Current Murder of Luke Davies & Jesse Baird AFL Goal Umpire & ex Ch 10 Presenter * Stalker Cop Charged

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Thursday 16 February:
Service revolver obtained for user pays event. Was stored at mother's as per regulations.

Sunday 19 February: User pays event.

Monday 20 February: The murders at Baird's Paddington rental.

Monday 19 February: Police have alleged gunshots were heard from a house in Paddington, Sydney in the morning. Four minutes after the first shots were fired there was a 000 call made from Jessie's phone around 9.45am, but it disconnected. Police said there was "no communication" during that call.

Monday evening: Police have alleged Lamarre-Condon hired a white Hiace van from Sydney Airport.

Tuesday 20 February: Police have alleged that partial admissions were made by Lamarre-Condon to an acquaintance of having been involved in the death of two individuals.

Service revolver was returned to Balmain & later transferred to original storage.

Wednesday 21 February: Bloodied clothing belonging to both victims and an $8000 watch were found in a skip bin in the southern Sydney suburb of Cronulla. Police launch a missing persons investigation and the homicide unit is notified

Later same Wednesday: Police have alleged Lamarre-Condon attended the Bungonia area with an acquaintance who police believed assisted him in purchasing an angle grinder and padlock from a local hardware store in that area, before driving to a rural property in Bungonia.

Police said the "small" angle grinder was used to sever a padlock from the gate of that particular rural property and then that padlock was replaced with a padlock purchased from the hardware store.

The acquaintance was left at the top of the property for 30 minutes. The accused disappeared for that period in the Hiace van, returning to pick up the acquaintance and then they returned to Sydney later that afternoon. Police said the acquaintance was assisting them in their inquiries, that she is not a suspect, and they believe she was an "innocent agent".

Wednesday 11pm: Police have said that evening, weights were purchased from a department store by the accused and it is believed that the accused returned to that rural property overnight and during that evening, having also acquired two torches from the acquaintance.

Thursday 22 February: Police have alleged they can place the accused leaving the Bungonia area again at 4.30am. "It would appear that the accused has remained in the city area, still in control of the white Hiace van, before attending a further acquaintance's premises in the Newcastle area and without fully disclosing any criminality, asked access to a hose to clean that van," Hudson said.

Friday 23 February: At 10.39am, Lamarre-Condon presents himself at Bondi Police Station where he was arrested and subsequently charged.

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Obviously with his history of being a “celebrity blogger” this could be a way that his name is forever remembered?

Certainly won’t be famous - maybe he settled for infamous.

Iff he’s guilty and I mean he handed himself in . Other names would come to mind. Evil psychopath. … imo

On iPhone using mobile app
I still believe that there is a possibility, that he dumped them in the ocean, close to where the bloody clothes and personal affects were found.
Or that one is disposed that way and the other elsewhere.
The rest of the travel could be laying false trails or he only moved one body south.
Or just disposing of the J's phone in the south.
Also getting the female friend to go along could just be to avoid being noticed if the description is of a lone male then who is going to look for a couple?
how do we know that he didn't have photocopied plates to stick on the van?
Were things done by him to make the police draw false conclussions and be being led on a merry dance looking far and wide when it's a lot closer to 'home'.
The risk of transporting a body many kilometers forms a greater possibility of being caught doing so.
I just have a strong sense of it "the ocean' as being a. very possible disposal site that I can't seem to shake.
And where does the barefoot walking along the street come into all of this?
What day is that in the timeline? Does anyone know? As far as I can recall it was never very clear when this was.
It is one of the only sightings of him on camera that we have seen released.
At first I was very suspicious that it was a 'crime of the moment' and there were some dumb moves but maybe it was premeditated and he is better at this crime than it would appear. Especially now we know there was months of very concerning and concerted stalker behaviour prior by someone who was skilled in that area.
I don't know and I will stop myself speculating any further.
Not sure if it’s been discussed but what is the process when a police officer hands back their weapon is it checked for bullets used? I’m guessing he could have had his own bullets but just curious on what the handback procedure would be.

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I still believe that there is a possibility, that he dumped them in the ocean, close to where the bloody clothes and personal affects were found.
Or that one is disposed that way and the other elsewhere.
The rest of the travel could be laying false trails or he only moved one body south.
Or just disposing of the J's phone in the south.
Also getting the female friend to go along could just be to avoid being noticed if the description is of a lone male then who is going to look for a couple?
how do we know that he didn't have photocopied plates to stick on the van?
Were things done by him to make the police draw false conclussions and be being led on a merry dance looking far and wide when it's a lot closer to 'home'.
The risk of transporting a body many kilometers forms a greater possibility of being caught doing so.
I just have a strong sense of it "the ocean' as being a. very possible disposal site that I can't seem to shake.
And where does the barefoot walking along the street come into all of this?
What day is that in the timeline? Does anyone know? As far as I can recall it was never very clear when this was.
It is one of the only sightings of him on camera that we have seen released.
At first I was very suspicious that it was a 'crime of the moment' and there were some dumb moves but maybe it was premeditated and he is better at this crime than it would appear. Especially now we know there was months of very concerning and concerted stalker behaviour prior by someone who was skilled in that area.
I don't know and I will stop myself speculating any further.

(Allegedly) Shooting someone with your service weapon, going MIA, being prime suspect within 48 hours of the crime being reported, being caught on security cameras all over the place and then handing yourself in doesn't exactly scream 'criminal mastermind' to me.
Ch10's reporting today that the investigation of this case is increasingly looking like it is botched is probably a bit bias because of their relationship with Jesse Baird (an ex employee of theirs).

But it's understandable that many that worked with and knew/loved Jesse Baird would be seething that Jesse was initially treated as a suspect for having murdered Davies.

Partly because there was no follow up to check that he was ok from the call from his mobile to 000 four minutes after gunshots were heard by his neighbours. Along with people's expectations of the state of the whole 000 process in NSW being too high at the moment (me included).

Partly because of the messages the accused maliciously and criminally sent from Jesse's mobile.

For that alone, the accused should have no access to the internet in jail for the next X years (if convicted).

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(Allegedly) Shooting someone with your service weapon, going MIA, being prime suspect within 48 hours of the crime being reported, being caught on security cameras all over the place and then handing yourself in doesn't exactly scream 'criminal mastermind' to me.
That's probably one of the reasons he was assigned to the Youth Liaison Unit.

Especially after his highly questionable decision making when using a taser/stun gun that resulted in a formal Police complaint/investigation.
Iff he’s guilty and I mean he handed himself in . Other names would come to mind. Evil psychopath. … imo

On iPhone using mobile app
He would know it was only a matter of time before he was arrested after news reports identified him in connection to Jesse on the Thursday.

With Lamarre voluntarily going into the police station on Friday morning, perhaps he thinks he was still controlling the situation.

'Late on Thursday night, police raided a Balmain house connected to a family member of Lamarre-Condon as part of the investigation into the disappearance of the couple.

Police searched a home on Waite Avenue in Balmain on Thursday night.

Lamarre-Condon did not live at the address, but police sources not authorised to speak publicly said he was thought to be at the home. He had left before their arrival after seeing news reports identifying him in connection to the missing men, the sources said.

Detectives executed a late-night search warrant on the Balmain home on Waite Avenue and seized a number of items as evidence.'
(Allegedly) Shooting someone with your service weapon, going MIA, being prime suspect within 48 hours of the crime being reported, being caught on security cameras all over the place and then handing yourself in doesn't exactly scream 'criminal mastermind' to me.
Ah but that's just the thing owen87 ...think about it a little bit further.
I also thought that it was all too stupid.
But then that is a received bias too.
What if there could be 'an explanation' provided for a lot of the behaviour that would in court change perceptions of could all be a set up for a different 'story'.
Magicians do this sleight of hand...make you concentrate on the wrong thing(s) meanwhile doing something so obvious that you don't believe what you are actually seeing.
So I don't know and I can't dismiss it out of hand.
And please tell me:
Where is he caught on security cameras all over the place?
We have seen one published photo of him walking barefoot.
Ah but that's just the thing owen87 ...think about it a little bit further.
I also thought that it was all too stupid.
But then that is a received bias too.
What if there could be 'an explanation' provided for a lot of the behaviour that would in court change perceptions of could all be a set up for a different 'story'.
Magicians do this sleight of hand...make you concentrate on the wrong thing(s) meanwhile doing something so obvious that you don't believe what you are actually seeing.
So I don't know and I can't dismiss it out of hand.
And please tell me:
Where is he caught on security cameras all over the place?
We have seen one published photo of him walking barefoot.
The police would not be revealing all their evidence to the media .. such as every single photo/footage of him caught on CCTV.
And please tell me:
Where is he caught on security cameras all over the place?
We have seen one published photo of him walking barefoot.
the car he hired was tracked all over the place and I’m assuming his phone pings have been traced too.
He would know it was only a matter of time before he was arrested after news reports identified him in connection to Jesse on the Thursday.

With Lamarre voluntarily going into the police station on Friday morning, perhaps he thinks he was still controlling the situation.

'Late on Thursday night, police raided a Balmain house connected to a family member of Lamarre-Condon as part of the investigation into the disappearance of the couple.

Police searched a home on Waite Avenue in Balmain on Thursday night.

Lamarre-Condon did not live at the address, but police sources not authorised to speak publicly said he was thought to be at the home. He had left before their arrival after seeing news reports identifying him in connection to the missing men, the sources said.

Detectives executed a late-night search warrant on the Balmain home on Waite Avenue and seized a number of items as evidence.'
We don't know what address he lived at. It was said that he was staying with his mother at that address.
Why do we not know where he lived permanently? It has never been mentioned...that I have seen.
The police would not be revealing all their evidence to the media .. such as every single photo/footage of him caught on CCTV.
Yes I know and understand that.
I am asking where does the barefoot photo fit in the known timeline?
And I am also refuting that there are loads of security photos as mentioned by Owen. There aren't necersarily...and there is only one published.
Ah but that's just the thing owen87 ...think about it a little bit further.
I also thought that it was all too stupid.
But then that is a received bias too.
What if there could be 'an explanation' provided for a lot of the behaviour that would in court change perceptions of could all be a set up for a different 'story'.
Magicians do this sleight of hand...make you concentrate on the wrong thing(s) meanwhile doing something so obvious that you don't believe what you are actually seeing.
So I don't know and I can't dismiss it out of hand.
And please tell me:
Where is he caught on security cameras all over the place?
We have seen one published photo of him walking barefoot.

There would be a significant amount more evidence than what they've released, we already know they've searched a number of locations and properties but don't have access to the information to lead them there.

We know he had an incident with a taser as well, which suggests a level of inability to control himself at times.

He obviously knew 'enough' to try to cover it up, but it appears very rushed and after the fact, not something that was plotted in advance.

Without any information or context, if I was walking around barefoot on CCTV after having created a bloody murder scene, it would be because I'd disposed of my blood stained / soaked shoes and didn't have another pair with me - because it wasn't preplanned.

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Not sure if it’s been discussed but what is the process when a police officer hands back their weapon is it checked for bullets used? I’m guessing he could have had his own bullets but just curious on what the handback procedure would be.

Been 2 decades for me being out but my recollection at commencement of shift was pick any service weapon from the safe, check it is empty of ammunition.

Once confirmed the firearm was rendered safe you would insert the muzzle in to a ballistic vacuum kind of a thing whereby you would load it with your own ammunition that you kept on your appointments belt.

(This was still hybrid revolver / glock time and I had a revolver) You would load your 6 cartridges and have another 6 bullets in a little pouch attached to your belt.

Sign that firearm out for the day.

At the end of shift just do the same process but in reverse. Pop your ammunition back on your belt and lock it in your locker until next shift.
Why do we not know where he lived permanently? It has never been mentioned...that I have seen.

Perhaps this is your answer;

It was said that he was staying with his mother at that address.

Might have spent most of his time there if he was locking his gun away in her gun safe as was mentioned in the timeline somewhere.
the car he hired was tracked all over the place and I’m assuming his phone pings have been traced too.
Not the point. I am asking can anyone pin down the released photo to the time line. I was the first one here to point out that the hire van would have a tracker.
(Allegedly) Shooting someone with your service weapon, going MIA, being prime suspect within 48 hours of the crime being reported, being caught on security cameras all over the place and then handing yourself in doesn't exactly scream 'criminal mastermind' to me.

And likely driving bodies all over NSW in a GPS equipped van, with your own phone and one victim’s phone pinging off the same towers at the same time.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We don't know what address he lived at. It was said that he was staying with his mother at that address.
Why do we not know where he lived permanently? It has never been mentioned...that I have seen.
It doesn't really matter does it? Maybe he was staying at different places & didn't have a current permanent address.

I was just responding to the poster who talked about him giving himself up. Considering he was identified in the media on Thursday, he knew he'd be questioned by the police as soon as they found him.
Yes I know and understand that.
I am asking where does the barefoot photo fit in the known timeline?
And I am also refuting that there are loads of security photos as mentioned by Owen. There aren't necersarily...and there is only one published.

I'm not sure you can in any way refute that. The police haven't said anything about how much evidence they have. We do know they've released photos of the white van, and of him walking around barefoot. Given they've already got him in custody, have located the van, and appear to already have a number of sites they're searching it doesn't seem necessary for them to release any more photos.

They also charged him extremely quickly after he turned himself in. It doesn't seem like they're worried about a lack of evidence.
There would be a significant amount more evidence than what they've released, we already know they've searched a number of locations and properties but don't have access to the information to lead them there.

We know he had an incident with a taser as well, which suggests a level of inability to control himself at times.

He obviously knew 'enough' to try to cover it up, but it appears very rushed and after the fact, not something that was plotted in advance.

Without any information or context, if I was walking around barefoot on CCTV after having created a bloody murder scene, it would be because I'd disposed of my blood stained / soaked shoes and didn't have another pair with me - because it wasn't preplanned.
I am asking if anyone can fit the barefoot photo into the time line?
I am not saying he is a mastermind.
I am not saying there is't the evidence.
Go back to what I said originally please.
All I am saying here is there could be a lot more going on with this set up and that simple 'belief' may not be all that there is.
I'm not sure you can in any way refute that. The police haven't said anything about how much evidence they have. We do know they've released photos of the white van, and of him walking around barefoot. Given they've already got him in custody, have located the van, and appear to already have a number of sites they're searching it doesn't seem necessary for them to release any more photos.

They also charged him extremely quickly after he turned himself in. It doesn't seem like they're worried about a lack of evidence.
Of course they charged him quickly. I am not saying he didn't do it. I am not refuting what is known.
I suggest you read all my post's today before you start to presume what I am thinking.
It doesn't really matter does it? Maybe he was staying at different places & didn't have a current permanent address.

I was just responding to the poster who talked about him giving himself up. Considering he was identified in the media on Thursday, he knew he'd be questioned by the police as soon as they found him.
No, maybe not but it is just curious. A basic fact unknown.
Yes I know and understand that.
I am asking where does the barefoot photo fit in the known timeline?
And I am also refuting that there are loads of security photos as mentioned by Owen. There aren't necersarily...and there is only one published.

This article says the footage of him barefoot is from Gray's Point where the van was located.

I'd imagine there would be lots of footage of him on CCTV the police haven't released, particularly of him driving the van around.

Perhaps this is your answer;

Might have spent most of his time there if he was locking his gun away in her gun safe as was mentioned in the timeline somewhere.
As I said read from the start of today. I am not disputing the facts as known.
At no point is where he is living permanently stated. I know he was staying with his mother.
Owen don't treat me like I am a fool when if you look at the top of the page you will see who is listed beside the time line.
If you caan't cope with someone-anyone- posting oblique takes that dont line up with yours then you are very narrow minded.
You have jumped all over what I said misinterpreting it firstly, when corrected, double down and the for good measure try saying a whole lot of stuff that I have never said, called into question or disputed.
What is your problem.
This article says the footage of him barefoot is from Gray's Point.

I'd imagine there would be lots of footage of him on CCTV the police haven't released, particularly of him driving the van around.

Ok thank you.
By the ocean.
Why would they release that one photo?
Probably to in particular jog peoples memory who are in that area.

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Current Murder of Luke Davies & Jesse Baird AFL Goal Umpire & ex Ch 10 Presenter * Stalker Cop Charged

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