USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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Surely the ultimate move the dems will make will be, around 2 months out from the election:

  • Biden steps aside as Pres and Kamala is sworn in
  • The nation enters Joy mode and celebration mode for a month
  • Kamala is coronated and a string of international leaders come to visit and she goes on a tour
  • The election takes a back seat in the media with all of the Kamala hysteria
  • Trump is drowned out in the Hysteria
  • Kamala is too busy leading the country for any debates or interviews
  • Most casual voters forget about the election and many others consider it already over
  • The election rolls in and it’s Kamala in a landslide
I think it'd be a better reading of the room to continue events and policy/project announcements in swing states, than to be seen with a bunch of world leaders.

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Dodges the question, surprising.

Nah, it's not only and even necessarily Trump (I think he believes some of what he says/advocates for).

Though not sure why you had to bring him into this.
Standard MO

Notice he brings up Trump then complains when people bring up Trump

Classic troll
But Trump.
Not really. Trump doing things on a nuclear level, 1000s of things which would end any other politician or public figure, doesn't mean every little thing that anyone else does is at the same level.

Its usually those defending Trump that come up with the false equivalences.

This influencer stuff is a non-issue to me, its politics and you are campaigning to win, you use what you have at your disposal to achieve that. It's not illegal to do what they are doing or even morally wrong. Sure you can think its cringe or wont work, but there is nothing inherently bad about it or hypocritical etc.

Attacking the Dems for this would is like claiming someone who thinks Ted Bundy is evil is hypocritical as they haven't condemned someone arrested for J-walking.
Is Kamala 2024 a better candidate than Biden 2020 ?

Don't recall the 2020 convention with this level of energy (did they even have it face to face in 2020?)
I think I recall that most of it was held remotely/virtually due to Covid?

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How much?
srs I will buy you one,if it's not too much of a grift.
What size is your head?
I'll put in $5 there are also a couple of others that want to put in. US$23.99 plus US$11.99 postage.
Think cap is one size fits all.

It usually is. ACAB remember.
Not really. Google says it means all cops are bastards. I disagree. Some are some arent but starting from a mindset that your interaction with a police officer is always going to be bad would inform the interaction before it begins
What do you think about the Palestine protests?
The Palestinians have much to protest about . Go your hardest
I think I recall that most of it was held remotely/virtually due to Covid?
Yeah, and open air, low capacity events.

There were accusations that Biden was hiding, trying to win it from his basement.

But given revelations from Trump's former WH Communications Director that he refers to his own supporters as "basement dwellers", it sheds new light, they may just have been worried about leaking votes to Biden from that demographic.
That's what lots of trumps supporters and party members were hoping for when biden pulled out of the race. They arent the brightest people.
It is amazing how they seem to have had no plan for this eventuality. At the RNC people thought it was a possibility, but it seems maybe projecting themselves onto Biden and how they would never give up the presidency themsevles in his position, just assumed it would never happen.

Trump and the republicans have been totally flailing so far. In a way it shows how weak dem campaigns have been under Hilary and Biden prior to now.

Dems seem to have finally realised being called radical socialist communist fascists is just what the GOP call any democrat, rather than them getting all scared going "oh no I'm not a progressive, I am a moderate, I love corporations, I love Wall Street, please forgive me!"

Now you have guys like Walz going, well if paid parental leave and giving kids school lunches is radical communist fascism, I guess that is what I am, what a monster I am!
That's my thoughts and that's why I queried the poster about Fox News focusing on them. It's good they are reportedly focusing on the protests.
Given how FOX has been reporting on the genocide (pro Israel), don't think that is why they are focusing on the protests.
Stokey considering you are an anti-war pacifist impressed by Trump's peace loving stance and "no new wars" (though I am not sure what wars Biden started), what do you think of Donnie basically wanting Gaza wiped out quicker than the dems? Doesn't sound very pacifist anti-war to me.

I hate the dems stance on it, and hate both sides give billions to Israel no questions asked, how do you feel about it? All Palestine is Hamas, and we aren't bombing hard enough? Or like I do that AIPAC's influence over US politics is poison?

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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