Hall of Famer
Not every North pick in every phantom draft, I have agreed with quite a few actually, but I have disagreed with most of North's phantom picks because they haven't fully addressed north's draft needs. I have only claimed knowledge about my club's needs from the draft, not every club. Furthermore, I have already outlined who I've wanted from the draft, so seem you've been reading my posts, you should know that already.
It is clear that from a number of the phantom drafts that some phantom draft posters don't understand every club's needs, which is more than fine, because few ever do the work and why would you waste hours researching other club's you don't even like for a footy forum.
There is absolutely no point in me making a phantom draft as I only fully understand my own club's needs and I won't even pretend to understand over club needs fully. I have been polite in each thread I've disagreed with and outlined perfectly rational reasons.
You fail to realise that clubs usually don't get their first or second or even their third choice at that given selection - So it makes sense that clubs can't always choice for needs at a given selection in a draft - This is the concept your fail to understand or accept - Phantom drafts aim to predict what clubs will do at each selection, taking into account all the variables.