lexton plains under 17s thread

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Can't say that I've heard Joe Hannett pumping Louis' tyres and Phil Lang would be wasting his time as parents are rarely asked for their opinion about their own child.
Perhaps the coach could've alerted somebody to how young Leithhead and Ash Driscoll were developing.
Um, Joe is Louis' uncle chief
I know. That would be why I have put the parents part after the mention of Phil Lang and not at the start of the sentence.
point. Though, Langy isn't the kind of bloke who would push Dave's wagon anyway. Though i do know wat u mean by selectors not listening to parents' opinions much.

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''ll agree with you there speedoss, why would you need to push players when you've already got people like Gary Hannett pushing Louie Hannett and Phil Lang pushing David Lang, This magnet person has no idea about navarre at all..And no offense to the other guys but they wouldn't make rebels because they haven't all been pushed like these other 2 have been! Rebels are just a load of shit anyway, if you don't know someone within the system or if you haven't got outrageous skills then they don't even care!

Whoever you are leather magnet, i wouldn't be doubting Aiden, you've obviously got no idea how much Speedy knows about football around here, easily the smartest football minded guy that i no by far![/quote]

Fair call mate, but you say lang's dad pushes him but there is one thing, Lang's dad will negver change david's attitude and he will never make rebels with the attitude he has
''ll agree with you there speedoss, why would you need to push players when you've already got people like Gary Hannett pushing Louie Hannett and Phil Lang pushing David Lang, This magnet person has no idea about navarre at all..And no offense to the other guys but they wouldn't make rebels because they haven't all been pushed like these other 2 have been! Rebels are just a load of shit anyway, if you don't know someone within the system or if you haven't got outrageous skills then they don't even care!

Whoever you are leather magnet, i wouldn't be doubting Aiden, you've obviously got no idea how much Speedy knows about football around here, easily the smartest football minded guy that i no by far!

Fair call mate, but you say lang's dad pushes him but there is one thing, Lang's dad will negver change david's attitude and he will never make rebels with the attitude he has[/QUOTE]

he should have stayed in with redan even tho they were getting beat every week, he is a awesome player in the lpfl but was only a good player in the bfl, but was still in all the squad teams.
If you are good enough you can get picked up to play rebels. There have been a few around that have played for them Clint Ladiges, Dan Feery, Bryce Tickner, I think Carl Moser from Avoca may of played or a least in the system. So if you really do want it there are opportunities to get involved
Can't say that I've heard Joe Hannett pumping Louis' tyres and Phil Lang would be wasting his time as parents are rarely asked for their opinion about their own child.
Perhaps the coach could've alerted somebody to how young Leithhead and Ash Driscoll were developing.

Thats wat scouts r 4, 2 find out bout up & coming players...I could push players 2 get noticed but y would i do that wen its up 2 the rebels 2 find that out, all they had 2 do was giv me a call n i wouldve told em! sounds pretty lazy 2 me! Different story if we were in the wimmera or ballarat league!
So who r these scouts that ur crappin on bout anyways?
Whats this i hear about you leaving Navarre Speedy, is this true or not?
10 or more years of service a bit to long is it lol

Yeah not sure wat im doin next yr yet mate, i'll c wat the go is workin wise 1st! Also gotta decide whether i wanna trial sum place else or stick to the club 4 a 13th season! Dunno wat me mates r doin yet eitha, i no of a few that r leavin tho! wat do u reckon i should do lol
Yeah not sure wat im doin next yr yet mate, i'll c wat the go is workin wise 1st! Also gotta decide whether i wanna trial sum place else or stick to the club 4 a 13th season! Dunno wat me mates r doin yet eitha, i no of a few that r leavin tho! wat do u reckon i should do lol
Bring your black arse to Ararat Speedy!
Yeah not sure wat im doin next yr yet mate, i'll c wat the go is workin wise 1st! Also gotta decide whether i wanna trial sum place else or stick to the club 4 a 13th season! Dunno wat me mates r doin yet eitha, i no of a few that r leavin tho! wat do u reckon i should do lol

Who are the players that are leaving Navarre?
12 years, bloody hell thats ages..Its a wonder that they didn't treat you better this season after being there for so long!
You should go play for Stawell and show everyone how good you are instead of playing reserves at Navarre, good club but your just wasting your time out there!
I've heard that Swifts are looking for a coach hahahaha
Thats wat scouts r 4, 2 find out bout up & coming players...I could push players 2 get noticed but y would i do that wen its up 2 the rebels 2 find that out, all they had 2 do was giv me a call n i wouldve told em! sounds pretty lazy 2 me! Different story if we were in the wimmera or ballarat league!
So who r these scouts that ur crappin on bout anyways?

I simply stated "I'd hazard a guess that the scouts see more than just the GF." I have no proof that any scouts even exist, just an opinion that is different to the majority obviously.

Intrigued that you don't think a coach should promote his players for rep or higher duties. Surely you don't mean it that way.

It's a little tiresome to see this constant "poor LPFL, we don't get the attention of the major leagues" drivel. If you're good enough you'll get a chance, surely.

Didn't you do a Rebels pre-season yourself? Spotted by a scout or referred by a coach?
its show if u play in a higher leauge u get noticed more, so people who want to play rebels will play a better standard of football

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I simply stated "I'd hazard a guess that the scouts see more than just the GF." I have no proof that any scouts even exist, just an opinion that is different to the majority obviously.

Intrigued that you don't think a coach should promote his players for rep or higher duties. Surely you don't mean it that way.

It's a little tiresome to see this constant "poor LPFL, we don't get the attention of the major leagues" drivel. If you're good enough you'll get a chance, surely.

Didn't you do a Rebels pre-season yourself? Spotted by a scout or referred by a coach?

I didnt mean that i wasnt going 2 promote my players, i jus ment that im sick of seeing good players cum thru the ranks n not even hav a rebels rep there 2 watch em unless they make the finals, its crap...Surely every1 can understand that!
Yeah i did do the rebels training 4 3pre-seasons, i actually didnt get noticed playin footy n wasnt reffered 2 by a coach, i always went 2 the rebels training wid my brother wen i was 15 n Burdett asked me 1day if i wanted 2 train so thats how it all started!
Who are the players that are leaving Navarre?
12 years, bloody hell thats ages..Its a wonder that they didn't treat you better this season after being there for so long!
You should go play for Stawell and show everyone how good you are instead of playing reserves at Navarre, good club but your just wasting your time out there!
I've heard that Swifts are looking for a coach hahahaha

Yeah i dont think i'd play 4 stawell thanx lol n bout coaching swifts ahhh nah wouldnt suit me haha
I'll decide in a cupla mths wen footy is on the agenda again!
Oh jus a few ppl that were a lil bit unhappy out there, not naming names on here sorry, ask me in person if ya wanna no lol
I didnt mean that i wasnt going 2 promote my players, i jus ment that im sick of seeing good players cum thru the ranks n not even hav a rebels rep there 2 watch em unless they make the finals, its crap...Surely every1 can understand that!
Yeah i did do the rebels training 4 3pre-seasons, i actually didnt get noticed playin footy n wasnt reffered 2 by a coach, i always went 2 the rebels training wid my brother wen i was 15 n Burdett asked me 1day if i wanted 2 train so thats how it all started!

Cool, didn't think you meant it the way I was reading it.
I suppose Burdett was doing the 'scout' work as a Rebels bloke.
It's all good.
Wow, i wonder if Shaun North is kicking himself right about now!!
I would be if i was him!!

Na I don't think he would be Bumbles.. He wanted to play somewhere where he was happy and was going to enjoy his football, not somewhere we he wasn't (like at rats)
Na I don't think he would be Bumbles.. He wanted to play somewhere where he was happy and was going to enjoy his football, not somewhere we he wasn't (like at rats)

Your kidding me right? Since at Ararat Shaun has played in a runners-up team in the under 14s, and a premiership last year with the under 17s..
From what im told many people at the club have gone out of their way to make Shaun feel welcome, yet despite their best efforts, he has decided to leave..
And if u can tell me that any footballer wouldnt be kicking themselves about missing out on a grand final they could have played in, then u are playing for the wrong reasons!!! You cannot say he wouldnt have enjoyed running out with his team on Saturday, especially in a home grand final, probably the only one he will ever have a chance to play in!!
Wow, i wonder if Shaun North is kicking himself right about now!!
I would be if i was him!!

Your a stooge..

Ever thought that people dont just play to win premierships.. He wanted to play with his mates and have a good time, rather than playing with ararat.. He didnt like it there so i doubt playing in a premiership would have made him happier.
As another example i have a mate who left the rats u17 during the year sitting right next to me.. he says that he would rather play with his mates than with that bunch of moon head gavins.. there going to anihilated to the notch of 87+ points anyhow so dont really matter all that much!
Your a stooge..

Ever thought that people dont just play to win premierships.. He wanted to play with his mates and have a good time, rather than playing with ararat.. He didnt like it there so i doubt playing in a premiership would have made him happier.
As another example i have a mate who left the rats u17 during the year sitting right next to me.. he says that he would rather play with his mates than with that bunch of moon head gavins.. there going to anihilated to the notch of 87+ points anyhow so dont really matter all that much!

Ah the sour grapes are coming out now arent they lads!!!
The all conquering Eagles boys who were the only real challenger to Navarre and who had the team to go all the way in the finals etc etc..
Not to mention the great Steve Butler who was gunna kick em to victory!!
And what happened? Not much!!
Good on you blokes for making finals, but dont get all sour coz the Rats made the big one!!
As for ur mate, im sure he didnt consider himself a "Moonhead" when he decided to play there at the start of the season!!
And if its the person i think it is, then perhaps he could have tried a little thing called hard work and committed himself, rather than bitching and whinging!!
Funny how the wheels turns isnt it?
If u think there is not one part of Northy that would love to be out there on Saturday then i think ur sadly mistaken!! He may not admit it himself, but looking back it may be a decision he comes to regret!
Ah the sour grapes are coming out now arent they lads!!!
The all conquering Eagles boys who were the only real challenger to Navarre and who had the team to go all the way in the finals etc etc..
Not to mention the great Steve Butler who was gunna kick em to victory!!
And what happened? Not much!!
Good on you blokes for making finals, but dont get all sour coz the Rats made the big one!!
As for ur mate, im sure he didnt consider himself a "Moonhead" when he decided to play there at the start of the season!!
And if its the person i think it is, then perhaps he could have tried a little thing called hard work and committed himself, rather than bitching and whinging!!
Funny how the wheels turns isnt it?
If u think there is not one part of Northy that would love to be out there on Saturday then i think ur sadly mistaken!! He may not admit it himself, but looking back it may be a decision he comes to regret!

Whos sour mate? Not me anyhow.. we lost to the better side and hey what do ya no i can accept that :eek:
You forget to realise that we wernt the the only team to come close to navarre, illabrook beat them earlier in the season..
Yeah you probably do know who i am talking about, but hey was he ever going to be considered in the click at ararat whether or not he put in hard work and committment, as for Shaun he has got to be the hardest working, fittest and most committed player i know.. so why did he get treated like he did and not get the kind of run he deserved?
Whos sour mate? Not me anyhow.. we lost to the better side and hey what do ya no i can accept that :eek:
You forget to realise that we wernt the the only team to come close to navarre, illabrook beat them earlier in the season..
Yeah you probably do know who i am talking about, but hey was he ever going to be considered in the click at ararat whether or not he put in hard work and committment, as for Shaun he has got to be the hardest working, fittest and most committed player i know.. so why did he get treated like he did and not get the kind of run he deserved?

Kept my eye on this thread most of the season, seems there was plenty of talk about Eagles being the giant killers!! Illabarook were also mentioned but seems plenty of Eagles boys were ready to talk up their chances!!!

If that was his attitude then that is terrible, i can barely understand how its about being "in the click" as u put it...
If everyone is there to play footy and give their best then team chemistry will soon sort all that out, however if there are 20 blokes having a crack and its obvious that one blokes heart isnt in it or he's not giving 100% then thats when problems may arise!!

I agree he works hard, and he can play, but he has been known to miss training sessions here and there and i certainly know of times when he has rocked up to games 5 minutes before the bounce!!
Now im not blaming this entirely on the kid i guess its just an impression i get.. As for not get the kind of run he deserved? Very unsure what ur talking about here, played majority of last season on the ball (as a first year under 17! - very rare) and would have done the same this year had he stayed!
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