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Well, if your mates use it, and they're happy for you to use it around them, then you're in the inner circle. That's cool for you. But it's a bit like the "n" word in many ways. Some black people won't mind a white person use it if they have a particular relationship with that person, but others won't like it. I can't see the problem with just working a teeny tiny bit harder to make sure that the stuff that comes out of your mouth (not "yours in particular - a generalised "your") isn't hurtful or upsetting to someone else. It's mostly the people who have the most white and/or straight and/or middle-class and/or male privilege that seem to think everyone else needs to take a chill-pill about the "PC" stuff, because they belong to the majority and haven't experienced racism or homophobia or classism or sexism, so are oblivious to it because it's never been an issue for them.

Anyway, I'm over and out. No-one is telling you what you can and can't say - just don't get pissed off if someone calls you out on something that vilifies or denigrates a particular minority group if you've never experienced discrimination along those lines.

Cheers all.

Yes you are telling us what we can or can't say. You said the word gay in that context is derogatory and the poster shouldn't have said it.

I by the way can also say the N word around my mates. Not that I often do but hey I'm in the inner circle there too.
i dont like pc culture because if racists, homophobes, xenophobes, morons etc arent saying their dumb shit out loud then i dont know who to avoid.

saying the jumper thing was "a bit gay" makes u a moron, just because everyone has been saying it all through your upbringing doesnt make it a charming colloquialism it makes everyone morons.

kids commit suicide over shit like this and if that isnt enough to make u supplement your vocabulary then ur a moron.

also jedi mind tricks u realise u literally just said i have a black friend who says the n word and they are fine with me using the n word in context. smgdh

Edit: just saw IPs post and realise i repeated. but for the record just because someone is a minority doesnt mean they arent morons also who say dumb shit, and it doesnt matter if ur in an inner circle u still have a choice whether or not to use those words and what choice you make really does say alot about how graceful a person you are, homophobe or not.
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After our recent trade period I don't think anyone could accuse the club of lacking ambition.

That's why I can't understand a guy who says that WA is his home would leave to go to a minnow club like Brisbane. Especially when he admits to owing us a lot.

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i dont like pc culture because if racists, homophobes, xenophobes, morons etc arent saying their dumb shit out loud then i dont know who to avoid.

saying the jumper thing was "a bit gay" makes u a moron, just because everyone has been saying it all through your upbringing doesnt make it a charming colloquialism it makes everyone morons.

kids commit suicide over shit like this and if that isnt enough to make u supplement your vocabulary then ur a moron.

also jedi mind tricks u realise u literally just said i have a black friend who says the n word and they are fine with me using the n word in context. smgdh

Nope I was referring to the use of the word gay.

I have black friends who use the N word and wouldn't bat an eye lid if I used it. I didn't say I do use it or find a context to say it appropriately.
i dont like pc culture because if racists, homophobes, xenophobes, morons etc arent saying their dumb shit out loud then i dont know who to avoid.

saying the jumper thing was "a bit gay" makes u a moron, just because everyone has been saying it all through your upbringing doesnt make it a charming colloquialism it makes everyone morons.

kids commit suicide over shit like this and if that isnt enough to make u supplement your vocabulary then ur a moron.

also jedi mind tricks u realise u literally just said i have a black friend who says the n word and they are fine with me using the n word in context. smgdh

People commit suicide over being called gay?

But it’s ok to call them a moron?
i dont like pc culture because if racists, homophobes, xenophobes, morons etc arent saying their dumb shit out loud then i dont know who to avoid.

saying the jumper thing was "a bit gay" makes u a moron, just because everyone has been saying it all through your upbringing doesnt make it a charming colloquialism it makes everyone morons.

kids commit suicide over shit like this and if that isnt enough to make u supplement your vocabulary then ur a moron.

also jedi mind tricks u realise u literally just said i have a black friend who says the n word and they are fine with me using the n word in context. smgdh

So kids commit suicide over reading comments on big footy such as the jumper looks a bit gay?

Don't make out that comment to be a bigger thing that what it really is.
It's called hypocrisy. These same people who have digs on here for not being politically correct have said things far worse in their life and will continue to but won't admit it.
Yep, there are many who have the attitude that they carry a moral superiority over others without actually looking in their own backyard
Yes you are telling us what we can or can't say. You said the word gay in that context is derogatory and the poster shouldn't have said it.

I by the way can also say the N word around my mates. Not that I often do but hey I'm in the inner circle there too.

No. You can say whatever you want. I would prefer, and I believe, that he shouldn't say it in the derogatory manner in which it was used, but ATEOTD, he can say it if he wants. I just called out the homophobia attached to the comment. Go ahead and use discriminatory language if you want, just don't get pissed off and offended and blame the "PC Brigade" if you get called out on it.

This is 2018. The expectations of society are changing all the time. Some things that were okay in 1998, are not okay now. 20 years ago, people whinged that there were things they couldn't say then, that they could say in the 1970's when everyone was cool with it. In the 1970s, some people were getting bent out of shape that some women were actually coming out of the kitchens and going to work, when in the 1950s they stayed at home and 'kept house'. God forbid if women showed a bit of ankle in the Victorian era, and everyone called their acquaintances and colleagues by their surnames with a 'Mr', 'Mrs' or 'Miss' attached. Friends even.

Change happens, and we can't stop it. Say what you want. But attitudes and expectations change, and you can call it PC if you want, and that's your prerogative. But like I said - be prepared to get called out on it, and if you do, I guess either suck it up, or have a think about why someone called you out on it in the first place, or ignore it. If you're not fussed and you ignore it, that's totally your call.

Now, I've got work to do, and I sense this conversation will end up going round and round in circles. I know your opinion, you know mine, and I won't be responding any further.

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Yep, there are many who have the attitude that they carry a moral superiority over others without actually looking in their own backyard

Apparently non pc people are sexist, racist, homophobic

Middle aged white males getting offended when called out about their misogynist, racist or homophobic language. Maybe if you thought for a second before you opened your mouth (or wrote), you wouldn’t have to be offended when you get called a name.

Middle aged white males being non pc. Strike me dead because people in all walks of society aren't pc too.

I'm not offended I just see the hypocrisy
People commit suicide over being called gay?

But it’s ok to call them a moron?

when i become aware that morons are being disowned by their families for being attracted to other morons, when moronic children are being brought up in religious households which say that being a moron is a crime against nature, when i find out chechnyan warlords are rounding up people for being morons and putting them in concentration camps and subjecting them to torture as punishment for their moronic ways i'll apologise and never use the word again and support my moron brothers and sisters in forums and irl until my last post/breath.
when morons are disowned by their families for being attracted to other morons, when moronic children are brought up in religious households which say that being a moron is a crime against nature, when chechnyan warlords are rounding up people for being morons and putting them in concentration camps and subjecting them to torture as punishment for their moronic ways i'll apologise and never use the word again and support my moron brothers and sisters in forums and irl until my last post/breath.
Yep. Thought so
when morons are disowned by their families for being attracted to other morons, when moronic children are brought up in religious households which say that being a moron is a crime against nature, when chechnyan warlords are rounding up people for being morons and putting them in concentration camps and subjecting them to torture as punishment for their moronic ways i'll apologise and never use the word again and support my moron brothers and sisters in forums and irl until my last post/breath.

Never laugh at a non pc comedian again. I call hypocrisy. Never yell abuse at a footy ump or an oposition player for doing their job. They have feelings too. I call hypocrisy to all those pc people.
actually i got r*ped by a family member when i was a child and its still affecting me after 25 years, it really robbed me of the ability to have any self esteem and and ever since ive always been really prickly when people are careless about other peoples feelings.

im not perfect and ive said things i regret but i dont defend my actions by attacking the imperfections of people who let me know i was being insensitive.
Language evolves and you'd be lucky to find a handful of people who use gay to mean happy these days.

I was happy eating my golden gaytime icecreams up until not so long ago (but now I can't go past the connoisseur ice cream - yummmm!), Gaiety still fills the air and people called Gaye have not all died out as yet.

When the Flintstones theme starts and they're having a gay ole time, while we expect that Fred and Barny will go off together at some point and that Wilma and Betty will be home alone on the couch at some point, we know that they will fight and squabble - but in general be happy. We don't expect that after the gay ole time intro, that they will fly to Sydney for the mardis gras.
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