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Hi Heals,

You must be very proud of your cousin Nathan the tennis player. He did really well at the Australian Open and I think would have even more girls after him than Will Slade. You may need to have a chat with him though because when the crowd was chanting "Healy" I don't think he dealt with it that well. As you would be quite used to a crowd chanting your name I think he needs some of your expertise in dealing with popularity.
Your in trouble a lot heals and by the sounds of it your not to different from most of us on hear anyway. Just don’t post drunk.

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Welcome back Heals

Let me invite you to join a new group of forums users Healy, its The Limbo Club. Since it has been just over 2 years since you first posted on big footy it would be time you moved out of the introduction board and found a new stomping ground. The Limbo Club can be found in the Non-footy related section on the main menu. :thumbsu:

You will fit right on in at The Limbo Club and if your really lucky you may cop a invitation to there drinks night for the loyal Victorian posters. :thumbsu:
crows98 said:
Welcome back Heals

Let me invite you to join a new group of forums users Healy, its The Limbo Club. Since it has been just over 2 years since you first posted on big footy it would be time you moved out of the introduction board and found a new stomping ground. The Limbo Club can be found in the Non-footy related section on the main menu. :thumbsu:

You will fit right on in at The Limbo Club and if your really lucky you may cop a invitation to there drinks night for the loyal Victorian posters. :thumbsu:
I'd love to have a drink with Healy....cause Healy's my mate.
Healy you bloody random,

You are one of the biggest ****************s I have ever seen, you obviously don't have any friends or anything to do if you can sit here making up this rubbish. I cannot seriously believe that most of you people (at least there's a couple of sane ones out there) can actually believe any of this crap.. you are one sad little kid because clearly any 23 year old would have better things to do than make up storys on a forum and suck everyone into believing it, and at your age you should have more important things than worrying about scoring off girls, not that you would anyway. The only reason I'm reading this is because I laugh at your lame life and I laugh at everyone that worship you because they get sucked into thinking this is true. Get a REAL life you lame random, and as for all his fans, get some common sense for god's sake. You people make me sick (bar the ones that are smart enough to know how stupid this is)

Otherwise, you are entertaining me with this bull********. Keep it up! :thumbsu:
hawkeye23 said:
Heals, don't worry about the knobjockey who posted ^^^^^ just above me. Keep 'em coming! :p
Aww Hawkeye Azza is a nice boy he isn't a knobjockey, his just umm...confused.
I saw the picture of Joel Corey in the paper today. It made me laugh he has a very hairy face. Neville said he looked like a werwolf. I still haven't seen any good articles on Will Slade or Nathan. I hope they have some soon.

I am very very very excited. On the weekend we are going on camp for two weeks. I love camping it is ace. At our camp we are going to play lots of games. I hope we play kiss chasy, it is my favourite. I think we will also play cricket and footy and if we are good we might be able to go fishing though last time we we went Russell end up with a hook stuck in his lip. We all laughed at him as he was crying. It was funny.

My friend Daniel go in trouble with his mum the other day. He was in the car with her and as they were driving he got a stiffy. When he wouldn't get out of the car him mum got very angery with him and then she saw why he wouldn't get out. She hit him and told him he was a dirty dirty boy. When Daniel told me I laughed. I asked him why he got a stiffy and he said as they were driving alone he started thinking of the lady in the Brand Power ad and before he new it he had a stiffy.

At the camp another group also joins us. I hope they have some nice girls. Who knows I might get a girlfriend. I'll see all of you my friends in a few weeks.


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Hmmm tell me Healy how old is this Daniel fellow? Unless you're friends with someone 10 years younger than you, you couldn't be 23 because your mate wouldn't be riding in a car with his mum :confused: You've confused me even more now.. hehe
lions_man said:
Hmmm tell me Healy how old is this Daniel fellow? Unless you're friends with someone 10 years younger than you, you couldn't be 23 because your mate wouldn't be riding in a car with his mum :confused: You've confused me even more now.. hehe
Although it may seem like child's play to confuse you lions_man, I don't reckon riding in a car with your mum always stops after age 18. I'm a fair bit past age 23 and I rode in a car with my mum last week. There are occasionally events or family gatherings which we both attend where it be silly to drive two vehicles. Mum came by my place and I drove her car into the city because - #1 she doesn't like riding in my car and #2 my mum scares the living ******** out of me when she gets behind the wheel.
There is so much we do not know about Daniel! Perhaps Daniel was driving with his mum. Perhaps Daniel had to attend a function along with his mum and his driving scares the ******** out of his mum. Perhaps Daniel has the mental capacity of a chimpanzee and has not qualified for a license - I would say my experiences driving in the city makes this unlikely, as many others with seemingly chimpanzee-like mental capacities are driving everywhere and presumably have valid licenses.
ContemporaryDancer said:
G'day I am contemporarydancer.

A flamboyant individual who's looking forward to bringing some flair to this bored.
We're bored with you already. Go be flamboyant somewhere where that sort of metrosexual nonsense is tolerated! Your flair is not welcome here. This is Healyville and vagrants like yourself are not allowed to loiter amongst the Healyites. G'day to you and your kind! Now be off with your dancing self. Start your own thread elsewhere.:mad:
Heloo everyone I am back from my camp.

We all had the sickest time, it was toatally sick. We had sooooo much fun. And I have some very big news. I think I might be about to get a new girlfriend. Her name is Astrid and she was a counsellor on the camp.

I met her on my first day there. Some of us had been playing brandy when Michael started throwing stones. They hurt, so Neville and I threw rocks back at him. I didn't mean to hit him in the head I was going for his balls bvut I missed. Anyway I got in big trouble and was sent to see Astrid as she was the counsellor for my group.

She told me that what I had done was very bad and that a big boy like me should know better. She told me that she thought I was a great guy and that I would have a good camp if I acted sensably and didn't get to over excited.

After I left I told Neville what happened and he said that maybe she likes me. I thought that he might be right. The next few days I tried to get some time with Astrid but she was always busy doing stuff and hanging out with some guy named Tony who was also a camp counsellor. Someone said that they thought Tony was her boyfriend.

On the 4th night there we had a camp disco. It was pretty good but I wanted to get things straight with Astrid. Neville and a few of the guys were telling me that they thought she really really liked me. I decided I wanted to sort things out. Astrid wasn't at the disco so I went over to her room and knocked on the door. She must have been asleep because it tooke her ages to answer and I had to keep knocking.

When she opened the door she asked what I needed? I told her that some of the guys were saying that you liked me and I want to know what's going on with us? Just as she started to speak I noticed Tony in her room. I don't know why he was there if she was trying to get some rest.

Astrid said she did like me and that she thought I was cute but she liked me in a councellor camper way and that I shouldn't always believe what other people say. I said I don't care what they say and that we should sort stuff out and maybe we should have a kiss. She said that she couldn't kiss me and that I should get back to the disco as I hadn't told anyone where I had gone. I said ok and and then went back to the disco. I didn't want to sound silly so I told the guys that Astrid and I had pashed.

I'm tired I tell you all more later.

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