Make an argument that Judd is not the dirtiest player in the game.

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Judd says he had no intention of hurting anyone. Wellingham said he intended to harm, but not break anything. Why should we believe Wellingham but not Judd?

Take it further: If you killed someone, would it make a difference if you said you wanted to hurt someone but not kill them?

I guess the difference is that I don't find Judd's claim credible. I don't believe you could manoeuvre a persons arm the way he did without reasonably expecting to cause pain and do damage.
another big mouth who talk to much with out knowing anything, Read my post and it will show you i have never defended the chicken wing. Check before you mouth off because you only come off as stupid.

Big footy is not TMZ i see whith the gutless hoards dancing in the streets with glee because someone they would kill to be as good as has fallen. How pathetic are you mate.

Just to add to this what do you know about scientology??

What you have posted is raciest and ignorant

Ease up champ. If it's racist I'll happily take a ban/infringements.

For the sake of the rest of us grow a sense of humour.
Not traditionally dirty. Doesn't take players late, has a sound tackling technique and doesn't hit people off the play.

Just tends to manipulate other players' bodies. Which is pretty serial killer-like.

And then try to weasel his way out of his actions.

Also tied up in a very dodgy sponsorship deal with Visy and he went out of his way to hide his business interests involving poker machines.

Great player, extreme character flaws.

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I can't believe the shit I'm reading in this thread. A hanging or death by firing squad would of been a more appropriate punishment by Big Footy logic!!!
Judd says he had no intention of hurting anyone. Wellingham said he intended to harm, but not break anything. Why should we believe Wellingham but not Judd?

Take it further: If you killed someone, would it make a difference if you said you wanted to hurt someone but not kill them?
North have stated Judd's actions contributed to the shoulder dislocation, so going by your logic its irrelevant whether Judd meant it or not. Which makes your whole argument void.
Ease up champ. If it's racist I'll happily take a ban/infringements.

For the sake of the rest of us grow a sense of humour.

If a make a joke about and Asian, Black, or any religious jokes i would get banned but because Muppets who know nothing about scientology get to make jokes anout it all the time and ins not on.
Typical gutless Collingwood. Fight where you stand mate, or you want to run off behind eddie like Dids did.
What you're looking for mate is a Pub.
They're pretty common.
Remember though that 000 is your friend.
Judd says he had no intention of hurting anyone. Wellingham said he intended to harm, but not break anything. Why should we believe Wellingham but not Judd?

Take it further: If you killed someone, would it make a difference if you said you wanted to hurt someone but not kill them?

Because Wellingham is more believable because he is willing to concede some culpability.

Judd isn't believable because he is not willing to concede anything. As someone has previously said how could you not know bending someone's arm back and behind there back would not, at the least, cause pain and quite possibly injury? Judd has shown to be quite the intelligent guy so I can't see how this could escape him.
If a make a joke about and Asian, Black, or any religious jokes i would get banned but because Muppets who know nothing about scientology get to make jokes anout it all the time and ins not on.

....wait do you believe in Scientology?


Lord Xenu? Space faring DC-8s? People dropped into volcano's, etc?
What a shitfest.
Chief, clearly Judd has been sanctioned, stealthily through a football tribunal true, for operating as a Chiropractor without license.

Scientology picture = racist?
Are you Tom Cruise or something?
You need to take a deep breathe and get some objectivity back.
4 weeks was right in the sweet spot. Everyone on earth would have expected 5-6, Carton are happy to accept 4 after the hearing and probably think they got off easy in hindsight after they have all cooled down.

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And then try to weasel his way out of his actions.

Also tied up in a very dodgy sponsorship deal with Visy and he went out of his way to hide his business interests involving poker machines.

Great player, extreme character flaws.


I've just never really warmed to him due to his lack of personality. Gun player though; love watching him when in form.
What a shitfest.
Chief, clearly Judd has been sanctioned, stealthily through a football tribunal true, for operating as a Chiropractor without license.

Scientology picture = racist?
Are you Tom Cruise or something?
You need to take a deep breathe and get some objectivity back.
4 weeks was right in the sweet spot. Everyone on earth would have expected 5-6, Carton are happy to accept 4 after the hearing and probably think they got off easy in hindsight after they have all cooled down.

Don't be too harsh on him. It all makes sense now.

Judd isn't responsible the Thetans made him do it!

Lord Xenu does your evil never end!?
Remember Mike Sheehan saying after the Booo's the eagles crowd gave him that "you can't do that to Juddy he doesn't deserve that type of treatment"
Wonder what Mike thinks now?
Judd says he had no intention of hurting anyone.

If Judd genuinely had no intention of hurting anyone he would have let go of the arm the moment it was clear Adams was in significant pain. And regardless of what Judd says himself, the footage clearly shows he tried to sustain his grip on Adams' arm even after Swallow et al started to pull him away.

You're simply believing what you want to believe. Judd showed convenient remorse during the tribunal hearing, and nothing more.
Murder vs Manslaughter ?
Manslaughter is generally murder with mitigating circumstances like diminished responsibility or provocation (voluntary manslaughter) or accidental killing while committing another criminal act (involuntary manslaughter).

However, if you are assaulting someone and intending to cause harm, you're up for murder (the 'eggshell skull' principle.) There was a possibility they could die from you causing them harm, but you ignored it (recklessness).

It's specific to assault though, or doing actions where grievous bodily harm is almost inevitable (perhaps like throwing rocks through a car windscreen or something.)

Edit: IANAL, I just studied to be one years ago. I could have some of this wrong but I think the broad strokes are correct.
What a shitfest.
Chief, clearly Judd has been sanctioned, stealthily through a football tribunal true, for operating as a Chiropractor without license.
Judd simply seized on the opportunity to share his yoga knowledge.
What a shitfest.
Chief, clearly Judd has been sanctioned, stealthily through a football tribunal true, for operating as a Chiropractor without license.

Scientology picture = racist?
Are you Tom Cruise or something?
You need to take a deep breathe and get some objectivity back.
4 weeks was right in the sweet spot. Everyone on earth would have expected 5-6, Carton are happy to accept 4 after the hearing and probably think they got off easy in hindsight after they have all cooled down.

I agree Judd should be happy with 4 weeks, he should have gotten the same as Wellingham should have 8 weeks. guess they both got of easy, the only player that suffers time of i Simpson.

As for your Scientology comment if i put a picture Allah i would have been banned.
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