Multicultural Round - Why?

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I wonder whether the NFL or EPL have a Multicultural Round?

Are the US and the UK more integrated than us?

Or do they just focus on the game rather than the culture wars?

The US has a whole month focused on an ethnic minority.
This one parent doesn't happen to be white? Much easier to blend in and feel like you belong when you look like a "typical" Australian.

They are both 'white' but one has quite a dark tan (like actually dark). I dont judge someone on if they are Australian by what they look like, that is racist.
Im actually asked if im german alot (despite no german heritage).

It is usedto emphasise that someone is not fully Australian.Most people who say they are chinese-australian, Lebanese-Australian etc. dont believe themselves to be fully Australian, and are usually the people involved in the small enclaves formed in cities around the world.
When you picture Chinese-American... do you think of an army veteran raising a few kids in surburbia, or of an old chinese guy eating noodles for lunch in china-town while reading the days chinese news.

Whilst it would be good if the term wasusedto celebrate the diversity of a persons backgorund, in the majority it is not. It is usually used to say im chinese by i live in America (Chinese-American).

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In other words, you're white.

Both my parents and I were born overseas. I identify as Australian. I took up citizenship soon after I was eligible. But I certainly can be proud of and identify with my ethnic heritage. I don't understand your beef with people who may have more interest in Chinese news and Chinese food not being American enough.
In other words, you're white.

Both my parents and I were born overseas. I identify as Australian. I took up citizenship soon after I was eligible. But I certainly can be proud of and identify with my ethnic heritage. I don't understand your beef with people who may have more interest in Chinese news and Chinese food not being American enough.

Case in point ... you refer to yourself as Australian!! I like you .. lol.
Being proud of your ethnic heritage is completely different from basically shunning the country you live in (which in my experience most people who call themselves 'something'-Australian do).
My example of the Chinese-American was that many people come to another country and simply live in an enclave where life is pretty much the same ... leading to social tension.

A guy on a Q&A program held in Dandenong recently said "My question is I’m an Australian citizen. Why is it that if I commit a crime they immediately identify me by my appearance country but not as an Australian citizen. Why is that?".
Referring to someone as Sudanese-Australian only perpetuates issues like this.
Case in point ... you refer to yourself as Australian!! I like you .. lol.
Being proud of your ethnic heritage is completely different from basically shunning the country you live in (which in my experience most people who call themselves 'something'-Australian do).
My example of the Chinese-American was that many people come to another country and simply live in an enclave where life is pretty much the same ... leading to social tension.

A guy on a Q&A program held in Dandenong recently said "My question is I’m an Australian citizen. Why is it that if I commit a crime they immediately identify me by my appearance country but not as an Australian citizen. Why is that?".
Referring to someone as Sudanese-Australian only perpetuates issues like this.

I'm Ethnic-Australian and I call myself that. I identify with my ethnic group. That's something that will be impossible to simply ignore given my appearance and my ancestry.

If a person lives in an enclave with others of their ethnic heritage, I don't see a problem with that. The problem is when there are ethnic gangs and crime or using the ethnic commonality to rally against other people in Australia. If that old Chinese guy speaks Chinese and eats noodles and rice all day and lives with other Chinese, I'm not one to judge how he should live his life - I mean, that's all he's known in his life.
I'm Ethnic-Australian and I call myself that. I identify with my ethnic group. That's something that will be impossible to simply ignore given my appearance and my ancestry.

If a person lives in an enclave with others of their ethnic heritage, I don't see a problem with that. The problem is when there are ethnic gangs and crime or using the ethnic commonality to rally against other people in Australia. If that old Chinese guy speaks Chinese and eats noodles and rice all day and lives with other Chinese, I'm not one to judge how he should live his life - I mean, that's all he's known in his life.

That is usually how the cycle perpetuates itself, and why you still hear/see of young boys (mostly) who are 3rd/4th generation Australian yet still refer to themselves as Lebanese/Italian/Russian etc.

I feel that subconciously you believe that your appearance limits your ability to be "as Australian as the white fellas".
People need to accept that the taxi-driving turban wearing brown guy listening to football on the radio can be Australian in the same way as the white cracker foul mouthed flag wearing bogan red neck yelling abuse at the two black guys holding hands wearing skin tight pink collar-popped shirts (also aussie)!
The NRL heavily promoted a game Indigenous Vs non Indigenous.

Which they pretty much copied off the AFL.
The AFL caters largely towards the Indigenous Australians intent on maintaining their cultural identity. Whilst the NRL is intent on using the match as a marketing ploy to show that they are concerned about Indigenous issues.

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I wonder whether the NFL or EPL have a Multicultural Round?

Are the US and the UK more integrated than us?

Or do they just focus on the game rather than the culture wars?

Considering the EPL has been known to have entire teams marching out onto the field with nary a Britisher to be seen indicates that there's probably not much point.
Considering the EPL has been known to have entire teams marching out onto the field with nary a Britisher to be seen indicates that there's probably not much point.

There was an email circulating with the photo of a past French WC team and the present French WC team.
The difference was clear as black & white.

Australia is only a successful example of 'integration' as you misleadingly call it (multiculturalism is in fact the complete opposite of integration) because it is still a wealthy country riding the back of the mining boom and selling our soul to Asia for profit. We keep our troublesome minority groups placated with hand-outs - in essence we bribe them to keep quiet.

Just wait until the money dries up like it has in most of Europe and America, and then you'll see just how 'friendly' and 'co-operative' all these non-assimilating immigrants really are.

If you let people into this country when they have no loyalty to it, foster their sense of resentment towards the host majority, and then take away the one incentive of living here (money) will blow up just as it has in London, Paris, LA, and everywhere else a large nonWhite underclass has been allowed to grow and fester.

And for the record, it is NOT Australia's job to help these immigrants assimilate. Certain ethnic groups/religions either cannot or will not adapt to the Western lifestyle, and that's not our problem. The solution is not to throw money at them hoping that one day mayble they'll wake up and decide they actually like the concepts of Western liberal democracies. No, the solution is to not let them come here in the first place!

There's a proven track record of Muslims refusing to integrate into Western societies. There's a proven track record of Negroes bringing crime and urban decay in places where they form a sizeable proportion of the population.

Does that make your lefty eyes bleed? Deal with it, because it's the cold hard truth, and pretending it's not true won't make it go away. Ignoring facts doesn't make them go away. It only makes the problem worse because we refuse to confront it and deal with it.

But of course, you'll always be searching for why it's Whitie's fault. Hence your comment below...

Perfectly indicative of why it's useless and counterproductive to debate anything with you or your fellow cloned sheep posting in this thread. It's always gotta be because of the White man. It doesn't matter what statistics, facts, historical evidence, overseas examples I or others in this thread provide you with, your only response when backed into an intellectual corner is to cry and whine about racism, that it's all because of racism and poverty. And why is there poverty? Well because of racism of course, and why is there racism, well because White people are evil and stupid and unfair and mean. Of course.

If a Black commits a crime it's because the White man is racist.

If a Muslim rapes a nonMuslim it's because White women are racist.

Your line of thinking makes me sick. You disregard all the successful immigrant groups that exist because you refuse to admit that certain minorities have chips on their shoulders which make it hard for themselves. Instead you want to downgrade all immigrants to the status of a poor, oppressed, long-suffering genius who would be the next Einstein if only White people weren't so racist.

It's patronising, it's naive, and it's quite insulting actually. You want to mollycoddle these immigrants, you want to relieve them of the burden of taking responsibility for themselves. You are like the mother who is always making excuses for her criminal son, that it's always someone else's fault and poor Abdul is just so misunderstood. And in doing so you do everyone a disservice.

I don't expect the majority of people to agree with me. People aren't foresighted enough to see the consequences of actions taken when economic prosperity is the norm. Then they bleat 'how could this happen' when shit suddenly hits the fan. Sigh.

It is usedto emphasise that someone is not fully Australian.Most people who say they are chinese-australian, Lebanese-Australian etc. dont believe themselves to be fully Australian, and are usually the people involved in the small enclaves formed in cities around the world.

I'd o' thought it had more to do with the fact that those terms are a slight improvement on chink, slopehead and lebbo.

When you picture Chinese-American... do you think of an army veteran raising a few kids in surburbia, or of an old chinese guy eating noodles for lunch in china-town while reading the days chinese news.

er, both

Whilst it would be good if the term wasusedto celebrate the diversity of a persons backgorund, in the majority it is not. It is usually used to say im chinese by i live in America (Chinese-American).

Crap, it's only a small minority that don't embrace being Australian
I'd o' thought it had more to do with the fact that those terms are a slight improvement on chink, slopehead and lebbo.


Thats a good reply. But i doubt you fail to stereotype at all.

Crap, it's only a small minority that don't embrace being Australian

Misunderstoodwhat I was saying in that. Im saying that its usually the people who add their ethnicity to the front which arent fully integrated. Ones who are simply call themselves Australian.

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Multicultural Round - Why?

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