Marvel in what norf have achieved

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Mar 8, 2007
Sweep shots don't count
AFL Club
Gold Coast
Other Teams
10 and 5.

a 32 mauling in thier fourth straight loss, which by all reports was heavily embarrassing??? after being 10 and 1? And 9 and 0? five losses in six weeks?

shit teams do this. good teams bounce back. by golly, norf are a shit team.
No finals? It's a possibility looking at their draw, and would surely be the biggest collapse seen in the history of the comp. they will prob fold. no coach? well he is in the box but I don't know what he is doing. but they could still make the finals I guess as the bottom end of the comp is soft, so lets revel in this magnificence while we can!!!!

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As a 3 year Norf member I am disgusted at this capitulation to a mediocre team like West Coast.

Even with the umpires on our side we couldn't win.

#sackbrad #sackboohoomer
Bring back Son of Reep, so much better than impunity.

Any case, as I know you are also a West come supporter, well played to them, we couldn't hit a target all day.
Keep our spot warm roos. Shall take it off you in a few weeks.

There's a tenner in it for you.
This was all part of my cunning plan VJ. I've been moonlighting as a North supporter and have single handedly jinxed them, thus far king up their season.

Great success.

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