USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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Didn't watch the debate for whatever reason?

This is the greatest hits package that sums up the high points for Kamala Harris..

Watching this back just highlighted ( for me ) how stark the difference between the 2 are but also how confident and prepped Harris was

In any metric Harris made Donold look like an Apprentice

And yes Harris looked and sounded Presidential
People don't trust the mainstream media. The same media that told everyone ad nauseam that Biden was fine in terms of his mental acuity - until he was unceremoniously booted from office.
This is a fantasy you've created for yourself. The media accross all spectrums were constantly questioning it. It was all they were talking about. When your world view needs to make shit up in order for it to make sense, its time to do some thinking.
Most people these days get their news from alternative online sites. I know when I wake up i visit a select few posters on twitter who I respect. Then macrobusiness and then zero hedge.
And there we have it. You have confined yourself to an echo chamber. You are actively seeking out sources that will tell you what you want to hear, and are rejecting ones that would challenge you on anything deeper than a superficial level.

Oh, I used to frequent Zerohedge myself. Even met one of the bloggers/editors in real life in upstate NY via happenstance. I stopped going there tho once I realised:

1. Despite every article every day telling me how every random piece of news was a sign that the dollar was going to collapse and BRICS were about to take the world order, nothing much in the real world actually seemed to be changing. And I realised was just being lied to by 'the other side'.

2. No actually, all the antisemitism was not in fact ironic.

You might grow out of it too. Good luck!
Watching this back just highlighted ( for me ) how stark the difference between the 2 are but also how confident and prepped Harris was

In any metric Harris made Donold look like an Apprentice

And yes Harris looked and sounded Presidential
But hang on. The Australian's Greg Sheridan said the Don came out on top... :rolleyes:


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i’m stoked with this.

“I'm so sick of these so-called "undecided voters" with their "oh, I don't know enough about her."

You know she didn't RAPE anyone.

You know she wasn't convicted of 34 felonies.

You know she hasn't been indicted on 88 charges.

You know she doesn't want to be a dictator.

You know she didn't incite insurrection.

You also have a computer and/or a smartphone.

You're a grown up, FFS. When you want to learn about "do masks work" or "caravans of scary immigrants, eating pets" you know how to Google that shit. Don't wait for others to spoon feed you information, do your own research!

Go to her website!

It's real easy:

I'm sure there are probably a few real "undecided" people who have no internet access, don't own a TV, and have lived in a ****ing cave on a deserted island for the past 10 years. But the rest of you? You have NO excuse.

Stop looking for attention from journalists and pretending you "need more information."

Just admit your head is up your ass.”

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Proves he is a totally biased moron and the Oz is not a credible newspaper. A propaganda organ. Seriously, only a brain washed Maggot could watch that debate and think Trump won.

Yerp, you'd expect that partisan cr@p from the Murdoch press but David Speers and Leigh Sales for ABC News also saw it differently from almost everyone watching.

David Speers: "It's not a disaster for Trump."

Greg Sheridan: Hold my beer..... "Trump won by a half head."

Leigh Sales: Hold my carton of unwooded pinot gris......"This is a problem for Kamala Harris."

Further proof of just how low our own ABC has fallen. This is what counts for cutting edge political analysis these days. Its commentators are prepared to ignore substance and facts in their efforts to appease both sides.

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Some laughable analysis on here. Taylor Swift landing the "knockout blow" for example. Give me a break.

The betting markets have barely moved outside of a few ticks in KM favour.

Most of the American public will see this debate for what it was. A setup. And a performance from a clearly well rehearsed Harris.

There was very little in terms of policy details. But there was a bit of luster - unfortunately for the left and the democrats - that luster is going to wear off quickly.

This was a setup. Good and proper. I trust the American public will see through it and see that the left leaning media have a narrative to drive. The moderates were happy to argue with Trump but lead Harris with obviously leading questions.

This debate may even work in The Donald's favour.

This is not over by a long shot.
if there is a setup, then there has to be a mark or dupe. :think:

OMG a performative, rehearsed debate! Well I never....
Watching this back just highlighted ( for me ) how stark the difference between the 2 are but also how confident and prepped Harris was

In any metric Harris made Donold look like an Apprentice

And yes Harris looked and sounded Presidential
and that is what these debates are pretty much about...appearances.
Do you seem presidential?
Can you talk about policy without looking like a wonk?
Can you reply or retort smoothly?
Do you appear calm, cool, and collected under the TV lights?
Can you make sense when you talk?

This is how you score points in a debate. This why Nixon lost to JFK, Dukakis, Mondale, etal as well. Even Hillary in 16. Trump, despite acting like a weird dickhead, had a more powerful performance.
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Yerp, you'd expect that partisan cr@p from the Murdoch press but David Speers and Leigh Sales for ABC News also saw it differently from almost everyone watching.

David Speers: "It's not a disaster for Trump."

Greg Sheridan: Hold my beer..... "Trump won by a half head."

Leigh Sales: Hold my carton of unwooded pinot gris......"This is a problem for Kamala Harris."

Further proof of just how low our own ABC has fallen. This is what counts for cutting edge political analysis these days. Its commentators are prepared to ignore substance and facts in their efforts to appease both sides.

Bring back Kerry O'Brien.
Disagree. I’d back myself to be smarter than 99% of all politicians. I’d say most tertiary educated professionals would also be. The USA politician in particular just has to have a talent for sucking up to donors and vote how they want and (the actual skill) perform on campaign which is more hard work and charisma than brains.
You need to be more than just be tertiary educated and smart. You need to be smart and have an education in philosophy, economics and political history to be a good politician. Im so sick of lawyers and doctors thinking they have the skills to be leaders and make policies. They really dont.
Come on mate. Let's be real here. I call it how I see it. I always have.

People don't trust the mainstream media. The same media that told everyone ad nauseam that Biden was fine in terms of his mental acuity - until he was unceremoniously booted from office.

Most people these days get their news from alternative online sites. I know when I wake up i visit a select few posters on twitter who I respect. Then macrobusiness and then zero hedge.

My views are simple: I want affordable housing, manufacturing to return and safe communities. I want restrictions on mass immigration - which is a tool used by big business to enrich a few while calling anyone who resists a "bigot or racist". We should have the option of allowing highly skilled immigrants into our country but not the obligation.

The Donald closely aligned with my values. The democrats are all about the "feels". They will give you a big moving speech rather than getting stuff done.

I'm well educated and I vote. Perhaps some can't handle that?
If you want manufacturing to return then you are wrong. Manufacturing returning means much higher prices and everyone being poorer. Cars will be more expensive. Clothes will be double current prices. Electronic goods all much more expensive.

Immigration also helps make all existing aussies richer by keeping prices down for services because immigrants tend to be working age and work in a large portion of low skilled service jobs like cleaning, mining, restaurants, construction etc. Immigrants also build homes. If australia had no immigrants then we would have an age dependency problem similar to japan and southern europe and taxes would have to go up.
You need to be more than just be tertiary educated and smart. You need to be smart and have an education in philosophy, economics and political history to be a good politician. Im so sick of lawyers and doctors thinking they have the skills to be leaders and make policies. They really dont.
I don’t think the current generation (or even two back) are much other than a pack of lawyer types. And economics is in the toilet as the profession has all time low trust (from no accountability or transparency when they **** up)
Political history - please it’s all just how to fool people and lead them.
Philosophy- will agree on that - again don’t think any of the current ones are significant philosophers
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Yerp, you'd expect that partisan cr@p from the Murdoch press but David Speers and Leigh Sales for ABC News also saw it differently from almost everyone watching.

David Speers: "It's not a disaster for Trump."

Greg Sheridan: Hold my beer..... "Trump won by a half head."

Leigh Sales: Hold my carton of unwooded pinot gris......"This is a problem for Kamala Harris."

Further proof of just how low our own ABC has fallen. This is what counts for cutting edge political analysis these days. Its commentators are prepared to ignore substance and facts in their efforts to appease both sides.

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Sales has to be a conservative- but that doesn’t mean you have to be an eejit. Sigh.
Sales has to be a conservative- but that doesn’t mean you have to be an eejit. Sigh.

On leaving her position as host of 730, the ABC's flagship TV current affairs program, Sales said her 2017 gushing interview of the 75 year old former Beatle Paul McCartney was the 'highlight' of her career.

Says it all really. About as much depth as a Coles meringue pie.

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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