Kevin Pieterson and England

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brilliant pies said:
Go home you south african black ********. Pietersen would of made nothing last nite if warne could catch. And you watch you immigrant, Clarke will be a gun while Pieterson is a hack and always will be a hack

Relax mate. Let them have their time in the sun (as much as they can find anyway). Lord knows they have had to wait long enough.

Heaven forbid though, if team falls off the pace though. People would be crushed in the rush to jump of the bandwagon.

Of course it's NEVER happened before! ;)

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babydoll said:
FYI Symonds is Indian heritage but adopted by Aust parents when he was very very young. I guess the thing that p1sses many australians off is that England keep on picking developed players from other countries, and call themselves English, i.e. Pieterson, Strauss (Saffies and still with heavy staffie accents) and Jones (with a distinct Aussie QLD accent). If we go further back there's Lamb, Hick, Smith (all saffies). if u want to go further back there's one Tony Greig. Why can't the poms just develop their own players ????

England team...pffttt...why dont you just call them the Commonwealth. I bet if Warnie decide to give up his Aussie passport you mob would sign him up !!

displaying ignorance: you have obviously never heard Straussy speak. His father and mother are from Oxfordshire you ****** and he was born in SA, left when he was four and didn't pick up a cricket bat until he got to Radley: one of the country's most exclusive schools. His accent represents the home counties as opposed to Natal which Pietersen's does.

Belt up therefore

What about your rugby team? I mean where do you want to start? league and union by the and the Kiwis are based around who has the best islanders.
ahhhh look at this beaten aussie muppets spitting the dummy out.
its the real pleasure to see such a gormless nation get beaten. :)
Completely blinkered and f'ckwitted even in defeat.


kevs tat says it all.
Down in south africa he never got a game because of the race quota rules.
Came over here in his teens to try his luck and made it.
and dont even mention strauss. he came here before he could f'ckin walk or talk.


hail the winners.
Come on let the English have their moment of glory. It's their first victory since the Battle of Waterloo and admittedly was aided by two South Africans and an Aussie. But let them have their time of glory because it will be brief.
SCARD said:
Come on let the English have their moment of glory. It's their first victory since the Battle of Waterloo and admittedly was aided by two South Africans and an Aussie. But let them have their time of glory because it will be brief.

They are a bunch of tools, they call us aussie arrogant etc then come on here and mouth off like they are the number one test playing nation, which by the way you pommie F**** you arent.

Go and win a series on the subcontinent, and win nearly every series you play in for the best part of 5 years then you have the right to be arrogant.

And throw in a couple of world cups for good measure.
brilliant pies said:
It took you almost an hour to think of a reply? Jeez your slow. Oh thats right your a south african :D
Sorry, I'm not a post whore like you.

I guess you got the whoring gene from yo mama?

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Power21 said:
They are a bunch of tools, they call us aussie arrogant etc then come on here and mouth off like they are the number one test playing nation, which by the way you pommie F**** you arent.

Go and win a series on the subcontinent, and win nearly every series you play in for the best part of 5 years then you have the right to be arrogant.

And throw in a couple of world cups for good measure.
HAHAHAHA another arrogant aussie cry baby.
Take your ass whipping like a man and deal with it, we put up with endless abuse from aussies, then the minute we celebrate a win we're arrogant and big mouths :D
Can the bushrangers recruit him????

His good mates with warney and would love to see him playing for the vics..

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Kevin Pieterson and England

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