That’s absolutely all true, but what kind of hits me about the whole song is that none of it’s actually… funny? The premise isn’t funny, and there aren’t any funny lines.Disco Duck was never meant to be a serious player in the market. It was a novelty song (which were popular back in those days - Google Ray Stevens) plus it was a parody (ie extracting the urine) of the disco genre.
In other words, it was good harmless fun which wasn't meant to be taken seriously. Forgetting the lyrics, it still stood up as a song with catchy melody with an equally catchy hook.
It wasn't even written by a muso, a DJ named Rick Dees wrote it. He was probably as surprised as anyone when it took off.
You had to be around at the time to "get it". I actually miss the days when music could just be fun for a brief period of time.
Perhaps it is a generational thing - now songs are either serious, or comedy. The closest thing I can think of is probably The Offspring.