McGinnity to be sanctioned for insulting a players mother

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Bit surprised with the reaction of some West Coast and other club's supporters in this thread.

I've played competitive sport for years, received (and given) many taunts. But threatening to rape someone's mother is way over the line. If i received that threat personally, i probably would have left it (in my opinion whats said on the field stays on the field), but i wouldn't blame anyone for wanting to take action on that.

And trying to justify that a comment threatening to kill someone on the field is worse??? Easy to identify those who have never played any competitive sport in their life time.
Bit surprised with the reaction of some West Coast and other club's supporters in this thread.

I've played competitive sport for years, received (and given) many taunts. But threatening to rape someone's mother is way over the line.

Most West Coast fans are condemning if that's what was said.

If it's the more likely "f**k" - who cares?
So conversation went like this:

Petterd: I'll come to Perth and kill you
McGinnity: Come to Perth and I'll rape your mum

Seriously? Stupidity by both players, but one took it seriously and dobbed him in to the umpire and his dad. If Petterd was really worried his mum would be hurt by the sledge then why would he tell her? Whole situation is a joke. Thousands of worse things get said on the field every single week, some serious, others said in jest. The AFL has blown this way out of proportion to try and become even more PC so they think they can take the "moral high ground" when some rugby player does something stupid :rolleyes:.

Petterd should really grow up. McGinnity is an idiot for saying it, but any normal person in that situation would have laughed it off and got back at McGinnity through more words or actions on the field. Not run ump to the umpire and point fingers. I think Byron Clanger has the perfect material for his new GIF avatar.

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Great to see all the HUN and Age reports gloss over the allegations of what Petterd said and simply focus on McGinnity's. Since McGinnity was the one that was suspended, it's not surprising.

Regardless of what was said, the AFL shouldn't be able to say that one threat of violence is different to another. Doesn't matter whether it's a threat towards the player, his family or even his dog. If they're serious (which some of us aren't sure they are), then both threats needed to be looked at equally.
So it seems it boils down to this.

Pettard starts it
McGinnity responds
Pettard runs off to the umps

Bitch in anyones books.
Responding to "I'll kill you." with "I'll rape your mum" is totally appropriate?

Post of the year :rolleyes:

You must be a massive ******** if you got that out of what I said.
I would bet that threaten to rape and threaten to murder are both really inappropriate. All I said was that it is a fair comment back.

Two wrongs do not make a right but only one persons comments are being crucified.

Still should have stayed on the field. I've heard much worse.
Looks like some WCE supporters have learnt nothing from their years as a disgrace and pariah of the AFL.

Instead of sharpening their moral compass they've just chiselled away at that chip on their shoulder.

Big fish, small pond. Grow up people.
Looks like some WCE supporters have learnt nothing from their years as a disgrace and pariah of the AFL.

Instead of sharpening their moral compass they've just chiselled away at that chip on their shoulder.

Big fish, small pond. Grow up people.

Massive troll post.

What have you learnt from all the Carlton allegations?
Seriously, why do we have to marry up playing a professional sport with cheap, ugly verbal shots on the field.
The two are not bound in any way at all.
Leave your mouth-guard in place, shut your mouth and play the game your being paid to play.

I feel sorry for those that see this sort of thing as being O.K. and something that should be endorsed, as it may just be saying something about yourselves.

Because people who haven't been in that situation have no concept of how on-field sledging should be taken, or what it's designed to achieve. Regardless of whether it's at AFL level or country footy... it goes on at all levels.

It's a means of getting under one's skin, to put weak minded opponents off their game, regardless of the filth they resort to. Nothing more.

Anyone who has played competitive sport would know this. People who haven't played footy past the U11's wouldn't.

In no way should anything said in a heated battle on a sports field be taken literally, and Petterd needs to be the bigger man... either come back with something sharper/wittier (which wouldn't be hard), or just let his footy do the talking.

The way people are talking here, anyone would think McGinnity was spotted in the bushes outside of Mrs Petterd's bedroom window rubbing one out. Whole situation is a farce.

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I think everyone can agree Pettard is a little bitch (except some demon, supporters).

And, that some people on here live under a rock. Seriously, Pettard obviously didn't intend to kill Mcginnity and Mcginnity obviously didn't intend on raping Pettards mum. It's sledging, it's been happening in all sports for many many years. It's a big bad world out there!
So your comfortable with what McGinnity said?

Sounds like someone will pay and someone else gets away. Personally I feel it should have stayed on the field but if one of the two is going to get some time then the other should as well.
Sounds like someone will pay and someone else gets away. Personally I feel it should have stayed on the field but if one of the two is going to get some time then the other should as well.

That wasn't my question.

Are you comfortable with what he said?
Probably a silly move by McGinnity and hopefully he will learn a lesson from it and it does impact on the team and the club at a very important stage of the season.
im certainly not, a week off is fair enough

For what its worth - i think a week off is fair

I don't know anything about the kid, whether it was characterstic of him, or just a brief moment of stupidity, but i don't think he deserved his comments being made public. Much worse a punishment than the suspension.
That wasn't my question.

Are you comfortable with what he said?

Indeed I am. Real men have played this game and talked of taunts later in life that have far rivalled what was said here.

Their response was to get on with the game and make the opposition pay. Tatteling seems to creeping into the game.

Would you agree that if it is good for one it should be good for the other. If indeed Pettard started it - should he too be sitting on the sidelines this weekend?
It depends on who you are. If someone said they would rape my Mum to me on the footy field I wouldnt care as I know they didnt mean it and were just trying to piss me off. I hear similar stuff in my workplace. If McGinnity gets fined/suspended for it so be it. The fact that Petterd couldnt take it like a man says a lot about him and it only adds to Melbournes soft image. There would be sledges every game you just dont hear about them and definitely dont see players dobbing others in.

Where do you work where it's normal to hear someone say "I'm going to rape your mother"?
The world as we knew it is over, replaced by a boring, sanitised, safety-obsessed and politically correct one patrolled by drug dogs, word police and blackness eliminators. And while on the subject, I am perfectly happy to be referred to as white, but heaven help you if you call a non-white person black. This is a ridiculous suspension. I see it has returned Caroiline Wilson and her eternal moralizing back on to the front page of The Age.
Indeed I am. Real men have played this game and talked of taunts later in life that have far rivalled what was said here.

Their response was to get on with the game and make the opposition pay. Tatteling seems to creeping into the game.

Would you agree that if it is good for one it should be good for the other. If indeed Pettard started it - should he too be sitting on the sidelines this weekend?

You and I have very different definitions of "real men". I think i'll leave it at that.

Your 2nd point is a seperate issue. For starters your club, not the AFL suspended McGinnity. I applaud them for doing that. My club could have suspended Petterd if they thought his comments inappropriate. They didn't, and I applaud them for that.

In my opinion the sledges a poles apart. What Ricky said, would be said regularly on the park and is well within the line of what is acceptable. Others will have different opinions as to where that line of acceptability is.

So i'm quite satisfied as to why McGinnity received punishment, while Petterd did not.
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