Multicultural Round - Why?

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Man, you are the gift that just keeps on giving.

So how 's the answer to my question coming along?

Now try to answer, using Australia as an example

Don't bother with the troll man.

My first boss was an immigrant to Australia. He taught me invaluable stuff about life.

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All I know is it was damn painful to listen to the music at the G last night, don't even get me started on the dancing...
We are an immigrant country with a pre-existing indigenous population and the AFL goes ahead and says "you know what. we can make a mint by having two seperate rounds based on the immigrant australians who played this game in the past and the indigenous people who played it as well"

I like the fact that there is more recognition for the games past in terms of who has played - particularly in terms of the countries racist past (see Tasmanias indigenous population etc.) and how that affected players recognition by the general population

But yeah, a bit over the top imo
I don't have to. I believe that Australia is one of the world's finest examples of successful integration of different cultures, and if the AFL wants to devote a round to that, well good on 'em. I'm not the one spouting the evils of multiculturalism without being willing or able to produce facts to support my views.

Australia is only a successful example of 'integration' as you misleadingly call it (multiculturalism is in fact the complete opposite of integration) because it is still a wealthy country riding the back of the mining boom and selling our soul to Asia for profit. We keep our troublesome minority groups placated with hand-outs - in essence we bribe them to keep quiet.

Just wait until the money dries up like it has in most of Europe and America, and then you'll see just how 'friendly' and 'co-operative' all these non-assimilating immigrants really are.

If you let people into this country when they have no loyalty to it, foster their sense of resentment towards the host majority, and then take away the one incentive of living here (money) will blow up just as it has in London, Paris, LA, and everywhere else a large nonWhite underclass has been allowed to grow and fester.

And for the record, it is NOT Australia's job to help these immigrants assimilate. Certain ethnic groups/religions either cannot or will not adapt to the Western lifestyle, and that's not our problem. The solution is not to throw money at them hoping that one day mayble they'll wake up and decide they actually like the concepts of Western liberal democracies. No, the solution is to not let them come here in the first place!

There's a proven track record of Muslims refusing to integrate into Western societies. There's a proven track record of Negroes bringing crime and urban decay in places where they form a sizeable proportion of the population.

Does that make your lefty eyes bleed? Deal with it, because it's the cold hard truth, and pretending it's not true won't make it go away. Ignoring facts doesn't make them go away. It only makes the problem worse because we refuse to confront it and deal with it.

But of course, you'll always be searching for why it's Whitie's fault. Hence your comment below...

That's the interptretration of the LePen's of this world. Personally I believe it has more to do with poverty and entrenched racism than anything else.

Perfectly indicative of why it's useless and counterproductive to debate anything with you or your fellow cloned sheep posting in this thread. It's always gotta be because of the White man. It doesn't matter what statistics, facts, historical evidence, overseas examples I or others in this thread provide you with, your only response when backed into an intellectual corner is to cry and whine about racism, that it's all because of racism and poverty. And why is there poverty? Well because of racism of course, and why is there racism, well because White people are evil and stupid and unfair and mean. Of course.

If a Black commits a crime it's because the White man is racist.

If a Muslim rapes a nonMuslim it's because White women are racist.

Your line of thinking makes me sick. You disregard all the successful immigrant groups that exist because you refuse to admit that certain minorities have chips on their shoulders which make it hard for themselves. Instead you want to downgrade all immigrants to the status of a poor, oppressed, long-suffering genius who would be the next Einstein if only White people weren't so racist.

It's patronising, it's naive, and it's quite insulting actually. You want to mollycoddle these immigrants, you want to relieve them of the burden of taking responsibility for themselves. You are like the mother who is always making excuses for her criminal son, that it's always someone else's fault and poor Abdul is just so misunderstood. And in doing so you do everyone a disservice.

I don't expect the majority of people to agree with me. People aren't foresighted enough to see the consequences of actions taken when economic prosperity is the norm. Then they bleat 'how could this happen' when shit suddenly hits the fan. Sigh.
Why? Because people from other countries feel uncertain about their role in this country. But from my experience they want to be inclusive, they want to identify with the Aussie culture. The ads give them that acknowledgement, and to me that is awesome. Whilst the govt and ops are dropping the ball our inclusive game is telling new communities that they they belong, and their kids belong. It's about giving a person a fair go.

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Most Muslim immigrants in France (from Algeria) identify themselves as French first and Muslim second.
Whole thing is a wank by the AFL.

But just like their Islamic colleagues in Australia their first loyalty is to Allah and Islam and too many dumb shit Australian bleeding hearts just can't seem see the danger of that.
You're right about the whole thing being a wank though.
But just like their Islamic colleagues in Australia their first loyalty is to Allah and Islam and too many dumb shit Australian bleeding hearts just can't seem see the danger of that.
You're right about the whole thing being a wank though.

Read my post again with your other eye open
But just like their Islamic colleagues in Australia their first loyalty is to Allah and Islam and too many dumb shit Australian bleeding hearts just can't seem see the danger of that.
You're right about the whole thing being a wank though.

You do realise that goes for pretty much every religion?
Australia is only a successful example of 'integration' as you misleadingly call it (multiculturalism is in fact the complete opposite of integration) because it is still a wealthy country riding the back of the mining boom and selling our soul to Asia for profit. We keep our troublesome minority groups placated with hand-outs - in essence we bribe them to keep quiet.

Just wait until the money dries up like it has in most of Europe and America, and then you'll see just how 'friendly' and 'co-operative' all these non-assimilating immigrants really are.

If you let people into this country when they have no loyalty to it, foster their sense of resentment towards the host majority, and then take away the one incentive of living here (money) will blow up just as it has in London, Paris, LA, and everywhere else a large nonWhite underclass has been allowed to grow and fester.

And for the record, it is NOT Australia's job to help these immigrants assimilate. Certain ethnic groups/religions either cannot or will not adapt to the Western lifestyle, and that's not our problem. The solution is not to throw money at them hoping that one day mayble they'll wake up and decide they actually like the concepts of Western liberal democracies. No, the solution is to not let them come here in the first place!

There's a proven track record of Muslims refusing to integrate into Western societies. There's a proven track record of Negroes bringing crime and urban decay in places where they form a sizeable proportion of the population.

Does that make your lefty eyes bleed? Deal with it, because it's the cold hard truth, and pretending it's not true won't make it go away. Ignoring facts doesn't make them go away. It only makes the problem worse because we refuse to confront it and deal with it.

But of course, you'll always be searching for why it's Whitie's fault. Hence your comment below...

Perfectly indicative of why it's useless and counterproductive to debate anything with you or your fellow cloned sheep posting in this thread. It's always gotta be because of the White man. It doesn't matter what statistics, facts, historical evidence, overseas examples I or others in this thread provide you with, your only response when backed into an intellectual corner is to cry and whine about racism, that it's all because of racism and poverty. And why is there poverty? Well because of racism of course, and why is there racism, well because White people are evil and stupid and unfair and mean. Of course.

If a Black commits a crime it's because the White man is racist.

If a Muslim rapes a nonMuslim it's because White women are racist.

Your line of thinking makes me sick. You disregard all the successful immigrant groups that exist because you refuse to admit that certain minorities have chips on their shoulders which make it hard for themselves. Instead you want to downgrade all immigrants to the status of a poor, oppressed, long-suffering genius who would be the next Einstein if only White people weren't so racist.

It's patronising, it's naive, and it's quite insulting actually. You want to mollycoddle these immigrants, you want to relieve them of the burden of taking responsibility for themselves. You are like the mother who is always making excuses for her criminal son, that it's always someone else's fault and poor Abdul is just so misunderstood. And in doing so you do everyone a disservice.

I don't expect the majority of people to agree with me. People aren't foresighted enough to see the consequences of actions taken when economic prosperity is the norm. Then they bleat 'how could this happen' when shit suddenly hits the fan. Sigh.

Staggering, just staggering
Obvious reason for multicultural round:

All the racist bogans who love our sport are putting off people from other cultures. This is a great way to educate them, and also highlight to the rest of us the problems faced by people a 'little different' from the typical fan/player.
We are all at the ground because of our love for football, but some cowardly insular redneck bogans feel the need to remind players how different they are in other aspects of their lives.

Mind you im not a fan of the federal multiculturalism policy, but this round does have its benefits.
It's a different place to post-WW2, "populate or perish" Australia which was 90% Christian, as were the majority of migrants. The country absorbed them and grew stronger for it. They neither asked for nor expected the exceptions and concessions of today.

Interesting story, I wonder if they ask for the handbook or if the uni just produces it out of some misguided policy. By the way, the Vietnamese and most of the Chinese seem to be integrating ok.
Interesting story, I wonder if they ask for the handbook or if the uni just produces it out of some misguided policy. By the way, the Vietnamese and most of the Chinese seem to be integrating ok.

Vietnamese yes. Chinese, alot do integrate, but alot also do believe that they should maintain allegiance to the motherland and should also teach their children that.

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Multicultural Round - Why?

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