News Lachie Neale to Brisbane

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Fair enough then.

It’s easy enough as a supporter to go “Oh well, doesn’t matter if we’re down the bottom for 10 years as long as we get a premiership after it”, but for the players like Lachie who only have so many years they can play AFL it’s a completely different story. If he sees more opportunity for success at Brisbane then good luck I say. He might end up being horribly wrong and Fagan may have sold him a lemon, but that’s just risk vs reward.

We replace him and move on.
Got a feeling that this might end up a lemon for both.
Lachie hates losing with a passion
So he requested a trade to Brisbane? :drunk:

I think they'll improve but geez risky assumption they'll improve that much.

They had a purple patch of three good games last season, starting with beating us in a game where we were so asleep at the wheel most WAFL teams probably could have got one over on us. Stefan Martin destroyed a deer in headlights Apeness after Sandi pulled out a minute before the game. And then they smashed Carlton which our pretty much u22 side also smashed. And finally the Hawks in Launceston who appeared similarly asleep having already pencilled in the win. The only other win they had was Gold Coast, who beat them earlier in the year.

Who was their best player in every single one of those wins? Dayne Beams.

I think they are more likely to improve than not but also think they are one serious injury to Stefan Martin away from a potential wooden spoon finish.

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Beams ask for a trade at the end of the draft period, Neale didn't know that Beams was going. By the way, Neale most likely didn't know about Hogan or Lobb either.

Neale would have known about Hogan and Lobb - they all have the same managers, and he'd have been aware of the general strategy of the club going back to when he last signed
Not sure how Brisbane are more appealing after a 4 win season and losing their captain and best player.

At least 2 things factually wrong with that statement, and one more that is up for debate.
From a mate who played golf with a very recently retired Freo backman:
1. Lachie hates losing with a passion and was getting frustrated (he signed his last contract just before we went into a nose dive) and couldn't see it changing any time soon (decision was made prior to the Hogan/Lobb deals appearing from left field)
1b. As a proud man, didn't enjoy being in a constantly losing team in a two-team town where WC and their media sycophants were the other team - Brisbane a nice alternative.
Doesnt like losing yet moves to perennial cellar dwellars.
That's why the disclaimer #NTTIAWWT (Not That There Is Anything Wrong With That - Seinfeld) as in its a joke Joyce?

Seinfeld was in the 1990s and times were different then. The whole #NTTIAWWT was, in fact, taking the piss big time out of being gay by making a joke out of it, and making it a 'thing'. I'm sorry, while I don't want beef, I have to call stuff out when I see it. Saying it's a "joke" does not make it any less homophobic.
Seinfeld was in the 1990s and times were different then. The whole #NTTIAWWT was, in fact, taking the piss big time out of being gay by making a joke out of it, and making it a 'thing'. I'm sorry, while I don't want beef, I have to call stuff out when I see it. Saying it's a "joke" does not make it any less homophobic.
Gay can also mean happy?

But I guess the world has gotten a bit too serious and PC focused to remember that

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From a mate who played golf with a very recently retired Freo backman:
1. Lachie hates losing with a passion and was getting frustrated (he signed his last contract just before we went into a nose dive) and couldn't see it changing any time soon (decision was made prior to the Hogan/Lobb deals appearing from left field)
1b. As a proud man, didn't enjoy being in a constantly losing team in a two-team town where WC and their media sycophants were the other team - Brisbane a nice alternative.
So a mentally soft sycophant then. Got it.
From a mate who played golf with a very recently retired Freo backman:
1. Lachie hates losing with a passion and was getting frustrated (he signed his last contract just before we went into a nose dive) and couldn't see it changing any time soon (decision was made prior to the Hogan/Lobb deals appearing from left field)
1b. As a proud man, didn't enjoy being in a constantly losing team in a two-team town where WC and their media sycophants were the other team - Brisbane a nice alternative.
Thanks for the insight.

Neale going to Brisbane is a weird move. There is no obvious reason and seems to be little animosity in either direction. I am confident that it is going to work out just fine for us. The list changes we have would not have been achieved without some kind of upheaval.

I just read it as him/them wanting a change, which could be location or could be the football environment, could be the anonymity. That Neale's reasons are in the end a bit wishy-washy disappoints me, but I will console myself by enjoying the bounty that has come our way as a result.
Reckon speaks to Fagan being a better people leader than Ross.

Think the Dogs, Richmond and Eagles all adopted the “soft approach” ensuring everyone is part of a single group , no splinter groups etc. think there may be a few at Freo.
Seinfeld was satire, it's taking the piss out of people who feel they can say what they want about homosexuality and think it's okay if they simply add NTTAWWT at the end, not endorsing them. Kind of like mocking "i'm not racist but.."

just my take.

I always thought the episode was taking the piss out of people that pretend they are all PC and cool about homosexuality but are still panicked when someone incorrectly thinks they are gay. It's still as funny in 2018 as it was in the 1990's IMO.
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Its a bit gay that jumpers on together thing


This original post suggested that "it's a bit gay" is a slur, that it's a stupid thing to do, thus they look gay, ergo, gay is stupid. To backtrack and say "gay also means happy" is pretty weak. Language evolves and you'd be lucky to find a handful of people who use gay to mean happy these days. The word has evolved to mean homosexual - most specifically a male homosexual, but is also used by many lesbians as their preferred identity label also. You used gay as a slur, unintentionally I'm sure, but the cool thing to do would be to own it, and say, you made a stuff up and it's not okay to vilify gay people in that way.

And to say the world has gone too far PC is something that someone who doesn't belong to the particular minority group being denigrated can say, because they've never been affected. It's exactly as Righteo said - it's like saying "I'm not racist - but... (for example) if you wear a tea towel on your head you're probably a terrorist." Sure, to you and your non-Muslim mates it might be hilarious, but to the Muslim woman standing just around the corner who hears it, I can tell you, there's nothing funny about the "joke" at all.
This original post suggested that "it's a bit gay" is a slur, that it's a stupid thing to do, thus they look gay, ergo, gay is stupid. To backtrack and say "gay also means happy" is pretty weak. Language evolves and you'd be lucky to find a handful of people who use gay to mean happy these days. The word has evolved to mean homosexual - most specifically a male homosexual, but is also used by many lesbians as their preferred identity label also. You used gay as a slur, unintentionally I'm sure, but the cool thing to do would be to own it, and say, you made a stuff up and it's not okay to vilify gay people in that way.

And to say the world has gone too far PC is something that someone who doesn't belong to the particular minority group being denigrated can say, because they've never been affected. It's exactly as Righteo said - it's like saying "I'm not racist - but... (for example) if you wear a tea towel on your head you're probably a terrorist." Sure, to you and your non-Muslim mates it might be hilarious, but to the Muslim woman standing just around the corner who hears it, I can tell you, there's nothing funny about the "joke" at all.

The world is too pc. I actually think that big footy is too pc.

I have gay/lesbian friends and they use the word gay when they are bagging something out and I'm free to use the term as well in such context.

I know you're lesbian and have an issue with how the term was used then but many other gay/lesbian people don't have the same issue.

I'm not having a go at you but it is painful at times when you have to watch everything you say so you don't offend someone on here.
The world is too pc. I actually think that big footy is too pc.

I have gay/lesbian friends and they use the word gay when they are bagging something out and I'm free to use the term as well in such context.

I know you're lesbian and have an issue with how the term was used then but many other gay/lesbian people don't have the same issue.

I'm not having a go at you but it is painful at times when you have to watch everything you say so you don't offend someone on here.

Well, if your mates use it, and they're happy for you to use it around them, then you're in the inner circle. That's cool for you. But it's a bit like the "n" word in many ways. Some black people won't mind a white person use it if they have a particular relationship with that person, but others won't like it. I can't see the problem with just working a teeny tiny bit harder to make sure that the stuff that comes out of your mouth (not "yours in particular - a generalised "your") isn't hurtful or upsetting to someone else. It's mostly the people who have the most white and/or straight and/or middle-class and/or male privilege that seem to think everyone else needs to take a chill-pill about the "PC" stuff, because they belong to the majority and haven't experienced racism or homophobia or classism or sexism, so are oblivious to it because it's never been an issue for them.

Anyway, I'm over and out. No-one is telling you what you can and can't say - just don't get pissed off if someone calls you out on something that vilifies or denigrates a particular minority group if you've never experienced discrimination along those lines.

Cheers all.
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