Certified Legendary Thread Lions Players Instagram/Twitter catchup

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Not exactly sure how cheating on your partner and mother of your son could ever be looked at as a blessing in disguise under just about any circumstances.

If you want to talk about blessing’s in disguise than perhaps losing the captaincy is the kind of kick up the bum he needs.

No one looks innocent in this story and I really feel for the son. Obviously we’re all speculating until we hear anything further on the matter.
So its speculation so let's kick him whilst his down and sack him as captain got news for you know one is perfect even captains of footy clubs so unless he's broken some law or rule I unlike you will give him benefit of doubt for now and I'd like to think the footy club would do the same

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Some of what we know ...
- he slept with someone he was not married to
- he and his ex were already separated prior to the event
- information about the situation was publicised by said ex

Some of what we don't know ...
- whether he slept with anyone while he was with her
- what the 'terms' of their separation were
- whether the information shared was accurate (there are occasions where someone who is upset and seeking to cause pain will colour events and scenarios to paint themselves in the best possible lights / the other in the worst possible darkness)
- what their relationship was normally like (for all we know they could have been swingers, had an open marriage, the new girl had been a birthday present the first time)

Some of what we would be somewhat unjustified in doing at this point ...
- leaping to conclusions
- branding him a cheating bastard and using our moral associations with that concept to halo effect destroy him on all fronts
- branding her a stupid bitch / betrayed innocent and using our various preconceptions about the female of the species to equally destroy or sanctify her on all fronts
- using our own moral codes to judge others who do not share said codes

Some of what we would be somewhat justified in doing at this point ...
- feeling sorry for all involved
- realise that not actions taken in the heat of the moment are fully thought through
- wishing the whole thing had never happened (at least publicly)
- hoping that all parties somehow come out better/wiser/stronger people
Some people really are making a mountain out of a molehill. Let's just leave Dayne's private life to Dayne. Society is getting to be like Salem in 1692

He is a public figure, who leads a team supported by tens of thousands of people. He takes home the millions and the one biggest sacrifice that you make is you give up elments of your privacy.

Sorry, but if you get outed by your partner on social media and your text messages being unfaithful are shared.. people are going to discuss it and speculate on a footy forum.
I think the thing that really annoys me is the number of people saying "Well duh, you're with a football player, of course he's going to cheat with all the girls throwing themselves at him."

To me, saying all football players are unfaithful is like saying all men are rapists. Yes, they're male, but they're also adults and able to make decisions for themselves. It's extremely sexist to paint footballers as sex-crazed maniacs that will jump at an opportunity, even if alcohol is involved. It's attitudes like that that make it harder for men who have been sexually assaulted to come forward - it'd be a million times harder if you were a football player.
Yes but now he's been caught cheating and it's been publicly shared...that is quite different.
By the time the new season has come around, this will all have blown over and be a distant memory.
I think you'll find plenty of players have suffered a dip in form when their personal life starts to become a mess.

It does affect their footy.

Not for all people, Shane Warne played his best cricket when his personal life was at its worst.

Was Zorko back at training this week?
So its speculation so let's kick him whilst his down and sack him as captain got news for you know one is perfect even captains of footy clubs so unless he's broken some law or rule I unlike you will give him benefit of doubt for now and I'd like to think the footy club would do the same

Do tell me how I am kicking him whilst down? My whole conversation has been based about the big IF due to no one here knowing anything factual about the situation.

Yes, captain’s aren’t perfect. But I’m not too sure I’d like to see him continuing on with the role if this is true. We all love Zorks and I just hope this all gets sorted out.

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Some of what we know ...
- he and his ex were already separated prior to the event

Do we actually know this? A lot of the slagging off seems to be based off that, and as far as I've read it's just based on one particular reading of the original image. I originally read "leaving me" as in "went on holiday without me", because why would Zorko leave his phone somewhere an ex could access it?
Yeah im being facetious. Of coarse many if not most similar cases are legit, its just... it is more than likely what will happen, if you look at a recent history of similar events.
I understand the cynicism. Just having traveled on that particular barge I get frustrated with the cynicism and the damage it does.
All good.
Do we actually know this? A lot of the slagging off seems to be based off that, and as far as I've read it's just based on one particular reading of the original image. I originally read "leaving me" as in "went on holiday without me", because why would Zorko leave his phone somewhere an ex could access it?

Yeah it doesn’t make a lot of sense to assume they were separated prior. She would be way less likely to post something like that if the relationship was already over. Did he go on holiday without her?
Not for all people, Shane Warne played his best cricket when his personal life was at its worst.

Was Zorko back at training this week?

True, different people react differently.

May not affect him one bit, who knows he might be happier not in that relationship.

Just pointing out there have been plenty of players in the past who have suffered form dips during a period of personal issues.
Do we actually know this? A lot of the slagging off seems to be based off that, and as far as I've read it's just based on one particular reading of the original image. I originally read "leaving me" as in "went on holiday without me", because why would Zorko leave his phone somewhere an ex could access it?

Same interpretation I had...as in she was upset that dayne was going on holiday without her and in her opinion he didn't seem to care or would miss her or their son while away.

And that one reason is because he's been talking to this other girl.
True, different people react differently.

May not affect him one bit, who knows he might be happier not in that relationship.

Just pointing out there have been plenty of players in the past who have suffered form dips during a period of personal issues.
If his form dips or rises this is not necessarily the reason so it’s a silly conversation
Same interpretation I had...as in she was upset that dayne was going on holiday without her and in her opinion he didn't seem to care or would miss her or their son while away.

And that one reason is because he's been talking to this other girl.

This version of events makes the most sense. For me the most confusing part is the photo of Dayne passed out on that couch. Who took it and where was it? Strange.

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Certified Legendary Thread Lions Players Instagram/Twitter catchup

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