USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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Saying you are a Harriser just doesn't sound right.

I quite like a 'never trumper'.
Harriser sounds too close to the previous harrier fighter plane imo
I don't understand why posters keep engaging with someone who saturates this thread with disingenuous (possibly giving them too much credit!) posts constantly taking the discussion in circles. They're either a troll, or really don't understand what a buffoon Trump is.

Harris is far from perfect IMO, and not who I'd choose as the Dem candidate IF I was anything more than a remote observer.

But this is a binary choice only, for those who choose to vote, unfortunately for Americans. And given that binary choice, it is between someone who at least has an understanding of the process of govt, across legislative, executive and judicial branches of US government.

Against a grifting buffoon who I doubt has ever even learned to tie his own shoelaces. His ONLY thought process in EVERY situation is transactional - "how can I make money out of this person/product/situation/interaction?".

That is not even a choice... to anyone with an ounce of intelligence or even a minimal capacity to grasp the implications of a mentally incompetent idiot getting his hands on the keys to the White House (again).
We engage as we are keen to seek out and refute the opposing viewpoint
Correct,especially the 'American' kind.

I don't think people will be dancing in the streets
whatever the outcome of the election.
more likely weeping if the mentally impaired fraudster gets hold of the levers again
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This happens next week.

Harris is in Nevada, a swing state.

Trump's has been postponed due to the Democrats sending a hurricane to Florida. No idea why he's doing a town hall in Florida and not in a swing state anyway.
It's close to his golf course.
Looks like a clean cut law break.
The silly thing about it is
1, Its now going to be tested in court
2. Republicans won by 590,000 votes and the 3,250 de-registrations are a drop in the bucket

Again it feels like attention seeking

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What sane, decent person wouldn’t be worried Trump might win?
Yes everyone who is voting for Trump is a bad person. You do realise this self-righteousnes is one of the main things repelling people away from the Democrats towards Trump.
Agree up to a point, but it's the same old crap rehashed time and time again, and rarely (never?) in good faith. Surely there's a point where it's no longer worthwhile?
I feel that if the contrary (even if low value and probably trolling) voice is ignored, we have less insight into what drives the other side (its already hard enough to understand why someone would support trump)
Yes everyone who is voting for Trump is a bad person. You do realise this self-righteousnes is one of the main things repelling people away from the Democrats towards Trump.
Not what I’m saying.

He’s a cheat and a liar. What sane decent person vote for a cheat and a liar? Answer me that.

It’s “self righteous” to state the bleeding obvious about a truly immoral man? FMD.
Not what I’m saying.

He’s a cheat and a liar. What sane decent person vote for a cheat and a liar? Answer me that.

It’s “self righteous” to state the bleeding obvious about a truly immoral man? FMD.
It's exactly what you are saying because you want the answer to be bad people.

You do realise that despite all of what you are ranting about that people have weighed up Trump's presidency and Biden's presidency that Harris is a VP in and decided they were better of under Trump.

It's not 2016 anymore, despite all of you acting like it is.

Shame she could delete these.

I can't tell is you are bad faith, or just lacking the ability to comprehend basic things.

In the slim chance its the latter;

Clinton never claimed that Trump stole the 2016 election. She conceded defeat. She didn't challenge it in the courts. She didn't ring up democratic governors to 'find' an exact number of votes. She didn't create false electors from multiple states. She didn't have an angry mob descend on the capitol to try and pressure Biden to not certify the results, or delay the count to have it dent to a vote in congress in which the democrats have the numbers. In short, she did not attempt to steal the election.

What she did do, was highlight outside influences which she believed effected the result. There was Russian interference; the Mueller report and resulting indictments and convictions prove that. Comey reopening the investigation days before the election was also wildly inappropriate. These are legitimate things to bring up. But she NEVER attempted to have the election overturned, either lawfully or extra lawfully.

The two situations are NOTHING alike, and you are an absolutely hopeless fool to confuse them.

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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