List Mgmt. MSD Watch 2023 [NMFC select Robert Hansen Jnr with #2 in 2023 MSD]

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Presenting the latest batch of nominees for a draft.

321 players.

TahjAbberley Brisbane Lions (VFL)
JakobAndersonGWS Giants (VFL)
KobeAnnandWerribee (VFL)
HarryArnoldBrisbane Lions (VFL)
JackAveryPerth (WAFL)
JhyeBaddeley-KellyCoburg (VFL)
JamiesonBallantyneFootscray Bulldogs (VFL)
ConnorBallendenEagles (SANFL)
CharlieBarnettBendigo Pioneers (Coates Talent League)
MitchBarron Claremont (WAFL)
JakeBartholomaeusSydney Swans (VFL)
BenjaminBathNorth Melbourne (VFL)
HughBeasleyBox Hill Hawks (VFL)
MaxBeattieEagles (SANFL)
LukeBeeckenEagles (SANFL)
JamesBellGlenelg (SANFL)
WilliamBellaCoburg (VFL)
TrayeBennellPeel Thunder (WAFL)
BradleyBernackiGisborne Football Netball Club Inc (Bendigo Football League)
JacobBlight Peel Thunder (WAFL)
NathanBoucherCoburg (VFL)
TomBowerOakleigh Chargers (Coates Talent League)
JacksonBowneCoburg (VFL)
JackBoydWerribee (VFL)
ThomasBrindleyRichmond (VFL)
JacksonBroadbentSouth Fremantle (WAFL)
CallumBrownBox Hill Hawks (VFL)
JoshuaBrowneWest Coast Eagles (WAFL)
JackBullerClaremont (WAFL)
LouisButlerNorth Melbourne (VFL)
WylieBuzzaBrisbane Lions (VFL)
CoreyByrnePerth (WAFL)
NedCahillCarlton (VFL)
DanielCapironGeelong Cats (VFL)
JaydenCappeauEast Perth (WAFL)
NoahCasaliniNorth Adelaide
JyeChalcraft Geelong Cats (VFL)
AaronClarke Coburg (VFL)
JackCleaverEssendon (VFL)
MaxClohesyRichmond (VFL)
RileyCollier-DawkinsEagles (SANFL)
SamConfortiEssendon (VFL)
NathanCooperWerribee (VFL)
BillyCooteeEssendon (VFL)
MarlinCorbettGold Coast Suns (VFL)
JesseCoriglianoCoburg (VFL)
MatthewCoulthardGlenelg (SANFL)
JamesCousinsWilliamstown (VFL)
MitchCoxWilliamstown (VFL)
HarryCreaseyWest Coast Eagles (WAFL)
JamesCreightonGWS Giants (VFL)
BenCrocker Carlton (VFL)
PaddyCrossCasey Demons (VFL)
BraydenCrossleySouthport (VFL)
IsaacCullenCalder Cannons (Coates Talent League)
AngusCurryYarrawonga Football Netball Club
AdamD'AloiaEagles (SANFL)
BenjaminDavisNorth Melbourne (VFL)
AdamDeakinCentral District
KyeDeclaseWerribee (VFL)
LiamDelahuntyWest Adelaide (SANFL)
WillDerringtonGold Coast Suns (VFL)
MitchellDodosBendigo Pioneers (Coates Talent League)
TomDownieWilliamstown (VFL)
ConnorDownieNorth Melbourne (VFL)
PatrickDozziCarlton (VFL)
ElliotDunkinSouth Adelaide
KyleDunkleyBrisbane Lions (VFL)
JaredEckersleyGold Coast Suns (VFL)
DarcyEdmendsGWS Giants (VFL)
JoshuaEdwardsWest Coast Eagles (WAFL)
BenEdwardsClaremont (WAFL)
WilliamElliottOakleigh Chargers (Coates Talent League)
CoreyEllisonWilliamstown (VFL)
MutazElnourRichmond (VFL)
FinnEmile-BrennanCasey Demons (VFL)
RyanEyersGeelong Cats (VFL)
JoshuaEyreWarragul Industrials Football Club (WGFNC)
ThomasFeehanSt Kevins OB
ThomasFeelyGeelong Cats (VFL)
JoelFitzgeraldEssendon (VFL)
FelixFlockartPort Melbourne (VFL)
HarryFlynnEastern Ranges (Coates Talent League)
JedFoggoSouthport (VFL)
MatthewFoleyEssendon (VFL)
SamuelFrostWest Adelaide (SANFL)
NoahGadsbyWilliamstown (VFL)
JordanGallucciSouth Fremantle (WAFL)
TyeGanderSt George Dragons
JarrodGarlettWest Coast Eagles (WAFL)
JakeGasperPort Melbourne (VFL)
FlynnGentileCoburg (VFL)
DarcyGilbert Frankston (VFL)
HaydenGillCarlton (VFL)
BraedynGillardCoburg (VFL)
StefanGiroSubiaco (WAFL)
LukeGoaterFootscray Bulldogs (VFL)
ThomasGormanMurray Bushrangers (Coates Talent League)
NoahGownSandringham (VFL)
EthanGraceNorth Shore Bombers AFC
SamGrantCarlton (VFL)
HarryGrantCentral District
JoshuaGreenPort Melbourne (VFL)
ZacharyGreevesCollingwood (VFL)
GeorgeGreyCasey Demons (VFL)
HarrisonGrintellWerribee (VFL)
JedHaganPort Adelaide (SANFL)
MaxHallBox Hill Hawks (VFL)
MitchellHallinanStrathfieldsaye Football Netball Club Inc.
BraydenHamGeelong Cats (VFL)
BenjaminHamNorthern Bullants (VFL)
BlakeHansenEagles (SANFL)
RobertHansenSubiaco (WAFL)
KadenHarbourSouth Fremantle (WAFL)
MitchellHardieEagles (SANFL)
CodyHarringtonBroadbeach AFC
AustinHarrisEssendon (VFL)
BaileyHendersonWerribee (VFL)
DarbyHendersonWilliamstown (VFL)
MarcusHerbertGeelong Cats (VFL)
DysonHilderNorth Adelaide
DarbyHipwellSandringham (VFL)
ThomasHirdPort Melbourne (VFL)
TomHofertPort Melbourne (VFL)
SamHoghtonOfficer Senior Football Club (AFL Outer East Senior)
HarveyHooperPort Melbourne (VFL)
JamieHopeNorth Melbourne (VFL)
MartyHoreWilliamstown (VFL)
JoshuaHotchkinEssendon (VFL)
ThomasHowardSydney Swans (VFL)
HarveyHoweGippsland Power (Coates Talent League)
PaulHunterPort Melbourne (VFL)
JaidenHunterPerth (WAFL)
CampbellHustwaiteCollingwood (VFL)
AntonioJamesWest Adelaide (SANFL)
BenJepsonCoburg (VFL)
MattJohnsonFrankston (VFL)
DanielJohnston Coburg (VFL)
GriffJulianWest Perth (WAFL)
MichaelKiralyBendigo Pioneers (Coates Talent League)
CameronKizanPoint Cook
OscarKregarWest Adelaide (SANFL)
JoshuaKuppenPoint Cook
SamuelLatreille Sandringham (VFL)
LukeLawrenceMangoplah Cookardinia United Eastlakes FNC(Senior)
BrandonLearyNorth Launceston Football Club Inc
TyreeceLeiuCarlton (VFL)
MichaelLewisCarlton (VFL)
JamesLewisMorningside AFC
JarrodLienertNorth Melbourne (VFL)
MatthewLingNorwood (SANFL)
BrinnLittleCentral District
JacobLohmannSandringham (VFL)
GoyLokNorwood (SANFL)
JeddLongmire Collingwood (VFL)
ArchieLovelockGlenelg (SANFL)
OliverLoweSandringham (VFL)
BaynenLoweNorwood (SANFL)
SamLowsonNorth Melbourne (VFL)
JordanLukacEagles (SANFL)
AlexanderLukicCoburg (VFL)
JackMadgenAdelaide Football Club
ShaunMannaghWerribee (VFL)
ArchiMantonPort Melbourne (VFL)
OskarMantonPort Melbourne (VFL)
RyanMaricGippsland Power (Coates Talent League)
TrentMarottaFrankston (VFL)
TexMarshamGippsland Power (Coates Talent League)
WilliamMartynWilston Grange AFC
SamuelMason Coburg (VFL)
BaileyMaxwellEast Perth (WAFL)
ArcherMayRichmond (VFL)
tomMccaffreyGWS Giants (VFL)
BillyMcCormackCentral District
JasonMcCormickNorth Melbourne (VFL)
GarrettMcDonaghRichmond (VFL)
OscarMcDonaldWilliamstown (VFL)
HugoMcGlashanCoburg (VFL)
CameronMcgreeGlenelg (SANFL)
ReubenMcGuireEast Fremantle (WAFL)
TomMcKenzieCoburg (VFL)
JezMcLennanCentral District
LiamMcMahonCarlton (VFL)
JessMcManusFrankston (VFL)
TobyMcquilkinSouth Fremantle (WAFL)
BradleyMelvilleRichmond (VFL)
DarcyMinchella West Adelaide (SANFL)
NicholasMinchinFrankston (VFL)
HarperMontgomeryPort Adelaide (SANFL)
MitchellMoschettiCarlton (VFL)
MaxMummeClaremont (WAFL)
HamishMurphyNorth Melbourne (VFL)
TobyMurrayWangaratta Rovers Football & Netball Club
TrentMynottFrankston (VFL)
SamNaismithPort Melbourne (VFL)
QuintonNarkleEssendon (VFL)
LukeNelsonCoburg (VFL)
NicholasNewtonMurray Bushrangers (Coates Talent League)
JakeNicholasSandringham Dragons (Coates Talent League)
JacobNihillSandhurst Football Netball Club
AlexNobletNorth Melbourne (VFL)
BarryO'ConnorGWS Giants (VFL)
FinbarO'DwyerWilliamstown (VFL)
RoanO'HehirSouth Fremantle (WAFL)
HeathOllington North Launceston Football Club Inc
MitchellO'NeillSouth Adelaide
KaiOwensFrankston (VFL)
SamuelPaeaWerribee (VFL)
ThomasPanuccioGeelong Cats (VFL)
LukeParks Carlton (VFL)
JakePatmoreNorth Adelaide
JaelenPavlidisGWS Giants (VFL)
MatthewPaynePeel Thunder (WAFL)
WillPearceEagles (SANFL)
EliPearceBendigo Pioneers (Coates Talent League)
RyePennyCalder Cannons (Coates Talent League)
JovanPetricCollingwood (VFL)
EthanPhillipsPort Melbourne (VFL)
TomPhillipsEssendon (VFL)
LouisPinnuckWerribee (VFL)
LiamPodhajskiCoburg (VFL)
MitchellPodhajskiCoburg (VFL)
CallumPorter Box Hill Hawks (VFL)
CalebPoulterFootscray Bulldogs (VFL)
PhoenixPrincePascoe Vale
HarryQuartermainePerth (WAFL)
SebastianQuirkFrankston (VFL)
HeathRamshawCarlton (VFL)
BradRauterGWS Giants (VFL)
BaileyReevesFinley Football Club
FlynnRileyNorthern Knights
MitchellRobinson Morningside AFC
BenRonkeCarlton (VFL)
PierceRosebyFrankston (VFL)
FraserRosmanPort Melbourne (VFL)
JedRuleBox Hill Hawks (VFL)
JoelRushPeel Thunder (WAFL)
MitchellRyanGWS Giants (VFL)
KobeRyanWest Adelaide (SANFL)
JoshRyanWest Adelaide (SANFL)
BrandonRyan Northern Bullants (VFL)
GalenSavigniSubiaco (WAFL)
JasperScaife West Perth (WAFL)
LachlanScannellGlenelg (SANFL)
MitchellSchofieldEast Perth (WAFL)
JontiSchubackSouth Adelaide
AngusSchumacher East Perth (WAFL)
NathanScolloCarlton (VFL)
AnthonySeatonSandringham (VFL)
MichaelSellwoodPeel Thunder (WAFL)
LiamSerongWarragul Football Netball Club
WillShawGWS Giants (VFL)
NicholasShipleySydney Swans (VFL)
ArchieSinnottGeelong Falcons (Coates Talent League)
HamishSinnottCarlton (VFL)
BakerSmithNorthern Bullants (VFL)
HaydenSmithThe Basin
RileySprigg West Perth (WAFL)
ZacharySprouleSouth Adelaide
LachlanSquireWest Adelaide (SANFL)
EthanStanleyBox Hill Hawks (VFL)
RoanSteeleCasey Demons (VFL)
TomSternGippsland Power (Coates Talent League)
ArchieStevensCarlton (VFL)
NickStevensNorth Melbourne (VFL)
NedStevensWest Adelaide (SANFL)
RyleyStoddartFrankston (VFL)
LachlanStreetRichmond (VFL)
SamuelStubbsPerth (WAFL)
RyanSturgessCoburg (VFL)
LachieSullivanFootscray Bulldogs (VFL)
LachlanSwaneyCarlton (VFL)
FrankSzekelyNorth Adelaide
CodySzustPort Adelaide (SANFL)
MitchSzybkowskiFrankston (VFL)
LukeTealRichmond (VFL)
BeauTedcastleRichmond (VFL)
CharlieThompsonPerth (WAFL)
JaylonThorpeBox Hill Hawks (VFL)
ZiggyToledoMt Eliza Football Netball Club (MPNFL)
JonathanTomasielloCollingwood (VFL)
JakeTorneyMt Gravatt AFC (AFL Queensland)
JamesTreziseRichmond (VFL)
TobyTriffettWilliamstown (VFL)
JoelTrudgeonBox Hill Hawks (VFL)
ClayTuckerEastern Ranges (Coates Talent League)
SamTuckerNorth Melbourne (VFL)
JesseTurnerSwan Districts (WAFL)
RyanValentineCasey Demons (VFL)
BaileyVan De HeuvelGeelong Cats (VFL)
Alexvan WykNorwood (SANFL)
GiorgioVaragiannisDoncaster East
Jean-LucVelissarisNorthern Bullants (VFL)
CallumVerrellRowville Hawks Football Club
RileyVoulanasCollingwood (VFL)
TristenWaackBox Hill Hawks (VFL)
ChristopherWalkerEast Fremantle (WAFL)
JakeWalker Glenelg (SANFL)
TrentWarrenCoburg (VFL)
AlecWatermanWest Coast Eagles (WAFL)
BlakeWatsonSandringham (VFL)
TobeWatsonSwan Districts (WAFL)
CoreyWattsEast Perth (WAFL)
KyleWeightmanCoburg (VFL)
ZaneWilliamsEagles (SANFL)
NickWilliamsSurfers Paradise AFC
OwenWilliams Mt Eliza Football Netball Club (MPNFL)
KaiWindsorBox Hill Hawks (VFL)
BoydWoodcockSouthport (VFL)
BradyWrightGreater Western Victoria Rebels (Coates Talent League)
JoshuaYoungLabrador AFC
TysonYoung Northern Bullants (VFL)
One way of holding your draft position is not filling a short term hole. Assess the guys on the list and take a long term prospect.
Josh Gabelich said on Sportsday he thinks WCE - Maric, North - Tucker, Hawks - Stanley as first three picks.
I'm not super excited about a ruckman but this may mean Edwards and Free aren't quite up to it or maybe even CCJ might want out perhaps, who knows.
Honestly Praying for Petric.
been to all the young guns and all the western jets games so far.
step above the rest of his jets team, him and Logan Morris great 1-2 punch.
good in the ruck, defs put some muscle on from last year which a lot of people were saying was his weak point.
Him and teal are my two favourite
Maric overrated imo, nothing to phone home about in my opinion.

Petric i hope could get a game in the VFL with collingwood to show off what he can do against some bigger boys and more transitional, less clearance depedent play
Honestly Praying for Petric.
been to all the young guns and all the western jets games so far.
step above the rest of his jets team, him and Logan Morris great 1-2 punch.
good in the ruck, defs put some muscle on from last year which a lot of people were saying was his weak point.
Him and teal are my two favourite
Maric overrated imo, nothing to phone home about in my opinion.

Petric i hope could get a game in the VFL with collingwood to show off what he can do against some bigger boys and more transitional, less clearance depedent play

I’d be thrilled if Petric got an oppurtunity. I really wish we had of taken him as a rookie over Turner or Howe.

Has natural forward craft, decent athletic profile and he is genuine KP size at 197cm. He’ll end up being a solid lad once he fills out too. He is more of a chance of becoming a genuine key forward compared to someone like Ryan Maric.

Petric: 5 games, kicked 9.5, avg 12.2 disposals and 3.5 marks.

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Who’s winning the ”talked up, but actually no good” Jackson Callow trophy?
Yes Micky I canny believe the hype over a ****ing a spud spectacle.

Good folk have lost their collective tiny minds.

These shitmen couldn’t get themselves on a AFL rookie list.
How’s our spud specials tracking?
One way of holding your draft position is not filling a short term hole. Assess the guys on the list and take a long term prospect.
Josh Gabelich said on Sportsday he thinks WCE - Maric, North - Tucker, Hawks - Stanley as first three picks.
I'm not super excited about a ruckman but this may mean Edwards and Free aren't quite up to it or maybe even CCJ might want out perhaps, who knows.
We won’t have pick 2 after we beat Collingwood this weekend.
Yes Micky I canny believe the hype over a ******* a spud spectacle.

Good folk have lost their collective tiny minds.

These shitmen couldn’t get themselves on a AFL rookie list.
How’s our spud specials tracking?

There’s some nice players out there. Unfortunatley we seem to be allergic to them.

I’m sure Darcy’s brother will change that.
There’s some nice players out there. Unfortunatley we seem to be allergic to them.

I’m sure Darcy’s brother will change that.
Oh stop it Michael, we can’t pick a decent footballer with pick 25.

First pick in the DHS draft or whatever it’s called is like draft pick 169 in the Nat draft
Don’t get the angst.

We literally have Goldy and CCJ as the only two fit rucks. If Goldy was to go down it would just be CCJ.

Jacob Edwards is going to have to ruck in the VFL this weekend…

Rucks have been decent picks so far in the MSD history
Honestly Praying for Petric.
been to all the young guns and all the western jets games so far.
step above the rest of his jets team, him and Logan Morris great 1-2 punch.
good in the ruck, defs put some muscle on from last year which a lot of people were saying was his weak point.
Him and teal are my two favourite
Maric overrated imo, nothing to phone home about in my opinion.

Petric i hope could get a game in the VFL with collingwood to show off what he can do against some bigger boys and more transitional, less clearance depedent play
He should be dominating the Coates league as an over ager, if he can’t get a game at VFL level I don’t think he stands a chance in the MSD. Good player though!
We won’t have pick 2 after we beat Collingwood this weekend.
Lol love your optimism but pick 2 is ours baby to use on some spud that won't make it.
We'll lose by 10+ goals if Pies are switched on, their fitness, skills, execution and synchronicity is a class above.
Expecting the whole team will be cramping by the third quarter and we'll exceed the interchange cap out of necessity.

North Melbourne, which sits 17th on the ladder ahead of Round 11, can also pick next week if they officially move Jack Mahony, who’s been ruled out for the rest of the season with a shoulder injury, to the inactive list. CODE Sports also reported this week that Kangaroos rookie Hamish Free was set for a lengthy stint on the sidelines due to a shoulder issue, although he hadn’t been booked in for season-ending surgery yet.


Maric, who’s reportedly been interviewed by eight AFL clubs ahead of the mid-season draft, has excited recruiters with his efficient, natural kick and goal nous.

The 18-year-old is set to land at the Eagles, while Eastern Ranges’ 204cm ruckman Clay Tucker — the top ruck prospect of the mid-season draft class — could also be taken early.

Tucker has had a consistent season with the Ranges to date, showing good athleticism at stoppages and around the ground, while also drifting forward to kick two two-goal hauls.

Should the Kangaroos, who sit 17th on the ladder at the moment, put ruck Hamish Free on the inactive list, Tucker could be an option for them, although he’d be a long-term prospect rather than someone who could play straight away.

Tucker has been training with Hawthorn, while the Giants have also been linked to him.
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List Mgmt. MSD Watch 2023 [NMFC select Robert Hansen Jnr with #2 in 2023 MSD]

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