Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 3) - The Biggest Loser

Is Matthew Nicks the right coach for Adelaide?

  • Firmly yes (I love what I'm seeing)

  • Leaning yes

  • Can't decide either way

  • Leaning no (but don't sack him yet)

  • Firmly no (he should be sacked)

Results are only viewable after voting.

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:think: :think: :huh:
I dunno, mate.
Your speculation involves some mind-reading or interpretation of Dawson's body language/mannerisms that I am not game enough to agree with.

It might be what you've suggested, but we'll never know.
I'm looking forward to Keane's return, his decision and his reasons behind them, whether he stays or goes.
True and why I waited till now

Just another avenue to consider

With Laird running the commentary and not Dawson it felt like he may not have agreed but kept quiet. Ironically the team first thing
Happy Clappers
For those bagging Nick's remember he is still a rookie coach stuck coaching a squad full of inexperienced teenagers through no fault of his own.

Real Life
For those bagging Nick's remember, he pumped 3 seasons worth of games into some kids he shouldn't have while removing senior talent from the list. In 5 years he has failed to build a new midfield. We have defenders up the wazoo, an exciting forward line but is still reliant on a midfield built by Pyke. His win loss record is highly reflective of his incompetence.

On CPH2371 using BigFooty.com mobile app
I gotta be honest, I shake my head at your logic, everytime you post ........sorry, I don't want to be mean, but have you tried thinking a bit deeper than direct comparisons ....I know you're fairly inexperienced, but a rebuild versus a mature team is not a direct statistical comparison

Sorry are you saying Fremantle is a mature list? It isn’t totally clear.

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Which had zero to do with the point Scorpus was trying to make ....which was the career comparison, not this year

But given the audience ...... Nicks win/loss % is far better than Clarkson's over the last 2 years

See Scorpus how useless stats can be without deeper comparisons

You are seriously clutching at straws.

We are 5 years in, the coach has a 35% W-L record. We have been 18th, 15th, 14th, 10th and 15th. The record speaks for itself and nothing changes.

Given we won’t sack him this year, coz that shows how incompetent the board was after R1, he will be under the pump heading into 2025. He will have nowhere to hide in 2025.
You seem very agitated by my giving MY OPINION .....I was asked to summarise the year

If you don't like my opinions, or posts ...simply skim past them
The agitation, bordering on anger, that you perceive springs from our Flag-less last 26 seasons
  • we have not played Finals for 7 years
  • although I was ok with giving Nicks leeway for 2020 (bottom) and 2021 (15th), 3 seasons later he's taken us back down to 15th. 15th ==> 15th in three years means he is a dud.
I don't see any other way that anybody could spin it, let alone a Moderator with 21 years experience in here and such an extensive posting history and footy background.

The agitation, bordering on anger, is not directed at you personally, and I have said so before.

People often fold them arms and say (often smugly) "I'm entitled to my opinions" as if it's some kind of Constitutional Right that cannot be challenged.
They're wrong. That's bullshit.
People are not entitled to their opinions when those opinions are based on misinformation or lies (eg Trump is a Master at that) or, even worse, anger/prejudice/sexism/intolerance etc <== which rarely apply in here but still flare up occasionally.
Here's an opinion: "Nicks is doing a good job. Nicks is not responsible for any of the bad things that've happened to make our team, our game play, our win-loss record so shitty".

I disagree strongly with that opinion. I don't mind respectful disagreement and you're far from the worst poster in here, so I look for your reasons for saying that or use to justify what you say.
I counter-argued (giving reasons) most of the things you said in your long post and others eg you mentioned Longmuir as a comparison to Nicks, but there is no valid comparison.
Adelaide: 2022 14th. Fremantle 5th <== Finals, baby!
Adelaide 2023 10th Fremantle 14th not good.
Adelaide 2024 15th Fremantle 10th., determined by last night's loss to PA. Beat Port, they finish 8th.
I prefer Longmuir's record with Fremantle to ours under Nicks, but I hope, every year, for results better than both.
Please note: I don't disagree with everything you post. It's not a vendetta. I read and consider (I do not just dismiss what you post, because it's you) and all you've got is "If you disagree, don't read my posts any more; "simply skim past them".
It's similar to the logic that Roo used --- "If you don't like what we're doing, barrack for another team", remember?

But mate, your reasons are not reasons; they are deflective and irrational excuses which release Nicks from any and all responsibility; nor do you hold him accountable in any way for his selections and player positioning, game plan, inability to be proactive and so on.
Not only do you just stick to your guns, you dig in, repeat and repeat the same flimsy excuses for Nicks (or invent new ones) in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
It makes no sense to me.
The Nicks Experiment-and-Extension is a failure. That's my 'opinion', but I have a really, really good reason and is enough to sack the man:
--- his win-loss record is nearly 1:2 against, ie under Nicks we lose twice as often as we win.
However, as I have said often before, if the Crows win a Flag under Nicks I'll be ecstatic, but it won't change the 5 years of losing misery that we've just had.
I've seen more than enough in those 5 years to not believe in Nicks.
I just do not see how/why you do.
View attachment 2092295
Matthew getting some off-season ink.
He asked for a 13, but they drew a 31 ...?

(In Google, someone asked what that line meant.
Here's one reply, I kid you not:
"So the lyric means he is such a looser that he wanted to link himself to illicit drugs but ended up being branded a w***er." :roflv1:
I didn't understand the hate olsen got when he arrived because I dont follow politics nor care much about it. Now I fully understand.

There is a reason Olsen lost the Liberal Party leadership to Dean Brown. He won in a landslide in 1993 then proceeded next election in 1997 to end up as a minority government. That takes some doing to do that.
Happy Clappers
For those bagging Nick's remember he is still a rookie coach stuck coaching a squad full of inexperienced teenagers through no fault of his own.

Real Life
For those bagging Nick's remember, he pumped 3 seasons worth of games into some kids he shouldn't have while removing senior talent from the list. In 5 years he has failed to build a new midfield. We have defenders up the wazoo, an exciting forward line but is still reliant on a midfield built by Pyke. His win loss record is highly reflective of his incompetence.

On CPH2371 using BigFooty.com mobile app
Delusional Nicks backers (me):

This is part of the plan to develop defence and attack first which is more difficult and leave the midfield last (heaps more mids to choose from and easier development). The defence gets used to easy ball coming in and the attack gets starved so they have to figure out clever ways to score.

When the midfield gets good in 2-3 years our bookends are elite 150+ gamers.

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On the Couch they mentioned if Rachele had these issues and had been discussed, remember Nicks didn’t say it was the celebration, why would you wait until R24 to drop him?

It makes zero sense given Rachele can’t redeem himself at all. He has to wait until next year.

It again shows an amazing level of incompetence by Nicks.
Delusional Nicks backers (me):

This is part of the plan to develop defence and attack first which is more difficult and leave the midfield last (heaps more mids to choose from and easier development). The defence gets used to easy ball coming in and the attack gets starved so they have to figure out clever ways to score.

When the midfield gets good in 2-3 years our bookends are elite 150+ gamers.
Its been 5 years. More than enough time to do both.

Do you know what the kicker of this season would have been?

If we did a repeat of last year and went 50/50 and no injuries, he would have selected a squad of the same 23-24 players and played those players at nauseam. There really should have been no expectation of improvement. He would have merely rotated the sub and not sacked players. Which means if we won just 3 out of our first 6 games, or 5 out of our first 10 he would have never ever played Dowling, Curtin, Taylor, Nankervis, Cook and Bond. We would see McHenry, Schoenberg in the side. Probably rotating sub. If Sloane was playing he would have also rotated through sub and half back flank. He didnt want to debut players. Which means in his mind his development job was done, he expected finals.

At no stage did he show any planning for injuries or what happens if players fail, he showed last year he had no interest at bringing in anyone outside of his best 23. It was only injuries that brought in Worrell and Keane. So players out of form and warrant dropping is not something he considers. Only people he drops are fringe players who he can scapegoat.

This is our concern. If we finished 15th on the back of him talent identifying, dropping players for poor form while taking opportunities to being in a debutant here and there he wouldnt receive this backlash. We could easily stomach a proactive approach. He did it reasonably well in his first 3 years. It was the last two years where he threw development out the window for finals that cost us this year.
On the Couch they mentioned if Rachele had these issues and had been discussed, remember Nicks didn’t say it was the celebration, why would you wait until R24 to drop him?

It makes zero sense given Rachele can’t redeem himself at all. He has to wait until next year.

It again shows an amazing level of incompetence by Nicks.

Rachele was scape goated. Players and coaches didnt want to take ownership of a poor performance so they found a convenient excuse in Rachele and blamed him for revving up the opposition and crowd. But last time I checked, Houston revved up our players even worse. So the excuse doesnt fly. If anything this was a dont blame us, blame Rachele for the loss.
I'm sufficiently deluded/optimistic that I think this debacle might actually lead to some changes in the footy department/coaches box but we'll see!

We will throw the assistant coaches under the bus, look to attract new ones from other clubs. It wont work as no one wants to come, so we will likely end up with Hawkins, Sloane, Martin in our coaches box next season. Then they will get blamed and the circus continues.

I must admit i cringed when I heard we are going to be aggressive this off season. I am almost certain I have heard that every year for the last 30 years.
Sorry are you saying Fremantle is a mature list? It isn’t totally clear.
He was comparing career averages since Longmuir was appointed in 2019 ...the confusion is understandable
There is a reason Olsen lost the Liberal Party leadership to Dean Brown. He won in a landslide in 1993 then proceeded next election in 1997 to end up as a minority government. That takes some doing to do that.

Olsen is the used car salesman of politicians. He will give you a $1 while someone behind you takes a $5 from your wallet. Im sure he is a good guy but he is a PR man. He will do anything he can for good PR. Olsen won it from Dean Brown though. And was premier from 1996 to 2001.

To get a sense of the type of government he lead. In 1997 Port had just come in, West Lakes was pumping. There was talk about building a spur line for game days by extending the grange line. But conveniently at the same time the Olsen Government was looking to privatize everything and the bus network was up for grabs. A few brown paper bags later, the LP built a footy express network for the privatised bus system. In the long run it worked out because we likely would have seen stands upon stands built at West Lakes and it would have looked ugly instead of rebuilding AO. So we got lucky.
You are seriously clutching at straws.

We are 5 years in, the coach has a 35% W-L record. We have been 18th, 15th, 14th, 10th and 15th. The record speaks for itself and nothing changes.

Given we won’t sack him this year, coz that shows how incompetent the board was after R1, he will be under the pump heading into 2025. He will have nowhere to hide in 2025.
Some people simply refuse to read posts, or take on board the point being made
I think that this year was the blip. Of the 14 games we lost, half were by less than 2 goals. I've been saying all year we are there and thereabouts. The real concern is: IS Nicks the coach to take us forward, and I think the blip this year has been 100% as a direct result of coaching, selection and recruiting. That is, the playing group we have which is something like the second youngest and least experienced, achieved pretty good results considering the handicaps they have (meaning the coaching/selection and players at our disposal). Bring in a better coaching panel... have some decent recruiting, and the results will improve.

This is only relevant if it's a statistical anomaly - and remember, we'd need to win SIX of those games to make the finals, which is huge.
For people that can't read graphs, we're now at 119 votes to sack Nicks.
Overwhelming result Moogles .....I'll get my numbers man to analyse this impressive number

Counter abacus.gif

Lets assume we have a 50K membership ....this, I'm told reliably, represents 0.0023%, which unfortunately doesn't meet the bar of statistical reliability

Sorry mate, I know this is a deep disappointment to you and the gang

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Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 3) - The Biggest Loser
