Scandal Lance Collard facing lengthy suspenion for homophobic slurs

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Being offended by it, when you are not gay, implies you yourself think it’s bad to be gay. It’s now ultimate insult, to insinuate a straight person is gay.

What bizarre logic - Your 1st premise is flawed hopelessly.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

I’m not ‘offended’ by it because I think its bad to be gay at all - I’m offended because I don’t think someone’s sexuality should be considered good OR bad.

The whole concept of judging people on their sexuality to me is laughable.

Towards other demographies I may not be quite so liberal, but sexuality to me is a non-issue.
But if you did beat the crap out of someone on the footy field, you would be banned for multiple weeks.

I feel that in order to explain why calling someone f**got on the footy field is a big deal, I might have to explain a lot. Do I start at the trial of Oscar Wilde or Stonewall, or tell you what it was like to be remotely different in school in the 1970s and 80s?
Why did you quote me in this response? I was talking about the "Jesus Christ" so called slur.
Being offended by it, when you are not gay, implies you yourself think it’s bad to be gay. It’s now ultimate insult, to insinuate a straight person is gay.

See the problem?

And that problem with trying to regulate speech. You will always find it not applied inconsistently and you are always chasing the tail.

Best regulator for speech has been fear of violence. Everyone knows what they can say and to who, otherwise you get the shit beaten out of you.

By regulating speech, you run the risk of increasing popularity of right wing nutjobs with their own ideas of what’s to be regulated. People simply don’t want to be told by others on what to do and how to behave and will tear down the system if need be.
If Dunning-Kruger was a poster, this is what we'd get.

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Players have to realise that footy is a workplace, and it's the same rules as if in an office or shop floor. As distasteful as it might be, if a bloke can't keep his mouth shut in the context of wanting to give someone a serve, just probably call someone a f-head or f-wit. Swearing probably can't be cited or deemed phobic to anyone, and I guess the AFL tacitly may agree given that Hardwick dropped the F-bomb in his interview last week.
Footy players are not known for their intelligence, but their football ability.
Some need to go to evening classes to receive more education.
So this again is going to comedown to what he actually said. If he dropped the bundle of sticks/Cigarette slur then yeah or if he used homosexuality as the basis of the insult; then yeah, time for a holiday.

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Had to stop going to church because of the language involved.

They just repeated the slur over and over, 'Jesus Christ' this and 'Jesus Christ' that. It was almost like they worshipped the slur.

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Had to stop going to church because of the language involved.

They just repeated the slur over and over, 'Jesus Christ' this and 'Jesus Christ' that. It was almost like they worshipped the slur.
Okay buddy don't give up your day job
It should have been longer.
At what point do longer suspensions stop recidivism? Men's sport has problems all over the shop with homophobia and I'm not convinced that coming down hard on people who offend publicly is much more than window dressing.
1-2 weeks maximum. Just this weekend barista in Collingwood of all places asked me if I was a **** because I told him I don’t drink coffee.

It’s just words.
At what point do longer suspensions stop recidivism? Men's sport has problems all over the shop with homophobia and I'm not convinced that coming down hard on people who offend publicly is much more than window dressing.
It does send a mesage out though about lines that shouldn't be crossed
1-2 weeks maximum. Just this weekend barista in Collingwood of all places asked me if I was a **** because I told him I don’t drink coffee.

It’s just words.
And this is why it isn't going to stop in the AFL, because a statement like that has people barely batting a eyelid.

Also why the AFL's escalating penalties are pointless and aren't actually going to do anything to reduce it.
Imagine getting upset because you heard someone say "Jesus Christ", what a snowflake lol.

"It's the same thing!!!!" lmao.
There are religious people who would be absolutely offended by blasphemy, in and outside of Australia.

Religious people are notoriously thin-skinned. Try walking around parts of northern Melbourne with a cartoon of a certain prophet.

Religious offence for blasphemy and the like may not be justified in our eyes, but to the offended, the feeling would be as real as any offence felt for anyone because of what Lance Collard said.

To me, the interesting question is: on what basis do we decide whose feelings are defended? Too often it feels like we’re too willing to concern ourselves with the ‘feelings’ of our political allies and mercilessly hang sh*t on anyone else with abandon.

Personally, i like free speech, despite its problems, and i’ll usually defend it on principle. To me, the claim that some ‘offensive’ things can’t be said (i.e. gay slurs), while others (blasphemy) are fine ‘because they’re not as bad’ is just totally incoherent.
What a massive load of horseshit.
A strange response to a statement that’s obviously true. The below article is just one among hundreds of examples you’ll find in seconds using google.

There are plenty of examples from Australia also. There are Christians i know who i would not blaspheme in the presence of, because I know they take the bible very seriously, and i know they would be offended. You may view any offence they take as ridiculous, but that doesn’t make it any less real.

The point being: religious people (including many who live here) feel genuine pain and anguish when others disrespect their religions. If we’re going to punish ‘offensive’ speech, surely we should be consistent and protect religious communities from words that have the potential to offend?

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Scandal Lance Collard facing lengthy suspenion for homophobic slurs

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