Scandal Karmichael Hunt admits purchasing cocaine for GCS players - Suns commence investigation into claims

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The one thing I can bet on is that the Qld Corruption & Crime commission won't be working with the AFL given the road blocks they put up to ASADA and the AFP investigation.

The funniest part about this whole case (well bunch of lines actually) is that the code Hunt is currently contracted to is the one which will encounter the least collateral damage.

Also personally believe that any punishment handed out to Karmichael Hunt should be halved due to his contribution to rhyming slang.
The scandal may also extend to the AFL, given Hunt was contracted to the Gold Coast Suns for part of the QCCC's investigations, which ran from June to December of last year. Hunt also has close ties with the Brisbane Lions squad, raising the possibility of both AFL franchises being caught up in the scandal.
Oh my ****ing god. So everyone Hunt was close to is apparently likely to be a drug user. What a joke.

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Brisbane Broncos may be next target in drugs investigation

Co written by Roy Masters.

Pretty sure he was responsible for this bit below, at a guess, probably his sole contribution.

The scandal may also extend to the AFL, given Hunt was contracted to the Gold Coast Suns for part of the QCCC's investigations, which ran from June to December of last year. Hunt also has close ties with the Brisbane Lions squad, raising the possibility of both AFL franchises being caught up in the scandal.

If that bolded bit is right, then it would appear that Hunt has not attempted to source coke until after he had officially retired from our game. Obviously, the legal reality is that he was still contracted to the Suns/AFL to October (or whenever it is), however, for all intents and purposes he had left the game. So he quits, in his mind his obligations as an athlete to the Suns is over and it's time to enjoy the end of season. Unless he happened to change dealers at this point in time, it appears as though he left his partying until he'd finished up. Personally couldn't possibly knock him if that turns out to be the reality.
My guess is that if there are any GC players supplying it will be the older generation and 2-3 that are no longer with the club now .
Not saying there are not other players involved but a few names just spring to mind .
Has News Ltd reported on the Broncos apparently being involved?

Be very surprised if they haven't given they've been at the forefront of attacks on the NRL and David Smith in particular ever since News ltd. were given the flick by the code.
This is not Bay 13. If you post like it is, your post will be removed and you will likely be infracted.
Mate I've said it before but you kill all my fun far to often. :(

Went to quote a few posts, found they were gone and then read this.
Why are football codes so forgiving and understanding of drug users who bring the game into disrepute?

Very good question. Certainly with the AFL it's a case of the issue being too complicated for them to deal with. All they know is how to bleed the Australian football fan dry, they're not equipped to deal with issues on drugs. Better to pretend it doesn't exist, or it's no big thing.
Very good question. Certainly with the AFL it's a case of the issue being too complicated for them to deal with. All they know is how to bleed the Australian football fan dry, they're not equipped to deal with issues on drugs. Better to pretend it doesn't exist, or it's no big thing.

I disagree, the AFL is just a reflection of the world we live in, a reflection of us, ..... schools, the Police, workplaces, the Government etc all struggle to deal effectively with drugs, it is a complicated issue, plenty of strategies have been put in place, nothing seems to work effectively.

But feel free to put the boot in, i imagine all your thoughts on the issue would clear everything up.

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Name and shame is the only way these guys will learn.......while they are protected from public scrutiny, they will continue.

...if they are named every time they are caught taking ANY illegal drugs, the glares and stares, loss of adulation/respect from the public will be felt eventually, because they will realise that they are only being looked upon as a drug taker, not the idol they once were........and may also risk losing that wonderful job they have in playing their sport......and the money.

I refuse to call illegal drugs "recreational".....bullcrap, they are illegal drugs, and these guys are breaking the law..

Stop protecting them!
Name and shame is the only way these guys will learn.......while they are protected from public scrutiny, they will continue.

...if they are named every time they are caught taking ANY illegal drugs, the glares and stares, loss of adulation/respect from the public will be felt eventually, because they will realise that they are only being looked upon as a drug taker, not the idol they once were........and may also risk losing that wonderful job they have in playing their sport......and the money.

I refuse to call illegal drugs "recreational".....bullcrap, they are illegal drugs, and these guys are breaking the law..

Stop protecting them!

How does it affect you if some footballers like to take a toot of cocaine every now and when? And just because it's against the law means bugger all in my opinion, just because a government thinks it's a bad idea so what? Alcohol and cigarettes are legal and kill far more than recreational drugs.
How does it affect you if some footballers like to take a toot of cocaine every now and when? And just because it's against the law means bugger all in my opinion, just because a government thinks it's a bad idea so what? Alcohol and cigarettes are legal and kill far more than recreational drugs.

Whoa, that hit a nerve didn't it??.....whatever floats your boat mate. If you/they prefer to do what you/they want to do, regardless if its illegal or not, is your/their choice........but of course, you/they would be a man and face whatever consequences those choices may bring upon you/them..

..and it doesn't affect me at all.....just airing my opinion as you have just done. I prefer to be a law-abiding person.
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Maybe already posted but I couldn't be bothered going back through the thread.

Gave me a good laugh.


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Scandal Karmichael Hunt admits purchasing cocaine for GCS players - Suns commence investigation into claims

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