USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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What is the source though? And why only report on swing states?

Secondly, if true, you would have to prove intent.

Thirdly, you made other claims as well as just flooding swing states with illegal immigrants (who can't / don't vote anytime soon, potentially ever).
Both of these are correct.

Great post in its entirely btw, summarising the differences.
Will be to no avail though, as facts just don't penetrate the ignorance.
As you stated in above posts, we've already done this exchange over and over. The trolls will bring up Hillary, and the fact filled history lesson follows soon after. Back in my gaming days, we called them Griefers.
Best not to give them oxygen when they do this. Only respond to genuinely new or recent instances.
The bots should just be ignored entirely.

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The claim stated was as follows:
You don't need many to flip a tight state, and the democrats have done everything they can to ship immigrants into key areas, care/feed/cash up for them more than their own citizens, as an election strategy. Its just human trafficking on a lower level tbh.
The graph - which is unsourced, and isn't replicated anywhere else that I could find - does not show that the democrats brought those people in, nor does it show that they provide them with money, nor does it provide them with pathways to vote.

People who are in a country illegally cannot vote, ABH.

You have 21 hours and 48 minutes to demonstrate or retract your claim.
What would you do if any of the conservative friends and family you mention said to you they admired Trump?
I'll take that as an acknowledgement that it's not about being conservative, it's about support for Trump.

Admiration probably isn't the right word, there have been times I've admired Trump's actions. E.g. Operation Warpspeed, yeah he mostly just got out of the way and left it up to the experts, but others might not have, and there were obstacles removed or expedited. There was some limited criminal justice reform as well that sounded good.

It would come down to whether, as I've already said several times, he was their preferred candidate. If they don't have some understandable principled factor.

E.g. I've said it before, an ardent pro-lifer (as I once was) might view an anti-democratic, prejudicial candidate as favourable over someone they view as being pro baby-killing. While I fundamentally disagree, and I would have a conversation about how conservative policy/positions might lead to more unwanted pregnancies or health complications that lead to abortions, as well as Trump supposedly kicking this over to the states (assuming they thought a national ban was never in play) - I could at least reconcile it with someone with the character I would want to be around.

If they just think the economy is better or border security is stronger under Trump, and ignore the anti-democratic, prejudicial factors, then that wouldn't cut it and I'd just try to spend less time around the person. Family is more difficult, but I'm not entertaining authoritarian and prejudicial leanings among friends if I can help it.
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Allen (the one removing people) also acknowledged in the press release that “some of the individuals who were issued noncitizen identification numbers have, since receiving them, become naturalized citizens and are, therefore, eligible to vote.” Those U.S. citizens would be able to update their voter registration information, the statement added."

Why remove eligible voters?
Yeah that part did jump out at you didn't it. I bet they didn't really inform the new citizens of what they needed to do to update their status. One of the quaint ways they repress voters. When GA purged their rolls to get Kemp in as gov., most of those who were wrongly scratched off didn't know about it until there really wasn't enough time to do anything about it.
I suspect Stokey didn't read the article too deeply.

Even assuming these figures are true, without figures from other states they do not show a bias to sending immigrants to these states.

Furthermore, you have provided no explanation as to how this assists the Democrats in being elected. As high levels of immigration tends to create an anti-immigrant backlash and the Republicans are the anti-immigration party in their speech (but not action), the effect I think would be to assist the Republicans.

If this is occurring (doubtful), maybe it is a Republican plot, run by Republican officials as an election tactic.
Ive mentioned here many time Trump want my furst choice as candidateand I wwould have prefered he didnt run .but he won the primaries and was elected. Thats a lot mor than than say about Harris
Harris did win the primary process, as per party rules.

Republicans cancelled some of their primaries when Trump was the incumbent in 2020.

Neither parties primary processes are completely democratic. Using this as an argument is flawed.

A deeper dive suggests he got his information from MarketWatch who got their information from TRAC - whose own website says these figures are as of December 2018 not 2021 as MW says and not recent as ALX infers
Even assuming these figures are true, without figures from other states they do not show a bias to sending immigrants to these states.

From the MW site I quoted above - imagine people going to more economically attractive places instead of BumFeck Idaho

While these data aren’t a comprehensive account of where all undocumented immigrants are residing, TRAC says they do provide a general sense of which destinations are attractive.

The most popular destinations are large states with strong economies, including Texas, Florida, California, Illinois, New Jersey and New York.
Vaughan recently authored a study on the budgetary impact of the migrant surge on Massachusetts, which ranks 10th in states with the most migrants, in part because of the relatively generous social services provided there.

The state has a right-to-shelter law, which requires the state to provide emergency shelter for families meeting certain requirements,
and a growing immigrant population is putting strain on the program.
News media can't achieve objectivity if they have a vested interest in a political outcome in my opinion.
Yes, but editorials have been a part of US politics since the 18th century. But at least they were usually clearly delineated as such, and not part of the paper's or radio channel's 'news'.

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A deeper dive suggests he got his information from MarketWatch who got their information from TRAC - whose own website says these figures are as of December 2018 not 2021 as MW says and not recent as ALX infers
If true, I assume they will be back to claim that Trump is flooding swing states with illegal immigrants because he thinks they'll vote for him... or provide cheap labour to his rich mates.
A deeper dive suggests he got his information from MarketWatch who got their information from TRAC - whose own website says these figures are as of December 2018 not 2021 as MW says and not recent as ALX infers

When Trump was in power, therefore if this is an election tactic it’s a Republican tactic.
When Trump was in power, therefore if this is an election tactic it’s a Republican tactic.
From the TRAC site - note the dates

Hot Spots With Highest Growth in Immigration Court Backlog
(23 Jan 2018) The county in the country with the fastest growing number of residents with pending cases before the Immigration Court was Mecklenburg County (Charlotte) in North Carolina. Pending cases there shot up by 34 percent between May and December 2017. Coming in second with a growth rate of 30 percent over this same period was Loudoun County (Leesburg), Virginia.
Too true.
Im just back from a game of poker where every person had the same political leanings as you all here. Even more extreme in a few cases. Thing is I dont judge a person's character based on politics, but if I outed myself as a conservative I wouldnt be invited back eventhough I have been a part of the group for years.
That's pretty sad all round , what's the point if you can't be yourself - warts and all :think:

What is the source?

Because even before the Biden administration, there were estimated to be between 10-30 million undocumented immigrants in the US. Going by that chart, subtracting the increase, there would lucky to be a quarter million. Or roughly 2.5-0.8% of the estimates.

This graph immediately screams made up statistics. Do you not have any bullshit detection or do you just mindlessly fly towards any bug zapper that says what you want to hear?
I disagree with this and the general concept of the "independent voter".

Anyone that has convinced themselves to vote in the upcoming election is pretty much locked in to a given candidate. I doubt there is much that will sway existing Trump voters away from Trump at this point, that ship sailed a long time ago.

So the quote "undecided voter" at this point is the person that is not really considering voting at all. That is who Harris needs to go after, and convince as many of the people that are not politically minded whatsoever to vote.

That is why it makes sense doing mainstream podcasts like Call Her Daddy, or going on friendly late night shows (although I'd argue that Colberts audience are likely already voters, whereas perhaps Fallon might have been a better idea).

Is there anyone out there going “I really love them both it’s just so hard to decide!”
I forgot 'But Trump' was the default answer here.

In a 2 horse race it’s very relevant.

If the same things you call out Harris with are ones where Trump is demonstrably worse it’s relevant.

It’s irrelevant and whataboutism if you go off on an unrelated tangent or not comparing apples and apples.

Under your rules me saying Richmond are a much shitter football team now than Carlton, would be me claiming Carlton have no issues.
What is the source?

Because even before the Biden administration, there were estimated to be between 10-30 million undocumented immigrants in the US. Going by that chart, subtracting the increase, there would lucky to be a quarter million. Or roughly 2.5-0.8% of the estimates.

This graph immediately screams made up statistics. Do you not have any bullshit detection or do you just mindlessly fly towards any bug zapper that says what you want to hear?
Spot on.

I looked at the guy’s twitter feed, a Musk/Rogan/Trump fanboi with zero credible sources that I could see, Just a MAGA shill.

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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