Injury Max Rooke - knee surgery

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Re: Rooke to consult specialist in the US

People are forgetting that Max last year had a preseason and a steady h & a series, then a major GF role, and WAS valuable. No way could he be anywhere near that, even the most optimistic should accept that Max will have no base, no preseason, no form , AND NO HOPE OF BEING VALUABLE this year with his lack of games. His one effort this year should be a remi nder. We'd have to have serious injuries and many, before he could be considered.
Re: Rooke to consult specialist in the US

People are forgetting that Max last year had a preseason and a steady h & a series, then a major GF role, and WAS valuable. No way could he be anywhere near that, even the most optimistic should accept that Max will have no base, no preseason, no form , AND NO HOPE OF BEING VALUABLE this year with his lack of games. His one effort this year should be a remi nder. We'd have to have serious injuries and many, before he could be considered.

I would agree that off no base, we are much more likely to see a round 5 2010 Max than a 2009 GF Max, and for that reason I am quite concerned about him coming into the side come September. But given Bomber's comments about how important Max is, I think that's a risk we're about to take, unless Max can't get through these 2 VFL games.
Re: Rooke to consult specialist in the US

People are forgetting that Max last year had a preseason and a steady h & a series, then a major GF role, and WAS valuable. No way could he be anywhere near that, even the most optimistic should accept that Max will have no base, no preseason, no form , AND NO HOPE OF BEING VALUABLE this year with his lack of games. His one effort this year should be a remi nder. We'd have to have serious injuries and many, before he could be considered.

Very true.

But Max has 5 times the heart of anybody and I wouldn't underestimate the influence that can have on the team and his own performance. I just love him. He is surely one of the most loved Geelong players of all time among supporters. I will never forget when he came running up to where I was sitting on the fence after the 2009 GF with the Cup (about 20 metres from the buggy he tried to hijack round the boundary) and gave us all high fives and hugs, plenty of man love. I'll admit it, i didn't wash for a few months.

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Re: Rooke to consult specialist in the US

Very true.

But Max has 5 times the heart of anybody and I wouldn't underestimate the influence that can have on the team and his own performance. I just love him. He is surely one of the most loved Geelong players of all time among supporters. I will never forget when he came running up to where I was sitting on the fence after the 2009 GF with the Cup (about 20 metres from the buggy he tried to hijack round the boundary) and gave us all high fives and hugs, plenty of man love. I'll admit it, i didn't wash for a few months.
True, but we've been bitten badly playing unfit injured players in finals and no matter who they are, there should be no exception given his total lack of play this season
But, wouldn't he make an awesome runner. He could then still be involved on the ground and have an influence.
Re: Rooke to consult specialist in the US

True, but we've been bitten badly playing unfit injured players in finals and no matter who they are, there should be no exception given his total lack of play this season
But, wouldn't he make an awesome runner. He could then still be involved on the ground and have an influence.

Imagine the cheer from Cats' fans everytime he ran onto the ground, the opposition wouldn't know what to make of it ;)
Re: Rooke to consult specialist in the US

Usually on things like this its the coach making the more measured statements rather than the supporters. If Bomber thinks Max can play his role, then there is clearly a lot of improvement in his condition. Max himself said something like "I have not felt this good when running in years".

Bomber has been groundbreaking as a coach in not playing players unless completely fit, the past three seasons Geelongs attitude to out's and in's has been the first of its kind. So they will access the situation properly. The reality is that a whole lot things go out of the window of Grand Final day (Something the pies dont get) but I'm confident that a Rookie Monster even with limited game time never will.

I'm pretty sure if I was Heath Shaw and I was walking to the backline before the GF bounce, to be met by Max - I would not be thinking about his lack of game time, I'd be thinking "Great they have put Max Rooke on me". Likewise Max is the kind of guy who in a few actions could litteraly win a GF in the lift and motivation he gives the rest of the side.
Re: Rooke to consult specialist in the US

I'm pretty sure if I was Heath Shaw and I was walking to the backline before the GF bounce, to be met by Max - I would not be thinking about his lack of game time, I'd be thinking "Great they have put Max Rooke on me". Likewise Max is the kind of guy who in a few actions could litteraly win a GF in the lift and motivation he gives the rest of the side.

Quoted for serious "amen"s! :thumbsu:
Re: Rooke to consult specialist in the US

Usually on things like this its the coach making the more measured statements rather than the supporters. If Bomber thinks Max can play his role, then there is clearly a lot of improvement in his condition. Max himself said something like "I have not felt this good when running in years".

Bomber has been groundbreaking as a coach in not playing players unless completely fit, the past three seasons Geelongs attitude to out's and in's has been the first of its kind. So they will access the situation properly. The reality is that a whole lot things go out of the window of Grand Final day (Something the pies dont get) but I'm confident that a Rookie Monster even with limited game time never will.

I'm pretty sure if I was Heath Shaw and I was walking to the backline before the GF bounce, to be met by Max - I would not be thinking about his lack of game time, I'd be thinking "Great they have put Max Rooke on me". Likewise Max is the kind of guy who in a few actions could litteraly win a GF in the lift and motivation he gives the rest of the side.
mismatch, max would be run off all day
Re: Rooke to consult specialist in the US

Thread needs highlights of his tackles from 07 and 09 GFs.

For everyones benefit.... gotta love it.


lol, very bad quality


and for some random reason someone has made this.....


Best I could do guys

Edit - not sure if any of that worked... sorry.
Re: Rooke to consult specialist in the US

Very true.

But Max has 5 times the heart of anybody and I wouldn't underestimate the influence that can have on the team and his own performance. I just love him. He is surely one of the most loved Geelong players of all time among supporters. I will never forget when he came running up to where I was sitting on the fence after the 2009 GF with the Cup (about 20 metres from the buggy he tried to hijack round the boundary) and gave us all high fives and hugs, plenty of man love. I'll admit it, i didn't wash for a few months.

I don't mean to have a go at you, but this is the attitude that worries me. That of, we love so and so, that we'll play them whether they're fit or not, and heck they can conquer all obstacles anyway. Don't get me wrong, I want Max back as much as anyone and he's definitely in our best 22. But I don't want us to go down the path of the 2008 GF in terms of playing players who aren't fit, just because we love them. History is very clear that that is how you lose flags. If we love Max, make sure he's intimately involved in the campaign, and I'm sure there's heaps of off field ways he can drive and inspire the boys to another flag, but don't play him unless he can demonstrate his fitness for the job. I'm sorry if that sounds unemotional, I really do love Max (it's not just the jpod with me :D) but the flag is the most important thing of all.

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Re: Rooke to consult specialist in the US

Don't get me wrong, I want Max back as much as anyone and he's definitely in our best 22. But I don't want us to go down the path of the 2008 GF in terms of playing players who aren't fit, just because we love them. History is very clear that that is how you lose flags. If we love Max, make sure he's intimately involved in the campaign, and I'm sure there's heaps of off field ways he can drive and inspire the boys to another flag, but don't play him unless he can demonstrate his fitness for the job. I'm sorry if that sounds unemotional, I really do love Max (it's not just the jpod with me :D) but the flag is the most important thing of all.

That was pure ownage, Pure_Ownage! Too bloody right! No passengers! NO PRISONERS!! In fact, I liked it so much that this was me reading your post


Re: Rooke to consult specialist in the US

Superb post, Pure Ownage, especially as it keeps logic & emotion in the appropriate proportions.

Two points for consideration:

* Max doesn't just bring the obvious to the table. Bomber's press conference discussion of him the other week highlighted the intangibles that he also provides to the playing group. He is what we used to call in basketball, a catalyst player. That is, somebody who makes all those around him lift their level of performance. It's almost impossible to clearly define what, how or why, but when I was coaching myself I always knew who they were & what they did for team dynamics, and cherished them accordingly.

and ...

* Bomber, the coaching staff & the leadership group have shown over the last four seasons that they're not dills. Mistakes have been inevitably made, but rarely repeated. If Max smashes through the banner pre-game any time soon it will be because Bomber & Co - in conjunction with Max (who is not only no dill himself, but incredibly unselfish) - are completely sure that he can perform a critical designated role with maximum impact & minimum detriment to the team's performance. And if he couldn't, he wouldn't be playing.

On the basis of pure emotion, I want to see Max playing much much sooner rather than later. But as Pure Ownage said, the goal is to win the flag, and sentiment alone will never do that. I have absolutely every faith that Max, Mark Thompson & all the other parties involved will make the best decision for the good of the club.

I believe.
Re: Rooke to consult specialist in the US

I don't mean to have a go at you, but this is the attitude that worries me. That of, we love so and so, that we'll play them whether they're fit or not, and heck they can conquer all obstacles anyway. Don't get me wrong, I want Max back as much as anyone and he's definitely in our best 22. But I don't want us to go down the path of the 2008 GF in terms of playing players who aren't fit, just because we love them. History is very clear that that is how you lose flags. If we love Max, make sure he's intimately involved in the campaign, and I'm sure there's heaps of off field ways he can drive and inspire the boys to another flag, but don't play him unless he can demonstrate his fitness for the job. I'm sorry if that sounds unemotional, I really do love Max (it's not just the jpod with me :D) but the flag is the most important thing of all.

Excellent post. Could not agree more.

To think someone can effectively miss a season - and then to think he might get a recall in the finals before proving his match fitness and touch is back to where it needs to be - is historically asking too much of a player.

I am no doctor or insider at the club - but from the outside - it seems ridiculous to me his name keeps coming back up for possible selection. Just can't see it happening.

I think the really good news is that he may well return and be factor NEXT year - when I was starting to think his career was probably over.
Re: Rooke to consult specialist in the US

Just to interupt for a second, does anyone have that photo of Max Rooke looking a little left of centre at Tom Harley's bucks weekend? Need it to show to some none believers.
Re: Rooke to consult specialist in the US

Thanks gents for all the adulation. Some great posts from you guys too (especially that animation, I have to start learning how to embed that stuff in my posts!).

I think it is an interesting discussion. FWIW I have no problem with what we've done thus far, and playing Max in the VFL this week if he does play, in fact I reckon it's a good thing because then if he doesn't get up, both he and the coaches and the rest of the playing group can sleep easier in the knowledge that they tried, rather than didn't try at all. My whole discussion is about what decision they make after he's played the 2 VFL games, and to whether he comes back in.

It's funny, with players, and people you love, and I suppose that's why we love our footy and our club, it can be hard to separate emotion and logic...I find myself doing it sometimes unconsciously with the players I love, and I check myself and pull myself up. When I heard the way Bomber talked about Max a couple of weeks ago, he's right, and I hope we all feel the same way (it moved me a bit too) but I spose the point is Max can contribute that level of inspiration to us, and the players, whether he runs out on GF day or not. When it comes to match committee I just hope the coaches can separate that emotion from the cold reality of how selection needs to be done, and like you said ooze, I will try and have faith that they will. You raise a good point that we would hope, and history suggests, that Max is enough of a team man that if after the VFL stuff, he can't still get to peak fitness, he won't put himself up for GF selection, and will put the team first. I'd love to see Maxy out there, but 22 fit players is paramount in terms of winning the flag. I'm sure we've learnt that from 08.

And if he doesn't play, Max has to be 1/2 cat. He just HAS to.
Re: Rooke to consult specialist in the US

shattered... doesnt seem like the inspiration of the 09 gf will get up this year... damn it all
Re: Rooke to consult specialist in the US

Sad news. If he can't 'back up' from modified training I can't see how he can back up for consecutive matches in September.

Haven't given up hope, but if you were a betting man you'd have to say it's long odds he'll be there now.
not the thing I'd bet on, but we need to focus on the facts, and fact is , let's get him right for Bomber's last season, another odd year, the type of year we win flags. We do poorly in even years, but seriously, Max could not realistically be a chance this year. Only need to look at how much another favourite son Corey is struggling, and he's played a lot more than Max

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Injury Max Rooke - knee surgery

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