USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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and there are millions who are still saying "yes". go figure.
When the Republicans nominated Trump as their candidate they gave their imprimatur to the ugly American - the vain, selfish braggard that is willing to bully the downtrodden and utilise cruelty to ‘appear’ manly.
…. Oh … and as Satan pointed out …. tacky!

His continuing ‘popularity’ is confirmation that those character failings are not just held, but gleefully encouraged and enjoyed by a significant portion of the American people.
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The majority of Americans and American voters still thought the Vietnam War was a good idea for years after the war. They voted for it repeatedly.

It was only with many years of hindsight that these attitudes started to turn, long after the fact. Same with the Iraq War. Once war starts, the voting masses get behind it, no matter what evidence of war crimes and lies they are faced with.

The same will be said about the Israeli Genocide of Palestine. In 10 years' time every progressive will be telling you about how they were against the Genocide from the start. But the fact is that the Greens (in the US) who are against the war, and congress-people against the war are losing votes, not gaining them.

Like it or not, the likely best result for Palestinians at this next election is Harris to beat Trump. If Trump wins, he'll be bribed to send boots on the ground and to launch offensives on Iran, just like he was during his last Presidency.
I don't think that's correct.
Most people are against Netanuahu it's mainly yje lobby groups and commercial media that are pro- IDF imo.
The Greens in the US only get about 3% of the vote but that could be crucial in swing states.

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When the Republicans nominated Trump as their candidate they gave their imprimatur to the ugly American - the vain, selfish braggard that is willing to bully the downtrodden and utilise cruelty to ‘appear’ manly.
…. Oh … and as Satan pointed out …. tacky!

His continuing ‘popularity’ is confirmation that those character failings are not just held, but gleefully encouraged and enjoyed by a significant portion of the American people.
Simular here with Dutton eg Voice
the scam artist ripping off his dumb as-shit followers. recall the scam artist being asked for one quote from the bible - couldn’t provide one.

“ Georgia Senator and Baptist pastor Raphael Warnock hit Donald Trump with a lesson from the Bible that he slammed him for selling during his Democratic National Convention speech Monday.

“Yes, i saw him,” Warnock told the crowd. “i saw him holding the Bible and endorsing a Bible as if it needed his endorsement.”

He was referencing a fundraising push that saw
Trump selling $60 God Bless the USA Bibles, named after MAGA-supporting country singer Lee Greenwood’s patriotic song.

“He should try reading it!” shouted Warnock.

“It says do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God. He should try reading it. It says love your neighbor as yourself, it says in a much as you've done to the least of these, you have done also unto me.”

Evangelical Christians (and some other groups), as I once was, do have a habit of being conservative politically and often act as if they have any obligation to reshape society closer to some kind of theocracy (as I did, as immediate family members still do).

The problem is, they are often unconsciously or intentionally selective about which scriptural instruction they want to apply.

Being against same-sex activity, on board!

Being against abortion, never actually condemned and internally problematic if you're for birth control, on board!

Being against sex outside of marriage, or against most divorces, on board!

But... let's not think too hard about consistently applying our religious instructions toward self-sacrificial political and governmental efforts for the sick, the poor, the prisoner, the refugee, the stranger. If these types of conservatives actually read their bibles and applied it the same way as they say they want to apply other pet topics, they'd be horrified at some of the sacrificial sharing going on in the early church (going further than modern policy they'd label socialist or communist).
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The majority of Americans and American voters still thought the Vietnam War was a good idea for years after the war. They voted for it repeatedly.

It was only with many years of hindsight that these attitudes started to turn, long after the fact. Same with the Iraq War. Once war starts, the voting masses get behind it, no matter what evidence of war crimes and lies they are faced with.

The same will be said about the Israeli Genocide of Palestine. In 10 years' time every progressive will be telling you about how they were against the Genocide from the start. But the fact is that the Greens (in the US) who are against the war, and congress-people against the war are losing votes, not gaining them.

Like it or not, the likely best result for Palestinians at this next election is Harris to beat Trump. If Trump wins, he'll be bribed to send boots on the ground and to launch offensives on Iran, just like he was during his last Presidency.

Every poll indicates people are more likely to vote for a Democrat opposed to the war.

Two Squad members lost primaries after they were challenged with enormous funding from AIPAC to their opponents, it’s true. But one also suffered from an incredibly difficult redistricting and the other from a scandal involving her having a relationship with her bodyguard. Summer Lee and Ilhan Omar both also had Zionist challenges and won easily.
Every poll indicates people are more likely to vote for a Democrat opposed to the war.

Two Squad members lost primaries after they were challenged with enormous funding from AIPAC to their opponents, it’s true. But one also suffered from an incredibly difficult redistricting and the other from a scandal involving her having a relationship with her bodyguard. Summer Lee and Ilhan Omar both also had Zionist challenges and won easily.

It's about level-ish, but trending towards an end to the war, which is good.

It's a lot of money which would line up against an anti-Israel candidate. Not only now, but at the mid-term primaries and elections.

Imagine if the Russia lobby had so much overt influence over US politics as AIPAC.

Still, supporting the war isn't going to cost the Democrats any states. Only in Michigan is it the smallest chance of being a factor.

It's about level-ish, but trending towards an end to the war, which is good.

It's a lot of money which would line up against an anti-Israel candidate. Not only now, but at the mid-term primaries and elections.

Imagine if the Russia lobby had so much overt influence over US politics as AIPAC.

Still, supporting the war isn't going to cost the Democrats any states. Only in Michigan is it the smallest chance of being a factor.
Blinken is fully aware of the importance of facilitating a solution.
General knowledge that only 4 of 44 (contacted by NBC News for comment) senior members of Trump's Cabinet endorsed his nomination as the 2024 Republican candidate. Most consider him to be a ‘f’n idiot’. One responded “God help us”. AG Barr: “I have made it clear that I strongly oppose Trump for the nomination and will not endorse Trump.”

Like a premiership coach is revered by his players for life, as are managers you have worked with in ‘the most powerful and prestigious job’ you shall ever hold.
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General knowledge that only 4 of 44 (contacted by NBC News for comment) senior members of Trump's Cabinet endorsed his nomination as the 2024 Republican candidate. Most consider him to be a ‘f’n idiot’. One responded “God help us”. AG Barr: “I have made it clear that I strongly oppose Trump for the nomination and will not endorse Trump.”

Like a premiership coach is revered by his players for life, as are managers you have worked with in ‘the most powerful and prestigious job’ you shall ever hold.
Exactly, even his ex VP won’t endorse him. Pence sure got to know him and see what a ‘great’ bloke he is, cheering on those saying hang Mike Pence.
That’s why Smokey’s lies and ignorance just blow me away. It’s as if he is in some alternate universe.

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Exactly, even his ex VP won’t endorse him. Pence sure got to know him and see what a ‘great’ bloke he is, cheering on those saying hang Mike Pence.
That’s why Smokey’s lies and ignorance just blow me away. It’s as if he is in some alternate universe.
Not likely to gain admiration in a work place by turning up for lunch, then watching TV and phoning friends. Refusing to read briefs or listen to colleagues (with expertise), walking out of meetings after ten minutes saying you’re bored BUT boasting how you know more than anyone including the professors, scientists and generals, who are all suckers and losers anyway. All the time putting the hard word on the girls, stealing the money from the school fundraising tin, lying your arse off, welching on footy bets^ and groping anything with a hole in it that moves more than 2 miles an hour (including a slow rolling donut).

Hardly surprising he’s never had a friend.

^ bit of poetic license with that attribute, albeit a safe assumption.
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Melanie Campbell.
Sounds like she was being sarcastic:

A spokesperson for both Barry and Campbell defended the comment about White women, previously telling Fox News Digital that the comment was in reference to how White women are not as reliable Democrat voters and that the vice president was not part of the conversation.

“We have to change our strategy. We got to get our people. We have to get our – they got their people. They got all the trailer parks all covered,” Barry said during the Zoom. “All them people up in West Virginia and the hills, they’re covered. They got them all the way there to Wall Street.”

“[Trump] did that, and we’re sitting here talking about the White women. F–k the white women– excuse me – forget the White women. They’re going to do what the White men tell them to do,” Barry continued, eliciting laughter and clapping from Campbell.

“What they tell themselves,” Campbell interjected.

“They be smiling in their faces, they want to stay in charge,” Barry continued, with Campbell reacting affirmatively in the background. “I don’t care nothing about them, we got to do what we got to do.”

Barry went on to say that the Black community has to “get real serious about organizing to elect Kamala Harris as the next President of the United States” and that she doesn’t “want no women’s parade.”

“If they have another Women’s March – I’ll go over there and blow it up,” Barry said.

Barry also attacked supporters of then-President Trump, comparing them to the Ku Klux Klan by saying, “I’m not saying everyone who voted for Trump is wearing a white sheet, but they got one in their closet, and it comes out when we start messing with the economic value or the balance of power.”

And so on.
Sounds like she was being sarcastic:

A spokesperson for both Barry and Campbell defended the comment about White women, previously telling Fox News Digital that the comment was in reference to how White women are not as reliable Democrat voters and that the vice president was not part of the conversation.

“We have to change our strategy. We got to get our people. We have to get our – they got their people. They got all the trailer parks all covered,” Barry said during the Zoom. “All them people up in West Virginia and the hills, they’re covered. They got them all the way there to Wall Street.”

“[Trump] did that, and we’re sitting here talking about the White women. F–k the white women– excuse me – forget the White women. They’re going to do what the White men tell them to do,” Barry continued, eliciting laughter and clapping from Campbell.

“What they tell themselves,” Campbell interjected.

“They be smiling in their faces, they want to stay in charge,” Barry continued, with Campbell reacting affirmatively in the background. “I don’t care nothing about them, we got to do what we got to do.”

Barry went on to say that the Black community has to “get real serious about organizing to elect Kamala Harris as the next President of the United States” and that she doesn’t “want no women’s parade.”

“If they have another Women’s March – I’ll go over there and blow it up,” Barry said.

Barry also attacked supporters of then-President Trump, comparing them to the Ku Klux Klan by saying, “I’m not saying everyone who voted for Trump is wearing a white sheet, but they got one in their closet, and it comes out when we start messing with the economic value or the balance of power.”

And so on.
Decent folk shouldn’t have to continually take time out of their day to fact check lies and bullshit posted by disingenuous ‘contributors’, who get their jollies from gaslighting trusting people.
Sounds like she was being sarcastic:

A spokesperson for both Barry and Campbell defended the comment about White women, previously telling Fox News Digital that the comment was in reference to how White women are not as reliable Democrat voters and that the vice president was not part of the conversation.

“We have to change our strategy. We got to get our people. We have to get our – they got their people. They got all the trailer parks all covered,” Barry said during the Zoom. “All them people up in West Virginia and the hills, they’re covered. They got them all the way there to Wall Street.”

“[Trump] did that, and we’re sitting here talking about the White women. F–k the white women– excuse me – forget the White women. They’re going to do what the White men tell them to do,” Barry continued, eliciting laughter and clapping from Campbell.

“What they tell themselves,” Campbell interjected.

“They be smiling in their faces, they want to stay in charge,” Barry continued, with Campbell reacting affirmatively in the background. “I don’t care nothing about them, we got to do what we got to do.”

Barry went on to say that the Black community has to “get real serious about organizing to elect Kamala Harris as the next President of the United States” and that she doesn’t “want no women’s parade.”

“If they have another Women’s March – I’ll go over there and blow it up,” Barry said.

Barry also attacked supporters of then-President Trump, comparing them to the Ku Klux Klan by saying, “I’m not saying everyone who voted for Trump is wearing a white sheet, but they got one in their closet, and it comes out when we start messing with the economic value or the balance of power.”

And so on.
Sarcastic racism. Is that the acceptable type?
Regardless of his own circumstances the coach persona risks alienating people who didn't exactly feel welcomed in the sporting world.
And the fact he can communicate coherently might alienate the neanderthal maga supporters?

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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