LCHF- Low Carb / High-Healthy Fat lifestyle.

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Woolies home brand bacon has 71% pork in it. Haha.
Yeah i've noticed a LOT of places cold meats are often some 'Bazzar' percentage of meat when you actually read the ingredient breakdown, which makes you wonder what the hell you're actually eating. Particularly places like Subway/Maccas etc ham & bacon percentages leave a lot to be desired, a lot of supermarket cold meat brands too.
Try this dessert guys, or even a breakfast option with whey added.

Chai pudding.
I can Ayam coconut milk
1/4 cup chai seeds
30g shredded coconut
Vanilla extract
Mix altogether in
mason jar , put lid on n refrigerate for 2 hours or longer if you want the consistency firmer.
Can mix in bowl then transfer to a plastic container.
Low carb/Keto rice pudding/custard alternative.

Chai pudding is very versatile, add frozen berries, next bath I'll add cocoa powder so it's like a chocolate yogo!
Will replace the coconut milk with kefir n see how that tastes.

I added a table spoon of honey n some chopped mango for the kids whom liked it.

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Lol yer wtf was that so-called "documentary"??

What I dont understand is why they had to include processed meats to red meats for his experiment? As ablett said, theres obviously going to be a massive difference between processed meat and good quality red meat, so why not experiment with just red meat full stop?
Isnt that the 1st rule of doing a scientific experiment? To just have 1 changed variable?

At the end of the day though, who cares if red meat gets shunned by the general public.. no one will ever make me stop eating it so why do I care? Might even make it cheaper too if demand does go down! Only annoying thing is that my vego "mate" got all high and mighty and will continue to get on his high horse about the rest of us barbarian carnivores.. :rolleyes:
I don't know if you guys get this, but he has a series over here in the UK called, "Trust Me, I'm a Doctor," and it's really disappointed me.

I watched one segment about vitamin D, and they split a group up and gave one group a supplement, the other group were told to walk outside for 10 minutes at midday, and the other group were given 100g oily fish three times a week.

Do you notice the discrepancy? Yes, the supplement amount wasn't given. All of the other amounts were given (time of walk and time of day, and how much oily fish and the frequency). I suppose that they didn't want to state a supplement amount, lest people decide that they'd go to the supermarket and self diagnose - but it makes for a rather pointless conclusion, and therefore it's pointless me watching.

In the same programme, one of the twins from the shabby Horizon documentary did a piece about pasta being better for you if you chill it and reheat it, instead of eating it freshly cooked, and he did a great intro to it, saying (I'm paraphrasing, but this is close!): We all love starchy carbohydrate foods like bread, pasta and potatoes, but we know they’re not always good for our health.

...and I nearly fell off the sofa. We've always been told how wonderful and super bread, pasta and potatoes are, and he even had the audacity to take part in a programme which vilified the LCHF way of eating, and then spouts in his voice over that some of the most prolific carbs aren't always good for our health.

It was several weeks ago, but it irritated me. ;)
Yes, you'll soon learn to become a food detective!

Then what they do tell you, double check even further.

I was thinking the other day I must look like a total nut walking around the supermarket examining the ingredients of every product I pick up.
Yeah that gave us a chuckle too.

In saying that I've known quite a few Adventists over the years having relatives in the church and they usually at least appear to be fitter/healthy looking than the general public imo. Also definitely tend to live longer so they must be doing something right in that regard.

The thing I remember about Adventists is the raging mother of a girl I taught in Grade 3 in Victoria. I had my class doing Puff the Magic Dragon for the end of year performance. The mother rang me abusing me for letting the class sing a song that was all about drugs.
The thing I remember about Adventists is the raging mother of a girl I taught in Grade 3 in Victoria. I had my class doing Puff the Magic Dragon for the end of year performance. The mother rang me abusing me for letting the class sing a song that was all about drugs.

lol years ago when boarding at my Adventist auntie's house I had a couple of joints but she unexpectedly returned home and you could smell the smoke everywhere, she's that naive though she probably just thought it was incense or something..
My thoughts on Mosely's doco;

The increased consumption of read meat, it seemed like this "gave him licence" to eat it from what ever source he liked. Like another poster said how many other calories did he consume from carbs and fats to reach this protein level. Although i would say he did give some air time to the differences between the deli meats and fresh cut meats.

His increased weight and bloodwork was blamed soley on his increased protein intake, i doubt his calorie intake was just solely from the increase of meat intake, i am sure he ate plenty of other foods in conjunction with increased protein intake in this period.

It seems just like when people talke about IF or 5;2, that this gives them a licence to eat what they like. But for many of us on here who do IF or LCHF or higher protein intakes it is generally from the best sources possible.

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Try this dessert guys, or even a breakfast option with whey added.

Chai pudding.
I can Ayam coconut milk
1/4 cup chai seeds
30g shredded coconut
Vanilla extract
Mix altogether in
mason jar , put lid on n refrigerate for 2 hours or longer if you want the consistency firmer.
Can mix in bowl then transfer to a plastic container.
Low carb/Keto rice pudding/custard alternative.

Chai pudding is very versatile, add frozen berries, next bath I'll add cocoa powder so it's like a chocolate yogo!
Will replace the coconut milk with kefir n see how that tastes.

I added a table spoon of honey n some chopped mango for the kids whom liked it.
Is that just one of those regular 400ml cans of cooking coconut milk? Or one specifically for drinking?
This is a good read.

Complete Guide to Fats & Oils on a Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet

The main focus of the ketogenic diet is to get the macronutrient ratio right. Ideally, you should be eating 5-10% calories from carbs (net carbs), 15-30% of calories from protein and 65-75% calories from fat (or even more) in order to benefit from ketone bodies produced by your liver.

So, what is the ideal fat intake on the ketogenic diet? The amount of fat varies for all individuals and depends on your goal. In general, you won't need to precisely count fat intake or calories on a ketogenic diet, because eating food naturally low in carbs will keep you sated for longer.
Anyone watching "Gus Worland: Marathon Man" fat Sydney MMM radio host and best mates with Hugh Jackman and he gave him a challenge to run the New York Marathon. 1st epp started with him throwing out all the sugar and processed junk then off for a colonic irrigation then to a farm to get down and dirty. Looks like a solo version of biggest loser. Looks ok at this stage. Its on 122 A&E and only half hour per epp which is good.
It's usually somewhere between 125-40, something I keep an eye on, high BP runs in one side of the family.

Ok. I read that between 100 and 120 was normal so that 125 is high but if you're correct the better for me.

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LCHF- Low Carb / High-Healthy Fat lifestyle.

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