Ok then, I can see the definition is somewhat compromised from a face value definition of private.My understanding of venues offering "Private Function" is that it implies attendance is restricted exclusively for invitees, not necessarily an 'anything goes" policy within that room that is bound by some strict confidentiality agreement.
I worked for years in a club that regularly had private functions, often involving well known sporting and entertainment celebrities, and even politicians at times. Whilst it never got really debaucherous - although there were some activities that went on that would be regarded as highly questionable today - we as employees were never bound by some confidentiality clause.
Any expectation of strict privacy in the sense that you're suggesting went out when they allowed people to carry devices with cameras, recording equipment etc everywhere they go. And trying to take those off people nowadays would be nearly as hard as trying to take semi-automatic weapons off Americans.
I guess in that case the players couldn't have reasonably expected complete privacy and risked being exposed. Which I've conceded several times
In that case, in future, I'd argue footy players playing dress up at pubs shouldn't really be doing that because they risk exposure (as we've established exposure can't eliminated). Someone somewhere is going to take offence to something so best not go to the pub at all.
Does this explain it for you Dogs_R_Us ?