Millewa Football League 2006 - end of 2008

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Re: Millewa Football League

What are peoples thoughts about Bambill bringing home games into the Senior College?
Re: Millewa Football League

how will they get a licence for alchol on school grounds?

I have just seen the local TV news, with someone from the club saying it cost "so much money to run a club these days"

Maybe Bam$bill should stop paying over the odds for washed up footballers so they have enough money to show respect to where the club began.
But it is easy to run and take the easy option, so i can understand their point of view.

They should change thier name if they are now not based at the lake.
What about....
the schoolboy Saints?
The Chaffey Chaps?
Sellout Saints?
The sckoolleys?


The cant be ****ed to drive to our home ground saints?
Re: Millewa Football League

rocket mate who ever you are i just want you to no that i come on this site a fair bit,i like to no what people are thinking and saying and ive been tepted to sign up on this big footy a few times but i dont aggree with all the crap talk.i just dont like to get involved with that,although i like to hear peoples thoughts. with what you said about bambil moving to mildura i had to sign up on this site!!!this is my second year out the bush and enjoying it but i thought this was millewa football????????where is the bush footy trying to go???where is bambil trying to take it??maybe more convenint 4 bambil but its not loyal... thats my thoughts,,,

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Re: Millewa Football League

rocket mate who ever you are i just want you to no that i come on this site a fair bit,i like to no what people are thinking and saying and ive been tepted to sign up on this big footy a few times but i dont aggree with all the crap talk.i just dont like to get involved with that,although i like to hear peoples thoughts. with what you said about bambil moving to mildura i had to sign up on this site!!!this is my second year out the bush and enjoying it but i thought this was millewa football????????where is the bush footy trying to go???where is bambil trying to take it??maybe more convenint 4 bambil but its not loyal... thats my thoughts,,,

Im glad you have joined up.

My guess is Bam$bill have moved from out the historic lake, for one thing.
It really must belittle the other clubs still out at the lake.
Its not good enough for Bam$bill.

I agree with you mate.
Millewa footy is just that.
If you want to play in town, play in the SFL.

but look on the bright side, there would be more room in those showers now.
Re: Millewa Football League

rocket mate who ever you are i just want you to no that i come on this site a fair bit,i like to no what people are thinking and saying and ive been tepted to sign up on this big footy a few times but i dont aggree with all the crap talk.i just dont like to get involved with that,although i like to hear peoples thoughts. with what you said about bambil moving to mildura i had to sign up on this site!!!this is my second year out the bush and enjoying it but i thought this was millewa football????????where is the bush footy trying to go???where is bambil trying to take it??maybe more convenint 4 bambil but its not loyal... thats my thoughts,,,
What the F$#CK are you saying? I couldn't understand a word! No punctuation, terrible spelling and worst of all...........NO POINT!!!! can you please clarify!?
Re: Millewa Football League

What are peoples thoughts about Bambill bringing home games into the Senior College?

The disappointing thing about this move is that there was no talk of moving ALL home games just a few to the high school (say 3-5 games). They have not consulted with any other clubs or the league and have just decided to move ALL home games off their own bat. A few questions need to be addressed like with no tenant on the front oval will it still be watered & looked after? The Grand Final is played there so if it is not looked after where is that played? Would Werrimull or Meringur be asked to move to the front oval, so as the oval will be looked after? If so would either club be happy to move, seen as both their facilities face the back oval? I think probably not! A bit more consultation would have been good!
Re: Millewa Football League

The disappointing thing about this move is that there was no talk of moving ALL home games just a few to the high school (say 3-5 games). They have not consulted with any other clubs or the league and have just decided to move ALL home games off their own bat. A few questions need to be addressed like with no tenant on the front oval will it still be watered & looked after? The Grand Final is played there so if it is not looked after where is that played? Would Werrimull or Meringur be asked to move to the front oval, so as the oval will be looked after? If so would either club be happy to move, seen as both their facilities face the back oval? I think probably not! A bit more consultation would have been good!
Have i read it right or wrong, did ur interleague squad not involve any of the ex-imps players of Crane, Penny, Sharman or Bruhn
Re: Millewa Football League

The disappointing thing about this move is that there was no talk of moving ALL home games just a few to the high school (say 3-5 games). They have not consulted with any other clubs or the league and have just decided to move ALL home games off their own bat. A few questions need to be addressed like with no tenant on the front oval will it still be watered & looked after? The Grand Final is played there so if it is not looked after where is that played? Would Werrimull or Meringur be asked to move to the front oval, so as the oval will be looked after? If so would either club be happy to move, seen as both their facilities face the back oval? I think probably not! A bit more consultation would have been good!

I can see where they are coming from in making the move. The gates will be much better, and will also assist in getting new players down the track.

The issue about the front oval is a hard one as it would be shame to loose it, however there is now no point wasting water on it unless one of the other clubs wants to shift.

As far as the GF goes now is a great time to bring it into town as well, that will see a much better crowd and more exposure for the league. I am sure Gol Gol will have it at their ground (they think all finals should be played there).

Will this open the way for Meringur to move all their games to the Pump Hill oval?

I think this is a sad day for the league and a sad day for footy at the Lake as it is lossing the strongest club from out there. Of the two that are left one seems to be on pretty shakey ground and would benifit from a move into town as well (Meringur).
Re: Millewa Football League

The disappointing thing about this move is that there was no talk of moving ALL home games just a few to the high school (say 3-5 games). They have not consulted with any other clubs or the league and have just decided to move ALL home games off their own bat. A few questions need to be addressed like with no tenant on the front oval will it still be watered & looked after? The Grand Final is played there so if it is not looked after where is that played? Would Werrimull or Meringur be asked to move to the front oval, so as the oval will be looked after? If so would either club be happy to move, seen as both their facilities face the back oval? I think probably not! A bit more consultation would have been good!

Harry are you sure that there hasn't been any consultation with the league and other clubs? From my understanding this has been in the pipeline for several years and I know that the club has spoken to the league or certain people in the league about the move. Again you might know something I don't!
I need to add that this issue has been on the agends for 2 or 3 years at the club. As I understand it, many of the old timers and very loyal bambill people, have supported the move.They see it as one, that is needed to be successful in the future i.e attract new people, get numbers to games and after game functions. These all helps raise revenue that ALL clubs need. One of the reasons we were able to attract several new guys to the clubs was due to them knowing we would be playing most of our home games in town ( & yes ,SOME blokes who would still get a run in most senior teams in the SFL,are on some $$$. However not as much as some people on here feel).

The reason I and many people that have played in the SFL for quite some time, move into the Millewa is for the more relaxed, friendly and less pressured atmosphere. I'm sure just because we have moved that won't be lost.

We realised that when this would finally happen, some people would be unhappy, however over time everyone deals with change and moves on!
Re: Millewa Football League

I wonder what the water situation will be at the senior college. If its on town water it may get a little dry. The lake ovals may end up the best in town.
Perhaps Imps could move out there. They could swap names with Bambil.
Re: Millewa Football League

I'm sure the Old South merbein ground is available for Bambill to play.

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Re: Millewa Football League

One of the reasons we were able to attract several new guys to the clubs was due to them knowing we would be playing most of our home games in town ( & yes ,SOME blokes who would still get a run in most senior teams in the SFL,are on some $$$. However not as much as some people on here feel).

The reason I and many people that have played in the SFL for quite some time, move into the Millewa is for the more relaxed, friendly and less pressured atmosphere. I'm sure just because we have moved that won't be lost.

We realised that when this would finally happen, some people would be unhappy, however over time everyone deals with change and moves on!

I see now, Bam$bill have moved their home ground to accommodate paid players.
As a condition to them playing.
It must be getting difficult to get footy players to play for Bam$bill now .
Unless you are chasing dollars, i would think you play for reasons like, playing with your mates, the club or good times.

As you seem to know so much Chalkie, what about the issue with alcohol on school grounds? Licenses and such?
How you they stop people from entering from other parts of the school?
How do you stop the public from trespassing on school grounds?
Re: Millewa Football League

I see now, Bam$bill have moved their home ground to accommodate paid players.
As a condition to them playing.
It must be getting difficult to get footy players to play for Bam$bill now .
Unless you are chasing dollars, i would think you play for reasons like, playing with your mates, the club or good times.

As you seem to know so much Chalkie, what about the issue with alcohol on school grounds? Licenses and such?
How you they stop people from entering from other parts of the school?
How do you stop the public from trespassing on school grounds?
I'll try to answer some things seeing your concerned about these issues so much:
  • The alcohol licensing mustn't be an issue seeing we are able to legally sell alcohol on during the week and the Setts Cricket club can do the same during the summer.
  • I'm not sure what will happen if people get to the ground via different points to the front gate, however I believe the club feels the more people at the ground the more that will be spent at the koisk and bar.
  • The point with regards to the public trespassing on the school grounds, the general public can do this any day of the week if they want.It isn't a problem during the cricket season, so hopefully it wont be during the footy season. I know the club has been working with the admin at the Senior College and they were more then happy for the move.
  • With regards to the recruits, most of the new guys that came to the club are there due to friendships with certain people at the club. The McClelland boys, Nick Reck and Lockie Davies are guys that I have coached, played footy with and one of the guys is a good mate. Jason hunt is a good mate and his best mate is the club runner who I'm very good friends with. David Hall, I've known him for several years. He was good friends with Ben Milsom at Teachers college and he is also gets on really well with Brent Robinson (Selector). Gary Hallam is mates with Dean Campbell(played last year).Morris King, his Old man played at the club in past years. Ben casey is back at the club which wasn't as surprise seeing his dad is the team manager.So yes I agree that a lot of guys go to a club to play with their mates or because there are certain people they like and respect at the club. All i meant with re to the home games being in town is, it was the 'icing on the cake'.
  • I'm quite certain that the schools is on FMIT water.
Hope this clarifys a few points and when people do play at the ground they enjoy the atmosphere and have a great game.:thumbsu:
Re: Millewa Football League

hahaha yeah mate most of them blokes from bambil think they are preety sh1t hot,probly best they do move in town. but how would it be if all teams moved to town??? would it still be called millewa football??
Re: Millewa Football League

hahaha yeah mate most of them blokes from bambil think they are preety sh1t hot,probly best they do move in town. but how would it be if all teams moved to town??? would it still be called millewa football??

What about Euston, Gol Gol, Cardy and Nangi? They are towns that don't even lie in the Millewa area. The decision has its pro's and cons. Tips for the weekend boys?
Re: Millewa Football League

What about Euston, Gol Gol, Cardy and Nangi? They are towns that don't even lie in the Millewa area. The decision has its pro's and cons.

they all play on their home grounds.
what are you on about?

Maybe the MFL will find itself with Meringur in Merbein, Schoolboy Saints at the college, and the pies at chaffey school back oval.

All this because Bam$bill have opened the gates for this type of movement.

Maybe the whispers of MFL joining the SFL as a reserves league will eventually happen now.
I cant see why not.
Re: Millewa Football League

Harry are you sure that there hasn't been any consultation with the league and other clubs? From my understanding this has been in the pipeline for several years and I know that the club has spoken to the league or certain people in the league about the move. Again you might know something I don't!
I need to add that this issue has been on the agends for 2 or 3 years at the club. As I understand it, many of the old timers and very loyal bambill people, have supported the move.They see it as one, that is needed to be successful in the future i.e attract new people, get numbers to games and after game functions. These all helps raise revenue that ALL clubs need. One of the reasons we were able to attract several new guys to the clubs was due to them knowing we would be playing most of our home games in town ( & yes ,SOME blokes who would still get a run in most senior teams in the SFL,are on some $$$. However not as much as some people on here feel).

The reason I and many people that have played in the SFL for quite some time, move into the Millewa is for the more relaxed, friendly and less pressured atmosphere. I'm sure just because we have moved that won't be lost.

We realised that when this would finally happen, some people would be unhappy, however over time everyone deals with change and moves on!

The question of consultation is not that we didn't know or that there was no discussion that the move might happen but when & how many games. We have organised our year around the fact that we would play Bambill at the Lake & then to find out through the football guide that ALL games are to be played at the High School & not from discussion at league meetings is disappointing.

That said it is Bambills choice where they play & good luck to your club for making the move.
Re: Millewa Football League

Have i read it right or wrong, did ur interleague squad not involve any of the ex-imps players of Crane, Penny, Sharman or Bruhn

Penny is in the squad, the others must have made themselves unavailable for the trip to Broken Hill for either work or personal reasons as Sparra put forward the players from Gol Gol.
Re: Millewa Football League

I can see where they are coming from in making the move. The gates will be much better, and will also assist in getting new players down the track.

The issue about the front oval is a hard one as it would be shame to loose it, however there is now no point wasting water on it unless one of the other clubs wants to shift.

As far as the GF goes now is a great time to bring it into town as well, that will see a much better crowd and more exposure for the league. I am sure Gol Gol will have it at their ground (they think all finals should be played there).

Will this open the way for Meringur to move all their games to the Pump Hill oval?

I think this is a sad day for the league and a sad day for footy at the Lake as it is lossing the strongest club from out there. Of the two that are left one seems to be on pretty shakey ground and would benifit from a move into town as well (Meringur).

Meringur cannot play at Chaffey Park, Merbein due to baseballs use of the ground in winter (the ground would have to be made bigger) & the playing surface is very hard (not unlike No 1 oval).

McLeod Oval in Wentworth is available, we did train there this season & the surface was pretty good. But we still have quite a few supporters & players who live out in the Millewa & it would be a shame if we didn't play our home games at the Lake. The benefits from moving into town would be outweighed by the loss of our long time supporters who still come to our home games.
Re: Millewa Football League

Meringur cannot play at Chaffey Park, Merbein due to baseballs use of the ground in winter (the ground would have to be made bigger) & the playing surface is very hard (not unlike No 1 oval).

McLeod Oval in Wentworth is available, we did train there this season & the surface was pretty good. But we still have quite a few supporters & players who live out in the Millewa & it would be a shame if we didn't play our home games at the Lake. The benefits from moving into town would be outweighed by the loss of our long time supporters who still come to our home games.

Playing at Wentworth would work well with your deal with the Royal Hotel. Would need to do a bit of work to the rooms etc (that is one of the reasons why Wenty stopped playing the one game a year there). Having said that, from what i remember the rooms would not be any worse than the old Cardy/Euston/Nangiloc rooms were.
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