It's a grass-is-greener problem though, isn't it?I can't remember whether it was an Essendon poster here or if I heard it on SEN, but someone who sounded like a reasonably intelligent Bombers person stated that Daniher's "issues" were NOT actually physical but almost entirely mental, in that Joe was fed up to the eyeballs with the fishbowl life that is the lot of a high profile player in Melbourne
So if this is the case and he wants to come to the Lions, we would be bat sh*t crazy not to accommodate a move here.
Within reason of course.
Good move by Noble and co to set out the ground rules so Dodo doesn't start getting any fancy ideas about "forcing" a trade
"I'm not happy here. So I should go elsewhere." 10 mins later... "Oh wait, I'm not happy here either?"
Moving might solve his problem... It also might not. The problem may not be your location; it might by your health, or your attitude, or anything else. Dayne Beams comes to mind...