UK Liz Truss - Shortest serving UK PM in history

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A pound shop Thatcher brought to you by the people who thought Brexit was a good idea alongside a dying monarch with an idiot son as an heir. Next few years are going to be a barrel of laughs in Britain.
It sure is so far.


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It sure is so far.

She needs to f*** off, keep walking and then f*** off some more. On the up side Brits who've lived overseas for more than fifteen years have got our vote back so I can have the pleasure of not voting for Theresa May once more.
Why is it that the three female PMs that Britain have had turned out to be completely unsuitable as role models for prospective future female PMs? Corrupt, incompetent and now insane.

For all of Julia Gillard's faults, at least she got a lot of things done in minority government and resisted the misogynists for a long time. And was not a cooker (low bar, I know).
Why is it that the three female PMs that Britain have had turned out to be completely unsuitable as role models for prospective future female PMs? Corrupt, incompetent and now insane.

For all of Julia Gillard's faults, at least she got a lot of things done in minority government and resisted the misogynists for a long time. And was not a cooker (low bar, I know).
For a start, they were all Conservatives. That party is full to the brim of the corrupt, incompetent and insane (or in the case of BoJo, all three in one). If it's true of the men in the party, why wouldn't it be true of the women? After all, they need the support of the largely male party room to become leader, so they have to out-Conservative the Conservatives in a way.

Also, I think the quality of British politics is somehow even worse than ours. I know that's hard to imagine when we've had the Beetrooter and Scummo running things recently, but some of the few good things I can say for them is that neither of them ever knowingly hired a rapist, had wild drunken parties during lockdown (that we know of, anyway) or spooked the financial markets into an enormous sell-off of the national currency.

That lack of quality reflects in the calibre of politicians, of all genders. Perhaps on both sides of politics too. Starmer seems like even more of a spineless Tory-lite jellyfish than Albo.
For a start, they were all Conservatives. That party is full to the brim of the corrupt, incompetent and insane (or in the case of BoJo, all three in one). If it's true of the men in the party, why wouldn't it be true of the women? After all, they need the support of the largely male party room to become leader, so they have to out-Conservative the Conservatives in a way.

Also, I think the quality of British politics is somehow even worse than ours. I know that's hard to imagine when we've had the Beetrooter and Scummo running things recently, but some of the few good things I can say for them is that neither of them ever knowingly hired a rapist, had wild drunken parties during lockdown (that we know of, anyway) or spooked the financial markets into an enormous sell-off of the national currency. That lack of quality reflects in the calibre of politicians, of all genders.
Two indifferent A levels from Eton and they're convinced the next step is Cabinet.
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Rumours are circulating that Sunak may call a General Election soon, in order to ward off a leadership challenge from within Tory ranks. That way, he gets to choose the manner in which he loses the keys to No 10. Currently, the Tories are on course to lose 260 seats, and Labour are set to gain 249. Would be a huge reversal of fortunes, and maybe, despite Labour's indifference to doing things radically differently to the Tories, that sort of majority might encourage a new government to move away from the shit-show of the last 14 years.

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UK Liz Truss - Shortest serving UK PM in history

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