Scandal Karmichael Hunt admits purchasing cocaine for GCS players - Suns commence investigation into claims

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That's 5 lines he's got racked up (that can be seen on camera)

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1) In AFL you are a public figure. Straight up things will be handled differently. If you can't see that then I can't help you
In AFL you are also a role model and in the public spotlight which means you need to make sure that you hold yourself to the highest possible standards. Willing to bet Gold Coast have had a gut full of Harley Bennell and the baggage he is carrying around.

2) it's better/easier to have a zero tolerance policy than to try to distinguish those who are 'under the influence' and those who merely tested positive after drugs a week back
If you took the drugs a week back you still took the drugs and the likelihood is you will do it again.

3) it's easier to have a zero tolerance policy across the entire company than it is to distinguish between 'dangerous' jobs (actual miners, machine operators) and not dangerous jobs (office workers). But to compare this to another company is fair dinkum ******ed.
Actually it isn't easier. Professional staff in mining and construction of almost exclusively located at a different site. This means additional costs of testing at the company offices which are elsewhere and the additional costs of those test.

Comparing companies is just looking at facts, nothing else and it is something that is done in industry on a daily basis, its how companies survive and grow. If you can't accept facts then you are going to find your life extremely annoying.
I haven't been following this story closely, and tried to find the answer on the first few pages of this thread, but why has Hunt outed his former teammates?
I haven't been following this story closely, and tried to find the answer on the first few pages of this thread, but why has Hunt outed his former teammates?
He hasn't technically made it public. He named them in the 'private' QCCC investigation which I assume he thought would remain confidential. That information has since been leaked to the tabloids by someone inside the investigation itself.
Didn't Libba and Tuck get a strike despite not testing positive?
Both got charged by police for being in possession, so pretty hard for the AFL to dodge not charging them. This is just a photo and he hasn't been charged so working off the AFL Anti-doping decision it is not conclusive evidence that it was his so he won't get a strike.

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Karmichael Hunt should heck off back to New Zealand. He has cost the AFL millions of dollars in the damage he has done to the expansion of the game.

Another monumental stuff up from Demetriou and Gold Coast, to sign up Rugby League players who were only ever in it for the money and had no love for the game and hadn't had to work hard to get onto an AFL list unlike every other player that was ever on an AFL list.

Huge contract and huge payments from marketing/advertising etc on top of that. Was a shit player and now has thrown his old club under the bus and "brought the game into disrepute" according to the AFL based on past cases.

Snitches get stitches. I hope he gets hit by a car.
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You reap what you sow AFL and others.

Just a pity they didn't listen to Dale Lewis and Aker years ago when they said there was a problem with drugs.....instead they chose to deny and ridicule them for saying such a thing... forward and we have a problem that is out of control. Surprise, surprise!!!!......not.
Am I missing something here? You would assume (rightly so) that the dude on the front cover had a 5 year old toddler in the room with him doing drugs and then killed that toddler. Oh no wait a second it’s just some dude who happens to play afl good allegedly did a few lines 2 years ago. Lets never ever forgive him and shame him into doing more stuff for us to ’report’ on. Does anyone remember when a newspaper wasn’t like NewIdea? On the flip side Harley Bennell is probably a dickhead and pissed off someone he shouldn’t have. I guess he will learn to share his coke next time and play nice.
Has anyone else heard the rumour that because he was on the " AFL " money ... some 7 million dollars over the journey for contracts plus ambassadorial role that he paid for the boys charlie on many occasions and that they all used to joke about it , AFL 's shout tonight !!!
You reap what you sow AFL and others.

Just a pity they didn't listen to Dale Lewis and Aker years ago when they said there was a problem with drugs.....instead they chose to deny and ridicule them for saying such a thing... forward and we have a problem that is out of control. Surprise, surprise!!!!......not.

Out of control?

A piccy in the paper of one player and it's outta control!

Hyperbole alert!
Making Hunt the scapegoat for illicit drug use in the AFL is ridiculous, it existed before he got there and it will exist after he left. They are wealthy young men with status, free time and risk taking personalities that come with being footballers, it was naive to think the AFL didn't have the same issues the NRL did earlier this year with the Titans, just as it is naive now to think the Suns are much worse than any other club. The issue needs to be treated with a little more respect & maturity then to reduce it to isolated incidents involving one or two 'bad seeds'.
I think the real question is why tf you'd dog all your mates like that.

Because he is a f##king dog.. I wondered when he first got pinched why he got off basically Scott free
At the time I put it down to him being a sportsman and having a good lawyer.
But I guess it's more a case of him laging on all his ex mates.

Think K.Hunt should leave Australia soon.. Australia is not a great place to live, once everyone know what a low piece of work you really are.
It's OK, he didn't dob his mates in to get out of trouble.

“The disappointing thing is that sections of the media are making me out like a snitch or a rat and that I dobbed my mates in to get myself out of trouble,” he said. “That’s just not the truth.

He then goes on to further explain why he ratted his mates out

“If you lie to the Queensland CCC about who you were with you can go to jail. If you refuse to answer you can go to jail. If you choose not to answer a question you’re locked up until you do. It’s the law.”

So there you have it. He didn't dob his mates in to get himself out of trouble. He did it to get himself out of jail. Massive difference
I have no problem with what Hunt has done......seems like it has bought it all to a head. .....which is good.

The AFL have been forced to do something, and to most likely change their policy on drugs. The Suns seem to have received the kick up the bum and wake up call they needed.

If what Hunt has said is the truth, then so be it.

Just might have saved some of those young players from ruining their lives for ever.
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Scandal Karmichael Hunt admits purchasing cocaine for GCS players - Suns commence investigation into claims

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