soaring in the polls.

So, apart from ensuring all pregnancies are carried to term, no matter the situation of the mother, the effect on her health, her risk of death, even having to give birth to severely deformed or babies of rapists against her will, or a child giving birth, once the baby is born the mother and the child are left at risk and left out to dry in their patriarchal utopia?

Right to life of a bunch of cells, which, by the way, are aborted by nature (or God ) during multiple cycles of a fertile and sexually active woman’s life when they fail to implant.
If the GOP wants to go full criminalization on anyone remotely connected to an aborted pregnancy, then I think they should include large corporations and their subsidiaries who dump pollutants and toxins into environments and cause miscarriages and fatal complications in new borns.
The fact that they want to go after contraceptives or spout post-birth abortion conspiracies shows just how messed up these people are.
It is only about control, controlling women.
Stokey if you are so big on not weakening the family unit, why are you divorced?
I'm not. I am not living with my wife but I am there every day collecting, dropping off or spending time with my girls because my wife has chronic fatigue as well as a multitude of other problems.. Everyday I wish I could just end it completely but I fear for my girls. Thanks for asking though.
You have absolutely NFI. Rubbish, you don’t read on both sides at all.

As for Vance Project 25 etc…you mentioned anti abortion as their policy stance.

So..their whole family policy is basically joining the woman in her gynaecologist room and making health decisions for that woman.

So much for being the freedom party of small government, hey…
… taking away women’s privacy and rights.
It’s all about control.

But then, once the government has forced the woman to carry the pregnancy,
Once the babies are born….

What do they do then?


Here’s their family policy….

Women will be forced to stay with abusive husbands, no matter what.
Children continually exposed to abuse, emotional, physical.
No free lunches or child tax credits to help children thrive.
Destroy education.
Once born, children killed by guns is just something patents will need to get over and move on from?
That is the Trump Vance ticket.
Where is caring for the family in this?

NO WONDER Harris is soaring in the polls.

So, apart from ensuring all pregnancies are carried to term, no matter the situation of the mother, the effect on her health, her risk of death, even having to give birth to severely deformed or babies of rapists against her will, or a child giving birth, once the baby is born the mother and the child are left at risk and left out to dry in their patriarchal utopia?

Right to life of a bunch of cells, which, by the way, are aborted by nature (or God ) during multiple cycles of a fertile and sexually active woman’s life when they fail to implant.
Have you ever had an original thought. You have nothing to say other than a regurgitation of DNC policy. You are a useful idiot, nothing more.

I have said many times on here why I have my position on abortion and it's not something I am going to rehash with a hollow vessel like yourself.
I also suspect the Dems have a lot more policies supporting families than the GOP. Not providing a universal health care system is perhaps the most anti-family thing I can think of and the GOP always oppose that.
Of course they do.

Stokey no longer operating in reality, not that it was an overly long trip but Biden dropping out and the Dems regaining some momentum seems to have pushed him over the edge into pure derangement.

I mean, imagine blaming the left for the state of parental leave and childcare in the US. Thats a disconnect from reality so total as to be absurd :drunk:

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Have you ever had an original thought. You have nothing to say other than a regurgitation of DNC policy. You are a useful idiot, nothing more.
This, while dutifully regurgitating GOP propaganda about the Dems being 'anti family' :tearsofjoy:

Like practically any politician in the western world goes about their day thinking you know what, I really hate families lol

You are a very special unit stokey :drunk:
Have you ever had an original thought. You have nothing to say other than a regurgitation of DNC policy. You are a useful idiot, nothing more.

I have said many times on here why I have my position on abortion and it's not something I am going to rehash with a hollow vessel like yourself.
Give me your original thoughts. Haven”t heads one yet.

We are discussing the difference in family policy of each candidate.
All you could come up with is anti abortion as the GOP policy to make families great again?
I'm not. I am not living with my wife but I am there every day collecting, dropping off or spending time with my girls because my wife has chronic fatigue as well as a multitude of other problems.. Everyday I wish I could just end it completely but I fear for my girls. Thanks for asking though.
Sorry for you and your wife and your family situation. Sounds very hard . Chronic fatigue and chronic illness in all forms is awful.
Give me your original thoughts. Haven”t heads one yet.

We are discussing the difference in family policy of each candidate.
All you could come up with is anti abortion as the GOP policy to make families great again?
Where are you getting your points from? I've looked at the Kamala for President website and there are no policies listed. Hard to discuss things that dont exist.
Where are you getting your points from? I've looked at the Kamala for President website and there are no policies listed. Hard to discuss things that dont exist.
I am sure her website will be updated after the DNC. Unfortunately RW media still don’t give her the exposure they give to Trump’s rantings or you would have some idea of her proposals. Perhaps you need to read and watch more widely?

One massive difference between her and the right is that the right want to increase childbirth at all costs by controlling women’s bodies, but to hell with them after the child is born.

Harris is bringing in supports so that women will more willingly want to have families if it is their choice due to more being able to afford it, including child care, child tax credit, lower cost family housing etc.

Each side is coming at it from the totally opposite approach.
One will control, force, coerce.
The other will encourage and financially support,
plus increase gun safety to protect women and those children.

The difference is STARK.

Explains her popularity with women
“She’s a radical left…person, at a level nobodies seen, she picked a radical left…………………ahhh………that is ahh, he’s got things done……..ahh, he has positions that are jus….not….its not even possible to believe that they exist.
Urm, he’s going for things that nobodies ever heard of, heavy into the transgender world, heavy into lots of different worlds…”

Donald(I love Epstein and his plane)Trump on VP Tim Walz.

The incompetent and incoherent ramblings of a broken fraud in free fall cognitively, the American public deserve better, the Western alliance of liberal democracies deserve better!

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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