Multiplat Mass Effect 2

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I also went Vanguard for ME2. Played as an Infiltrator in the first game, and although its fun, sniping enemies isnt as satisfying as getting up close. Vanguard is heaps of fun, heavy charge combined with a good shooty or smg is my main go-to attack. Shockwave is good for clearing out hordes, and the ammo types means your versatile.

In any case, I would recommend any biotic class, I find those powers to be the best.
Went Solider on both ME and ME2. Just finished a playthrough of ME as a Vanguard and I missed not having the sniper. Always had a Biotic in my team so found I didn't use the abilities as much as I should.

Playing ME again you can see how they've turned ME2 more into a Third Person Shooter\RPG light compared to the original.
I've started as soldier first on both ME game playthroughs, mainly because it is absolutely the most blandest class in the game.

What i mean is, the second playthrough becomes far more fun when i switch over to a class like an adept. The story is the same, but your strategies are shitloads different. Rather than just shooting guys, you're hurling them through the air or (my favourite) off cliffs and boardwalks. Keeps the game fresh.

The biotic classes are far and away the most fun way to play a mass effect game imo. A Soldier class is fine if you plan to play the game again. If you're not (and it is a fair commitment), you're missing out on a lot.

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So what would you offer up as the best class that can offer a bit of both I guess? I guess if I end up feeling that it's a little bland on my first playthrough I can always start another save.

How different was the non-saved ME2 from carrying it over? Did you notice a lot of changes, etc.?

The vanguard is a good mix between guns and powers (although it does limit what guns you can actually use).

It really depended what you paths you chose in the first game as to whether it is different to a non-imported campaign. e.g
. In the non-imported play through, the high council had died and the humans had taken control
. This outcome may or may not be chosen if you had played and imported an existing campaign.

So there were quite a few differences from my imported and non-imported, but the level of difference really depends on what you chose in ME1. In theory your choices from ME1 may have exactly the same outcomes as the ME2 defaults.

Rough outline of the default choice settings:
- Council is dead and the humans have taken control (through Ambassador Udina)
- Wrex is dead
- Rachni Queen is dead
- Kaidan is dead if you are male, Ashley is dead if you are female
- No previous romance (i.e. with Ashley, Kaidan or Liara)
- No ME1 side-quests are done

User spoiler tags next time, PS3 guys have not played the game

EDIT: Sorry about the spoilers, didn't really think it mattered due to it more applying to the choices made in ME1.
I like to stick to the dedicated classes (soldier, adept, engineer) rather than the mixed ones. The game lets you train up in a couple of new skills anyway if you find there's something you really lack.

As Ant mentioned, not having sniper can hurt, but having someone like Garrus on your team helps as he's pretty deadly with it. If my class doesn't have snipers i generally train them up in it eventually.
vanguard in both ME and ME2 here. in ME, i barely used my biotic powers due to having to pause/stop play to use them; just stuck to owning people with the shotgun. in ME2, due to being able to hotkey powers to buttons, i used the biotic powers much more and upgraded to the AR when given the option on the
collector ship
Been reading up on some of the classes before I get the game for PS3 and I think I might go with an Adept. Anyone played through as one of these? I watched the class trailer on Youtube and it appealed to me the most
Adept is usually the class i go on second playthrough. Imo it's easily the most fun. Your gun skills are nerfed a bit, but nothing can touch you once you level up a bit. Enemies are too busy floating around in mass effect fields:thumbsu:

Just make sure you bring someone with good combat skills with you in your squad, like zaeed
Adept is usually the class i go on second playthrough. Imo it's easily the most fun. Your gun skills are nerfed a bit, but nothing can touch you once you level up a bit. Enemies are too busy floating around in mass effect fields:thumbsu:

Just make sure you bring someone with good combat skills with you in your squad, like zaeed

Yeah if you're new to the game probably better to do the first playthough as a Soldier or a more gun friendly class. Less of a learning curve as most people have played shooters before. :)
Adept is usually the class i go on second playthrough. Imo it's easily the most fun. Your gun skills are nerfed a bit, but nothing can touch you once you level up a bit. Enemies are too busy floating around in mass effect fields:thumbsu:

Just make sure you bring someone with good combat skills with you in your squad, like zaeed

Yeah if you're new to the game probably better to do the first playthough as a Soldier or a more gun friendly class. Less of a learning curve as most people have played shooters before. :)
Thanks guys, appreciate it :thumbsu: I might give it a go and if I find it too hard/confusing I'll try as a Soldier. Gave Infiltrator a go in the demo and it wasn't as fun as I thought it would be so I'm trying to find a new class
So, a few questions to ask for those Mass Effect gamers out there.

After watching GiantBomb's GOTY award for GOTY - which was ME2 - they did a video playthrough of some of the game. Brad said that he plays as a Soldier and couldn't imagine doing it any other way, looking through the comments (which don't expect to see stuff that you would on a majority of other sites, this stuff is generally fairly clean and proper) they mention that Soldier is probably one of the worst classes to play as you apparently 'miss out on a lot of stuff'?

So for those who have given both ME's a go, what classes did you choose and what was the decision on?

Personally in the ME2 demo I did go for the Soldier as it seemed to suit my gamestyle more (for example I'm very much an SMG guy and Soldier was really the only one with SMG specs).

Also, has anyone that has played through both ME and ME2 given ME2 a go without the ME save to see how different the game actually plays out?

Both in ME1 and ME2 I went Infiltrator (Tech/Combat)... because I originally liked having the Tech ability to crack open things... and allows me to select a cool FULL Adapt or Tech character to rounds out my team. Then I get the sniper for long range or disable/turn tech based enemies.
I just finished Mass Effect on PC after buying it over a year ago (alongside ME2). It's a very good game, but there were many flaws. I was also disapointed by the graphics.

I'm about 1.5 hours into ME2 and it's brilliant. So many flaws have been ironed out. Not only ironed out but become strengths of the game. The graphics are one of the biggest improvements I've seen on a sequel on the same platform/generation. No more annoying equipment screens to battle through, no more "reducing to omnigel". The combat itself is more sharp, feels like a proper 3rd person shooter. Every shot actually feels like it's hit the enemy. Also from looking at the potential for ship upgrades and meaningful equipment upgrades, doing the side missions actually have a bit of a purpose.

I'm a full paragon soldier but I think I'll play through again as a different renegade class next time, maybe as female shephard too. I'm not sure if I could get through another playthrough of ME1 though. There are too many lulls in the action, especially in the beginning. The only reason I didn't change class in ME2 was because I thought that it wouldn't really be explained in the story well. For anyone who has changed from soldier to something with biotics is it explained? Does Shephard ask why he can now use these powers?

Without spoling myself by finding out more info I'm not sure how different the game would be without importing an ME1 save. But from the start it seems the only difference is that the backstory is filled out when you are questioned and you won't get the quite minor bonuses.

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This game is amazing. Just finished the Lair of the Shadowbroker, very cool add on. Still have to get the Overlord pack, but apart from that I have all the DL content.

How critical is it to explore all the planets? Ive probably searched about half of them (only when I needed resources), wondering if I should finish that before the IFF mission.

Hooked up with Liara again after the SB fight, romanced her in the first game too. Was trying to tune Miranda, but checked her after getting back with Liara. How far do you have to go before your considered unfaithful? Any repercussions? Didnt sleep with Miranda so guessing im in the clear. Hopefully Liara is playable in ME3, though I doubt it given her new position...
This game is amazing. Just finished the Lair of the Shadowbroker, very cool add on. Still have to get the Overlord pack, but apart from that I have all the DL content.

How critical is it to explore all the planets? Ive probably searched about half of them (only when I needed resources), wondering if I should finish that before the IFF mission.

Hooked up with Liara again after the SB fight, romanced her in the first game too. Was trying to tune Miranda, but checked her after getting back with Liara. How far do you have to go before your considered unfaithful? Any repercussions? Didnt sleep with Miranda so guessing im in the clear. Hopefully Liara is playable in ME3, though I doubt it given her new position...

Finish them before IFF, once you start the IFF how long you take has consequences later on.

The game is darker than ME1 but still has lighter moments. Like on the Citadel the Salarian who sells video games says some funny stuff, and finally the advertisement for Elcor Hamlet mentioned in the news in ME1.

Yeah some the adverts are funny, best bit is chatting to Mordin. You run into Conrad Verner again as well
No more annoying equipment screens to battle through, no more "reducing to omnigel". The combat itself is more sharp, feels like a proper 3rd person shooter.
yeh this along with ditching the mako were massive improvements for me. following ME2, the only thing i'd like to see improved in ME3 is maybe a more multi-dimensional morality system (paragon/renegade is too limiting ie. renegade options can vary from being just badass to friggen sadistically evil), but i cant see that happening at this stage...

This game is amazing. Just finished the Lair of the Shadowbroker, very cool add on. Still have to get the Overlord pack, but apart from that I have all the DL content.
overlord is easily one of the best missions in the game. :thumbsu:
overlord is easily one of the best missions in the game. :thumbsu:

The section where all you see is code is awesome and that twist at the end is creepy as. Loved pistol whipping the guy at the end too :p.

For anyone who has changed from soldier to something with biotics is it explained? Does Shephard ask why he can now use these powers?

I'm pretty sure the only explanation you get is that the reconstruction process isn't perfect so there might be some changes to you, although no one else comments on them. You're still the same Shepard in everyone elses eyes.

Hooked up with Liara again after the SB fight, romanced her in the first game too. Was trying to tune Miranda, but checked her after getting back with Liara. How far do you have to go before your considered unfaithful? Any repercussions? Didnt sleep with Miranda so guessing im in the clear. Hopefully Liara is playable in ME3, though I doubt it given her new position...

There should be a clear option when you keep on talking to them where you say something along the lines of "I want this to happen". Otherwise you could always check the photo frame in your office, if it's face down then there's a good chance that you could have some problems. But I'm assuming that you'll only get into trouble if you go all the way with them.
Yeah checked the photo of Liara in my office, its still up so im in the clear. I had told Miranda I was keen, but im guessing you have to seal the deal to be considered unfaithful. This character is straight up paragon, no cheating on Liara (now that she is back in the picture anyway...). Can you try and tune all of the female characters at once? On my second playthrough im just going to try and pick everyone up - do they force you to choose like in ME1?

Good to hear about Overlord too, will download that tonight. I didnt realise these were supposed to be "bridging" missions from ME2 to ME3 (read this whole thread last night, so much blanked out stuff, so tempted to look!), does it make any difference doing them before you have completed the main story arc?

Finish them before IFF, once you start the IFF how long you take has consequences later on.

Im guessing as a good guy, I should be trying to finish the IFF mission ASAP? Can you tell me what sort of consequences it has? Without giving anything away of course.
You have to eventually choose just one person to shag, as it only comes to a head (lol) right before the end

I should be trying to finish the IFF mission ASAP? Can you tell me what sort of consequences it has? Without giving anything away of course.

Once you start IFF, you have to go onto the game finishing mission straight away, otherwise it is impossible to save your entire crew (sorta a spoiler, but thats as least spoilerish that i can say that without using tags).

If saving the entire crew and its associated achievements/consequences for ME3 isn't big on your agenda, then take your time
yeh this along with ditching the mako were massive improvements for me. following ME2, the only thing i'd like to see improved in ME3 is maybe a more multi-dimensional morality system (paragon/renegade is too limiting ie. renegade options can vary from being just badass to friggen sadistically evil), but i cant see that happening at this stage...

I also reckon they should have more paragon interruption options (e.g. when you press the left trigger as it flashes on-screen) because renegade has more, as well as them being cooler.

And I'm still iffy on the mineral scanning; its a lot better than the Mako but not exactly the funnest activity..
I also reckon they should have more paragon interruption options (e.g. when you press the left trigger as it flashes on-screen) because renegade has more, as well as them being cooler.

And I'm still iffy on the mineral scanning; its a lot better than the Mako but not exactly the funnest activity..

Should've tried it before it was patched and made faster. It was an absolute nightmare to scan a whole planet. It's probably gonna make a return in ME3, but hopefully it won't be as essential to the story or as boring as it was in ME2.
Should've tried it before it was patched and made faster. It was an absolute nightmare to scan a whole planet. It's probably gonna make a return in ME3, but hopefully it won't be as essential to the story or as boring as it was in ME2.

Yeah I do remember that.. it was terrible, especially when I had left all the quest-oriented upgrades till the end :(

Also, Mancey is definitely onto something.. :p
Finished the Overlord DLC, was pretty impressed with the whole thing. The man in the machine was kinda freaky at points, had the volume right up and he made me jump a few times... :p

One question:

Just finished the IFF mission, and have reactivated Legion. I want to make sure everyone survives the final mission, and you guys mentioned to do that I need to start it straight away. Do I have time to do Legions loyalty mission? Or will this stuff things up? This is the main character ill take to ME3, so dont want the crew dying on me.

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Multiplat Mass Effect 2

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